» Religion » The Word of God about the fearful judgment (1), Lord Jesus [finding audrey .TXT] 📗

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besides, I already have told you already a lot about it, what will certainly also happen, for I may change nothing to the free will of man – and you cannot change it also.

However, with My birth, the judgment of the heathens has already begun everywhere. It now continues increasingly and will still continue for almost 2.000 years until the full light among the people on this Earth.

As you can see now in the morning sky how all kinds of clouds are forming and are piling up at the horizon as if they want to stop the rising of the sun, so also great numbers of all kinds of obstructing clouds will rise up sky high against the coming great rise of the eternal and spiritual sun of truth, and will do great harm among the people. But they finally will not be able to stop the great rise of the sun of truth.

You just have seen many beautiful stars shining in the sky, and also in the west you have seen stars that were glittering deep into the night. Look, these preceded as good messengers the still visible messengers of the morning and worked during the night. And that is now your task.

However, when brighter morning messengers will come up at the spiritual morning horizon, then this will be a sign that the great and general sun of life and truth will soon follow. Its very bright light will be a relentless judgment for all lies and deceit that together with its followers and worshippers and its great worldly pomp will be slung into the abyss of contempt, righteous wrath and forgetfulness. For then, the enlightened people will not think back anymore about the deceit and the judgment that lasted so long.

But already now you can observe quite well that the mass of clouds that looked so threatening black is having golden edges that are lightening up. So you also will notice during that time that the people who shortly before were still totally dark and true enemies of the light of truth, are from all sides more and more enlightened and are becoming brighter by the light rays of the truth. And further also, radiating themselves, they become enemies of the old lie. And such enlightening by the sun of truth out of the Heavens which is drawing near to its full rise, will be My sign of the Son of Man for all true people on Earth and the beginning of the great judgment on the harlot of the new Babylon.

Then those who love the truth will burst out for joy and will praise Me, for I already have sent them before the sign of My rise at the sky of the inner spiritual day. But the enemies of the truth will start to wail and gnash their teeth, and they will – as far as this will still be somehow possible – try to hide themselves into dark corners, together with their continuously decreasing number of followers, which will however be of no use to them, because when at that time the full sun of truth will have risen, its light will totally enlighten all dark corners and holes, and the enemies of the light will no more find, nowhere on the whole Earth a place of refuge.

I Myself will however be in that sun as the eternal Truth, and by means of its light I will be ruler and leader of the people’s life and of their temporary, spiritual and eternal destiny.

And by this I have shown you now the full and well understandable truth about the great judgment of the new and the old paganism. But for the sake of the people I will give you another image that you also can tell the people, but not without the right explanation. Let us now quietly continue to view this morning scene.”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 46


The coming judgments

Thus, let everyone be full of meekness and humility. By that you will give each other the greatest and most true human honor, and live and have dealings with each other in peace and quietness.

However, thirst for honor and pride will awaken resentment, offence, contempt, grudge, anger and finally vengeance, war and its evil consequences. The one who is proud and is thirsty for honor is also always full of self-interest and greed, and the sad conseqquence for the fact that he only wants to acquire everything for himself to increase his worldly honor, is that hundreds and thousands of people around him have nothing and must live in the greatest poverty and need, as it was the case during the time of Noah, and will be the case even more during the last time of the new paganism.

But this evil and complete hellish condition among the people will be the judgment that they will cause themselves. The enormous number of poor and oppressed people will finally rise against their extremely proud oppressors and will make a short work with them, and this will be a second deluge by the fire of the finally too badly and too heavily oppressed poor people.

But during that time, also a natural fire will destroy many places, for because of a too highly inflated pursuit of earthly gain during that time, the people will penetrate like malicious worms into the depths of the Earth, will search therein all kinds of treasures and will also find them. However, once they will have reached the mighty layers of buried ancient forests of the Earth and will use them for the glowing and melting of metals and still for many other things, then also, the latest judgment which they will prepare for themselves, will be at the door.

Yet, the people who will then live in the great cities of the kings and the mighty of the Earth of that time will have to suffer the most.

