» Religion » The Works of John Bunyan, vol 1, John Bunyan [reading like a writer TXT] 📗

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did it ignorantly, in unbelief’ (1 Tim 1:13-15). I did not know him; I did not believe he was to save us; I thought I must be saved by living righteously, by keeping the law of God. This thought kept me ignorant of Jesus, and of justification from the curse by him. Poor Saul! how many fellows hast thou yet alive!—every man zealous of the law of works, yet none of them know the law of grace; each of them seeking for life by doing the law, when life is to be had by nought but believing in Jesus Christ.

Eighth. ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved’

(Acts 16:31).

A little before, we find Paul and Silas in the stocks for preaching of Jesus Christ; in the stocks, in the inward prison, by the hands of a sturdy jailer; but at midnight, while Paul and his companion sang praises to God, the foundations of the prison shook, and every man’s bands were loosed. Now the jailer being awakened by the noise of this shaking, and supposing he had lost his prisoners, drew his sword, with intent to kill himself; ‘But Paul cried out, Do thyself no harm; for we are all here. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’

In all this relation here is not aught that can justify the jailer.

For, 1. His whole life was idolatry, cruelty, and enmity to God.

Yea, 2. Even now, while the earthquake shook the prison, he had murder in his heart—yea, and in his intentions too; murder, I say, and that of a high nature, even to have killed his own body and soul at once.[19] Well, 3. When he began to shake under the fears of everlasting burnings, yet then his heart was wrapped up in ignorance as to the way of salvation by Jesus Christ: ‘What must I do to be saved?’ He knew not what; no, not he. His condition, then, was this: he neither had righteousness to save him, nor knew he how to get it. Now, what was Paul’s answer? Why, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,’ look for righteousness in Christ, ‘and then thou shalt be saved.’ This, then, still holdeth true, ‘men are justified from the curse, in the sight of God, whilst sinners in themselves.’

[Reasons for the first position drawn from the texts.]

THIRD. I should now come to the second conclusion, viz., that this can be done by no other righteousness than that long ago performed by, and remaining with, the person of Christ. But before I speak to that, I will a little further press this, by urging for it several reasons.

The First Reason.—Men must be justified from the curse while sinners in themselves, because by nature all are under sin—‘All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. He hath concluded all in unbelief; he hath concluded all under sin’ (Rom 3:23, 11:32; Gal 3:22). Now having sinned, they are in body and soul defiled, and become an unclean thing. Wherefore, whatever they touch, with an intent to work out righteousness thereby, they defile that also (Titus 1:15; Lev 15:11; Isa 64:6). And hence, as I have said, all the righteousness they seek to accomplish is but as a menstruous cloth and filthy rags; therefore they are sinners still.’ Indeed, to some men’s thinking, the Pharisee is holier than the Publican; but in God’s sight, in the eyes of Divine justice, they stand alike condemned. ‘All have sinned’; there is the poison! Therefore, as to God, without Christ, all throats are an open sepulchre (Matt 23:27; Rom 3:13).

The world in general is divided into two sorts of sinners—the open profane, and the man that seeks life by the works of the law.

The profane is judged by all; but the other by a few. Oh! but God judgeth him.

1. For a hypocrite; because that notwithstanding he hath sinned, he would be thought to be good and righteous. And hence it is that Christ calls such kind of holy ones, ‘Pharisees, hypocrites!

Pharisees hypocrites!’ because by their gay outside they deceived those that beheld them. But, saith he, God sees your hearts; you are but like painted sepulchres, within you are full of dead men’s bones (Prov 30:12; Matt 23:27-30; Luke 11:26, 16:15). Such is the root from whence flows all their righteousness. But doth the blind Pharisee think his state is such? No; his thoughts of himself are far otherwise—‘God, I thank thee,’ saith he, ‘I am not as other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this publican’

(Luke 18:11,12). Aye, but still God judgeth him for a hypocrite.

2. God judgeth him for one that spurneth against Christ, even by every such work he doth. And hence it is, when Paul was converted to Jesus Christ, that he calls the righteousness he had before, madness, blasphemy, injury; because what he did to save himself by works was in direct opposition to grace by Jesus Christ (Phil 3:7,8; Acts 22:3,4, 26:4; 1 Tim 1:14,15). Behold, then, the evil that is in a man’s own righteousness! (1.) It curseth and condemneth the righteousness of Christ. (2.) It blindeth the man from seeing his misery. (3.) It hardeneth his heart against his own salvation.

