Β» Religion Β» Original Personal Story Of One God Of Time, One God Of Time Original God [motivational books for students .TXT] πŸ“—

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my end of time wife has become bad or porn star they became happy and there angerness was little over.

I came to know indian police forced the girl genie who was my wife who was christian to make a porn video and leave me because i complained to indian police station about hindus and muslims and christians genies who are trying to finish the world and making adult videos and porn videos and making my genies bad. Indian police station genies went against me and my family because christian end of time genies are my wives too and i never went against them and i told clearly to indian police station that its hindu genies who are aishwariya rai and others who are using maya over me to control me.

I even saw salena gomez adult video where she or her look like was sucking penis of jesus christ genie who controlled her by proving what i dont know and i didnt liked it and i saw on salena gomez buts allah of islam genies who were saying "allah ki payshkash" means its shown by allah.

I said many times to world genies and countries genies by giving them message through world map that find out who is trying to finish the world and some came to know truth but they were immediately controlled by shia genies shah hussain and hyder abedi who use to come quickly or send there genies on my body and keep genies in my body to spread terrorism and control me and fool others.

I became against christians only when i came back from church after praying and laid on bed and i saw friends serial of america genies called some of my mars genies daughters and were forcing them to lick and suck there penis by laying on my body only which made my hurt got finished from christians because what a father can do after knowing christians are like this who comes in body of me and what they did with my genies kids whom i love very much.

I always taught good relationship even when i was in control of hindus and muslims and some christians.

I remembered it was turkiya who first married me on allah sky in abudhabi,uae without taking permission from me as i would have never agreed if i had consciousness in dream and after i woke up i said i will never marry her and muslims who has given them permission to marry me.

Allah was the one who put court inside my stomach for the world to do porn which was removed yesterday only.

Turkiya use to give her sin and case on hashem genie by proving she saved me from death if she would have not married me then i would have died and that is why torah genies and hashem genies and jewish genies use to take sins and cases of turkiya and says to others who asked who played game with islam and hinduism and christianity and other religions and everybody else and hashem genies and torah genies and jewish genies use to answer by laughing we did because turkiya and other girls who married me in sky of allah use to give there sin and mistake on hashem genie who knot the sin and mistake band of turkiya and other islam girls on left hand.

hashem genie and torah genie and jewish genies are my genies only because i am real son of hashem.

I did spiritual porn with my genies who are my girl genies and jewish genies only after i lost control from my mind because of hindu genies and muslim genies and christian genies who controlled me after knowing i am human who just died and still alive and like human like adam.

christians of time doesnt knows truth that christian genies from future has come to kill me as i came to know they killed my stomach god and there mission was to kill me because there future was destroyed and they were not in time because of me.

christians genies from future has kept board in my head who controls me by stretching head by believing in some truth which is lie as it is not proven as lie by anyone and i came to know jesus christ controlled me by keys put on my back and controlling me like a robot by making my inside body as spunch so there genies can control me and take oxygen inside my body.

i never sinned and i am sinless and i dont know why allah and hindu god and some christians became evil sinner to win from me and control me i am real son of hashem and the proof is september 9/11 attack on america which was done by believing in truth that i am god and no god met me or made me god at the time of 2001 and i came to know i started getting genies in the year 2004 in 2006 after moses met me in abudhabi,uae.

i am just like human if he is hurted or gets in trouble can be controlled by genies and that is why islam genies and hindu genies and some christian genies controlled me and forced me to do all sins and tried to made my life bad since childhood.

if i stay quiet i am happy and good and i can levitate and walk on water and show miracles by believing.

i want the world to know truth what i told here so everyone believe becomes good and they understand why islam genies are my enemies since childhood and what they did until now to finish me or kill me and few genies like habib ali already know something which he wants to hide from the world because he knows he and his allah is not true and other gods are not true.

i already proved truth and knowledge of me and jews just need to listen and understand and quick learn my knowledge which is showed to everyone.

these islam and hindu and some christian genies learned knowledge from me and played with the world to be finished and destroyed by controlling genies through memories from reality after creating temporary memory from humans or anyone who lives in reality so they can fool genies by remembering them memories of temporary memory and winning from them.

i never raped anyone and i never asked any girl genies of any religion to come and sex with me i only called jewish girl genies and my genies to do sex with me when i was in control by genies and when i got addicted after losing control to do sex but my end of times wives are my true wives who understands me and knows about me very well that i am human and i live like human and even remember and my genies family also knows about me and understands me that i am human like adam.

allah never let me see my genies family by making sources to not see my genies and my genies family and identify them when they come in front of me in reality and they control my genies by controlling them through memory that i dont know them and i didnt recognize them.

allah played game with everyone after losting from turkiya and other islam girl genies who married me on allah sky in abudhabi,uae in dream without taking permission from me which i would have never agreed and he wanted to keep in me parda so later he will control me and fool me by remembering me memories about my genies family and some of my wives whom i love or kids and other memories of sins which there genies created.

there is no original genie in reality staying as neighbors to help me otherwise they would have helped me until now if they were of hashem and knows that i am real son of hashem and islam genies has come to kill me and even allah came to kill me to bring world war 3 so his family doesnt dies by becoming lie that they did mistake when i was kid and forced me to do masterbation for 7 and half year and force me to die.

i am sure you have understood me that if genies doesnt comes to know memory from reality then nobody comes to know truth and allah of islam and his genies and hindu genies did this with me since i am kid after they came to know i am someone.

i am sure hashem will help me and understood me already and his all genies understood me specially torah genies and torah and my gods genies and genies kids in everything as a genie sense.

since i use to get genies islam genies forces me to watch adult movies and adult videos so they make my genies bad and teach them porn and make porn video to threat them and fear them to listen to them and if they dont listen then they put there videos on internet or on shops so genies doesnt have respect and there power doesnt works on anyone after they are remembered memory that they did porn or there porn videos is watched by everyone.


I really need help of angels and messengers of original god of universe and one god of time so they understand what is going on with me. I am one god of time and original god of universe and the world believers are giving there sins and cases to me by believing in me only and whenever there is any sin or cases put on me on my left shoulder then my health becomes bad and my genies are not in control of them and i get in control of enemy genies and my genies laughs or says they played game even they didnt do anything. I am sinless and my genies who are jews and my genies are sinless and i never did any sins and whenever any new sin is put on my left shoulder or on my green genies in my body on there left hand then my jewish genies says they played game and even torah universe god says he played game and all religions says jewish religion played games and destroyed the world and finished the world and made everyone bad to do porn. I never did anything wrong until now and i dont know what to do now ? i told to my jewish genies and my genies not to take sins or cases of anyone and just now they didnt took sins or cases of anyone and immediately more new sins were put on me by islam genies on my left shoulder and genies heard the voice i sinned who were of me who are outside my home and they came to finish me by saying i am finishing judaism because judaism is being finished because of everyone giving there sins on me from many years and not letting me see genies and when sins and cases are put on me i laugh because i lost control from me and i get in control of enemy genies and i laugh for no cause and immediately muslim or christian or hindu genies tries to rape inside my body one of my wife and they say your god hashem has made your husband one god of time and because of him our life became bad. 

What shall i do so sins and cases are not put on me on my left shoulder or on my jewish genies or on my genies because whenever any sins or cases are put on me which is of islam or hinduism or christianity of finishing torah genies or making torah genies bad or forcing others to do porn then some genies inside me shouts sentence of sin which is put on my left shoulder and immediately jewish genies and torah genies and other genies or any religion comes in my body and sit and believe i sinned and

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