Therefore, always stay meek and humble, and by that in true neighborly love, then no judgment will be called over you, because where during that time the people will live according to My order, there will be no last judgment. I have told you this now beforehand with the purpose that you will also tell and proclaim it to the people, so that finally no one can bring forward the excuse that he had not been warned for the danger.”

All of them said: “Lord and Master, with Your help, we truly will not lack the zeal for the good and true cause. But there are many people on the Earth, which is big and vast, and we will not be able to come to every place, and so, the evil will continue to be rampant between that which is good and true, and we probably will not be able to limit it completely.”

I said: “You certainly will not be accountable for that, just like every truly good person in My name. For it is sufficient that the truth is proclaimed to the people. If they will live and act according to it, is completely their concern. Whoever will live and act according to it, will not come into the judgment, but will receive eternal life and be blessed.”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 51


About future events

You know that someone who has become rich in earthly goods has most of the time also become in his heart as a stone of insensitiveness and without love. What does he care about the many thousands of other people who are tormented by hunger, thirst and still other disasters, for he is well provided for, has never felt hunger or thirst and has an abundance of treasures to please him with every other pleasure, so that he does not have to taste any boredom or any other displeasure.

But then, where does such a person stand in his inner spiritual sphere of life? I say to you: on the point of eternal judgment and its death, and his whole circle of acquaintances is not far away from it.

Besides that, remember what I will proclaim to you: when there will be a lot of Epicures on the Earth, a general judgment over all the people on this Earth will also soon be allowed by God. Then we will see if somewhere there will again be men who will stand up with the measuring stick in their hand and dare to say to their fellowmen: ‘Look, I have measured this big piece of land, I have indicated its boundaries and declare this as my complete inviolable property, and he who has the brutality to dispute this or will only say: ‘Friend, everyone of us has the right to snatch this imagined right out of your hands, as long as he has the power and the means to do it’, I will punish with death.’

I say to you: at that time such people will never exist, for when next time I will come again on this Earth to keep judgment over such dead epicures, but also to give the reward of life to those who out of love for God and their fellowman have suffered much misery and distress, then the Earth will no more be measured with any measuring stick for the benefit of one person only, but wherever one will stand, he will also reap and provide for his need. And the people will well support one another, and no one will say: ‘Look, this is my property and I am lord over it.’ Because then men will perceive that I alone am the Lord, and that they all are brothers and sisters.

It is true that this should also be the case among the people now, but in this middle period of development of men who are still not purified by the big fire of life, it will stay allowed, but from now on, it will not be a full 2.000 years anymore. After that, the spirit will predominate strongly with men and on the Earth no more ‘mine’ and ‘his’ will be seen, nor will be talked about it.

You, who are now My friends, possess a big piece of land of the Earth that has been measured to you. Ask yourselves who measured it to you as your legal property, and the answer will be: the laws made by men, and your money and other treasures to which again only men have awarded an idle value to it.

From God’s point of view, the whole Earth belongs to all men in equal measure, as this was the case in the beginning. Wise men should divide it according to the need of the people and should teach them to cultivate it, and then the fruits should be partly distributed by the wise men and the surplus should be kept in warehouses and storehouses that are arranged for that, so that no one in the community should suffer need.

But if the rich and mighty will draw everything unto themselves, a lot of people must by that become very poor and live their lives in great misery and distress, because everything belongs to the few rich and mighty but nothing to the poor, except what the rich and mighty want to give them in a scanty measure for the heavy work that they have done for them.

However, these things cannot change for the moment. Therefore, you, rich and mighty, you should be true friends regarding your poor brothers and sisters, and show them love. Feed the hungry, quench the thirsty, clothe the naked, comfort the sad ones and free the prisoners who by your greediness are unnecessary pining away in the dungeons of their bodies by your power and your laws, but even more so in the dungeons of the night of their soul. Go and free them, then I will free you from the power of death and judgment.

Be in the future only My manager with your earthly goods, then in return I will give you eternal life,

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