3. But again, God judgeth such, for those that condemn him of foolishness—‘The preaching of the cross,’ that is, Christ crucified, ‘is to them that perish foolishness’ (1 Cor 1:18,23). What, saith the merit-monger, will you look for life by the obedience of another man? Will you trust to the blood that was shed upon the cross, that run down to the ground, and perished in the dust? Thus deridingly they scoff at, stumble upon, and are taken in the gin that attends the gospel; not to salvation, but to their condemnation, because they have condemned the Just, that they might justify their own filthy righteousness (Isa 8:14).

But, I say, if all have sinned, if all are defiled, if the best of a man’s righteousness be but madness, blasphemy, injury; if for their righteousness they are judged hypocrites, condemned as opposers of the gospel, and as such have counted God foolish for sending his Son into the world; then must the best of ‘men be justified from the curse in the sight of God while sinners in themselves’; because they still stand guilty in the sight of God, their hearts are also still filthy infected—‘Though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before ME, saith the Lord God’ (Jer 2:22). It stands marked still before God.

So, then, what esteem soever men have of the righteousness of the world, yet God accounts it horrible wickedness, and the greatest enemy that Jesus hath. Wherefore, this vine is the vine of Sodom; these clusters are the clusters of Gomorrah; these grapes are grapes of gall; these clusters are bitter, they are the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps (Matt 3:7; 23). No marvel, then, if John in his ministry gives the first rebuke and jostle to such, still calling them serpents and vipers, and concluding it is almost impossible they should escape the damnation of hell; for of all sin, man’s own righteousness, in special, bids defiance to Jesus Christ.

The Second Reason.—A second reason why men must stand just in the sight of God from the curse, while sinners in themselves, is, because of the exactions of the law. For were it granted that men’s good works arose from a holy root, and were perfect in their kind, yet the demand of the law—for that is still beyond them—would leave them sinners before the justice of God. And hence it is that holy men stand just in the sight of God from the curse; yet dare not offer their gifts by the law, but through Jesus Christ; knowing that not only their persons, but their spiritual service also, would else be rejected of the heavenly Majesty (1 Peter 2:5; Rev 7:14-16; Heb 8:7,8).[20]

For the law is itself so perfectly holy and good as not to admit of the least failure, either in the matter or manner of obedience—‘Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them’ (Gal 3:10). For they that shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, are guilty of all, and convicted of the law as transgressors (James 2:9,10). ‘Tribulation,’

therefore, ‘and anguish, upon every soul of man that doth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile’ (Rom 2:9). And observe, the law leaveth thee not to thy choice, when, or when not, to begin to keep it; but requireth thy obedience so soon as concerned, exactly, both as to the matter and manner, and that before thou hast sinned against it; for the first sin breaks the law. Now, if thou sinnest before thou beginnest to do, thou art found by the law a transgressor, and so standest by that convicted of sin; so, then, all thy after-acts of righteousness are but the righteousness of a sinner, of one whom the law hath condemned already (John 3:18).

‘The law is spiritual, but thou art carnal, sold under sin’ (Rom 7:14).

Besides, the law being absolutely perfect, doth not only respect the matter and manner as to outward acts, but also the rise and root, the heart, from whence they flow; and an impediment there spoils all, were the executive part never so good—‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL thy heart, with ALL thy soul, with ALL thy mind, and with ALL thy strength’ (Mark 12:30). Mark the repetition, with all, with all, with all, with all; with all thy heart, with all thy soul, in all things, at all times, else thou hadst as good do nothing. But ‘every imagination of the thought of the heart of man is only evil continually’ (Gen 6:5). The margin hath it, ‘the whole imagination, the purposes, and desires’; so that a good root is here wanting. ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?’ (Jer 17:9).

What thoughts, words, or actions can be clean, sufficiently to answer a perfect law that flows from this original? It is impossible. ‘Men must therefore be justified from the curse, in the sight of God, while sinners in themselves.’ But further yet to open the case.

There are several things that make it impossible that a man should stand just in the sight of God but while sinful in himself.

1. Because the law under which he at present stands, holds him under the dominion of sin; for sin by the law hath dominion over all that are under the law (Rom 6:14). Dominion, I say, both as to guilt and filth. Guilt hath dominion over him, because he is under the curse: and filth, because the law giveth him no power, neither can he by it deliver his soul. And for this cause it is that it is called beggarly, weak, unprofitable; imposing duty, but giving no strength (Gal 3:2, 4:9). Expecting the duty should be complete, yet bendeth not the heart to do the work; to do it, I say, as is required (Rom 8:3). And hence it is again that it is called a ‘voice of words’ (Heb 12:19);[21] for as words that are barely such are void of spirit and quickening life, so are the impositions of the law of works. Thus far, therefore, the man remains a sinner.


2. The law is so far from giving life or strength to do it, that it doth quite the contrary.[22]

(1.) It weakeneth, it discourageth, and dishearteneth the sinner,

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