» Religion » Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman's Odyssey, BS Murthy [classic book list txt] 📗

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soon set her free.


Yuddha Kanda (War on Ravan)


Canto 1

Embrace of a Gift


Pleased no end was Rama then
Hope thus Hanuman could infuse 
In his forlorn spouse Seetha. 
Well O Hanuman thy great deeds
Would stand out all times to come.

With God Vayu ’n Garuda
Fly who with ease seas across
Make thee living legend now on.
Just to set foot in Lanka
Dare not angels ever in dreams. 
Know not I a soul on earth
Dared that trespass Ravan’s land,
Speaks in volumes thy valour
Dared as thee ’n came back sound.
Comes it when to sheer valour
Know thee none can ever equal. 
Blessed is thy Lord Sugreeva
Hath who in ranks Vayu’s son
Acts who to his Lord’s benefit
Outside though brief of his Lord. 
Might we call him just worthy
Who that goes by master’s brief. 
Meets no end on he errand
Strives who none though well-spoken.
Errand on that thou was sent
To find my spouse in alien land
Ruled by none else but Ravan
Left no stone thou ever unturned.
Had thee not thus found Seetha
Sure it would have been my death
Know thus with thy dedication
Saved thou life of me for now.

For I lost my crown and all
For the worse of fate of mine
For thy good turn O Hanuman
For me to show due gratitude
None have I to bestow thee.
Like to take thee in my arms
So that I could bring my heart
Closer now to thine own one
Helps as that to convey well
Gratitude it bears for thee.
Having spoken thus Rama
Taken Hanuman moved by then
Into warmth of his embrace.


Canto 2

Coronation and After


Led by Vasisht high priest then
Ram ’n Seetha reached high throne.
One by one then twelve Vasus
And those grand seers eight of them
Perfused both of them with scents.
Then those elders let Brahmans
Virgins, nobles and Generals
Likewise perfuse them on throne.
Soon after were invited
Angels all to perfuse Ram
Seetha too with heavenly scents. 
Held Ram’s sibling Satrughna
Canopy over royal heads
While Lord Sugreev deemed if fit
To don the role of fan boy then. 
As a mark of his respect
Fanned them Vibhishan from other end.
Standing in for Lord Indra
Gave them Vayu gold lotus.
On his own then Vayu gave 
Pearl necklace for Ram to wear. 
Made the singers ’n dancers
Sent by Indra from his court
Seem it like a heavenly show. 

Portend well to Ram’s lordship
Mother earth came up with bounty.
Last which would for generations
Such farm wealth Ram gave Brahmans.
For the sake of their womenfolk
Ram gave Brahmans all rare gems.
Gave then Ram to Sugreeva
Pearl chain that seemed Milky Way.
Gave Lord Ram to Prince Angad 
Epaulets gold with blood red stones.
Pearl chain that Ram gave Seetha
Looked like moonbeam in blue skies.

With the consent of her Lord
Gave then Seetha silk garments
As well jewels to Hanuman.
Pulled out Seetha from her self
Necklace that was she fond of.

Sensed as Ram her intent true
Beseeched he she bestows that
Upon the one she loves the most
Apart from the spouse of hers.
Heartened as she was at that
Gave that Seetha to Hanuman.
Wore it Hanuman in reverence
Shone he like the moon on earth. 
Honoured Rama Dwividu then
With Maindun ’n Neel as well
With such gifts that touched their hearts.
Went on Ram to honour friends
Left was none from vanar ranks. 
Not the one to ignore friends
Ram then called for Vibhishan
Gave him gifts that pleased him most.
Last but not the least on list
Was Hanuman who got the best
From Lord Ram who valued him.
 Came as time for guests to part
Gave them consent Ram to leave.
 All the way to Kishkindha
Led then flock his Sugreeva.     
Left for Vibhishan to Lanka
To reign in place of Ravan then. 
Settled as Ram for his long reign
Spoke he then to Lakshman thus:
Sibling loyal O Lakshman
Consent to be my Crown prince. 
At that Lakshman turned his back
Bharath he then pushed to forefront.
Yagas ordained by Vedas
In his long reign Ram performed.

Reign ten millennia his lasted
Domain of its spread worlds over.
Helped as Lakshman in his reign
Giving hands of Ram then touched 
Horizons wide of all three worlds.

Took care Ram of his subjects
No poor cousin was ever ignored.
In his reign all lived full life
None was ruined by Acts of God.
Died no infant in his reign
Lived no dacoit to name one.
Reigned well dharma in his time
Gone were faction fights of yore. 
None was barren in his land
In scores bore women there children.

Took his name all day and night
Revered him all worlds to one man.
Climes all then put their best foot 
Dared not drought to visit his land.    
Lived all making best of life 
Shown was door to greed by all. 
Sense of fairness ruled as minds
Were there no mean in his reign. 
Such was golden rein of Ram
10 K summers it lasted
To the world that lapsed itself
Turned that distant past in time.
Told are life ’n times of Ram
In this foremost poetic work
Sage Valmiki gave this world. 
Brings it cheer to who reads it
Besides those who hear it read.
Women who hear all Ramayan
Bear they sons who live for long.
Hears who victor Rama’s tale
Keeps he death at bay for long.

Who in reverence hears saga
Of Lord Ram in Ramayan
Gave to world by Valmiki 
Comes out unscathed from hardships.
Helps man Ramayan come to 
Grips with anger and distress.
To and fro in one’s voyage
Gives this tale him safe passage.
Hear who Rama’s tale till end
Gods are known to bless them all.
Rulers who read Ramayan
Come to rule the entire world.
Swear who by this ancient work
Absolved would be from all sins.
Store if set by Rama’s tale
Turns warrior the tides battle.
Reads if one or hears this tale
Grace he hath of Lord Rama.
In his avatar as Rama
Ordained Vishnu that Seshu
Makes who heavenly cushion for him
Would be with him as Lakshman.
One who hears ever this saga
Gets a spouse who well pleases. 
Who in reverence hears this tale
Earns he fame that lasts for long.
Reads Whoso this adi kavya
Wins he heart of Lord Vishnu.
Essence of it whoso gets
Pleases progenitors ’n angels. 
Rewrites whoso this saga
As told by sage Valmiki
Ascend he would heaven in end.







Publication Date: 01-27-2015

All Rights Reserved

Sexy co-wives of Ravan / Kissed in ardour one another; In their craving for Ravan / Made they lesbian love in turns; Made some thighs of their co-wives / headrests for their wondrous heads; Used for leggies flat bellies / Of co-wives to spread their legs. Amorous woman in all her want / Locked one lissome lass like brace; Came to Ravan's women handy / instruments varied that there lay. One with throbbing boobs so big / Hugged a drum like lover in want; Pressed one flute in her valley / As would amorous manhood; Hugged as eager a woman violin / Pressed by heaving breasts of hers / Scored it erotic notes on own; Looked one temptress every inch / Hugged she trumpet like a wrench; One who drank all to the dregs / Tabor she locked in armpit; Demure was the one that hugged / Drum so small her breasts could hold; Those that could hold no longer / made they dildos of their flutes. These are not excerpts from some modern romantic poetry but the transcreative verses of Sundara Kanda of Ramayana,

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