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PART 88: In this message 88 the LORD asks whether you will align yourselves with men, who know nothing about the future or with GOD WHO is all-knowing.

The LORD also warns people that the way to spend your time now is to help to reach the lost.


Dear Friends of Christ:

Please take time to go back through the Letters from the LORD that were given to us as there is so much insight that all points to the importance of spending time reading your Bible and getting to know the LORD in an intimate way. I have learned so much from these Letters myself since receiving and posting them for others to read. I have seen the LORD through these Letters as a compassionate, truly loving FATHER WHO wants desperately to save HIS children who HE cares deeply for. HOW CAN YOU FIGHT THIS TRUTH IN YOUR HEART? WHAT IN THIS WORLD HOLDS YOU HOSTAGE SO DESPERATELY THAT YOU NEED MORE THAN JESUS?

People ask us all the time how to be ready for the rapture of the church. One, and only one, word comes up in my mind: INTIMACY. If we aren’t intimate with the LORD - then the game is up! So search the meaning of the word INTIMACY in your heart and put the name JESUS next to it - because in my humble estimation there is no better answer.

Matthew 7:21-23. 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Matthew 10:27: What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

Your friends in Christ, Susan & Sabrina.

Please take a moment to read this message about the Sabbath or write us and we will email it to you.


Letter 151. Spoken by the LORD JESUS to Susan August 21, 2011.

Yes daughter, it is time for ME to give you Words:

Children, I am your LORD. It is by MY Grace that you are saved. It is not by your might, it is by MY Wonderful HOLY SPIRIT WHO brought ME up out of the grave and set ME on High Places next to the Right Hand of MY FATHER, your FATHER.

WE are ONE. WE are ALL in ALL. MY Power and Glory is ONE with the FATHER and the SPIRIT. WE are the ALMIGHTY DIADEM. WE reign Supreme over the universe, all of mankind, and beyond.

I bring you Truth Everlasting. MY Truth never falters. It never succumbs to the dealings of men. Men may say what they believe will happen, but MY Truth reigns Supreme. MY Truth says: I AM RETURNING!

Men say they know what tomorrow holds. They predict coming futures, coming changes. They tell what they perceive mankind to look like years from now. They think they know. They plan, they plot, they predict. MY children, it is all dust, dust that I will soon blow away with the breath from MY Nostrils.

What men know about the future which is conceived and formulated in their evil hearts will fall to the ground very soon as reality sinks in: MY Reality! MY Truth! MY Future Plans!

I am sitting back on MY Throne in the Heavenlies watching the comings and goings of mankind, the strivings of men, who know ME not, who neither seek MY Face, open MY Book, Seek MY SPIRIT. I watch patiently as these men formulate their heathen, fleshly plans, plans that intentionally write ME out of mankind’s history books.

Yes, I hear every word spoken, I know every movement of a foot, every sparrow that falls to the ground does not get by ME! I am the Great “I AM.”

These plans of evil men to rewrite history without their GOD will soon fall to nothingness, pass away into eternal nothingness. MY Words will stand forever, never changing, everlasting Words of GOD, HOLY GOD!

Now children, WHO, who will you, align yourself with. Your Everlasting, Unchanging, All-Knowing, All Powerful GOD of the Heavenlies and universe OR men who are evil and merely short lived dust whose names pass over the tongue for just a brief moment in time?

I am coming to retrieve MY eternal church prepared to dwell with ME in Righteousness for all-time. She is sharing space right now with these short lived evil men who profess to know the future, but actually know nothing. Soon she will be pulled to safety, to Everlasting Glory with her KING of Kings, LORD of Lords and those left who plot their evil deeds will then contend with MY Wrath for mankind.

Children, the hour of decision is now. Will you turn to follow these men and every school of thought conceived by MY fleshly creation inspired by MY enemy who longs to destroy you OR will you come to ME, your All Wonder-Making GOD?

Exchange your life of flesh and lust of the world for MY SPIRIT of Truth, MY Blood flowing with Springs of Living Water, Fountains of Love, overflowing Power, Love, Life, Truth!

The world is at a pivotal point. She is teetering on the edge of eternity, where evil man is taking over the earth, only to be met by MY Wrath overflowing. A sorrowful hour looms ahead. Do not remain behind. It will be an hour of great overwhelming sorrow.

I am pleading with you MY people, come to your senses. Wake to the changes going on around you. Stop listening to the explanations of godless men. They are writing their theories of what lies ahead from their godless hearts of stone. These are not men filled with MY SPIRIT. If they were you would know MY Truth, you would hear that all that was told in MY Book is now coming to pass and that now is the hour to prepare your heart to be ready for MY Imminent Return!

This is the time. The time is not way into the long distant future. It is now. So few are watching. Many make excuses for themselves why now cannot be the hour. I tell you so many will be caught in absolute disbelief as MY Coming catches them off guard, the way the flood came down around those on earth so long ago. Noah was tucked away in safety while the others were washed away in flood waters.

There is a storm coming, MY children, of dark clouds of evil. Come in from the storm to safety. This is going to require a complete surrender, a time of laying your complete life down. Let ME clean you up. Let ME save you.

I am the only SAVIOR. I am the ONE WHO will save. Rush to ME. See the storm clouds forming. Come into safety. Turn your life over to ME. I will clean you up, make you ready. Now is the hour of submission. Submit and dwell in safety, eternal safety.

I am the SAVIOR of mankind. Yes, MY Name is JESUS. EVERLASTING SAVIOR.

Matthew 10:29. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

Matthew 24:37-39. 37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Jeremiah 2:13. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

John 7:38. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Revelation 7:17. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

Luke 9:23. And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.


This Letter was Dictated by the LORD JESUS CHRIST to Sabrina on August 23, 2011:

MY children, the time has now really come. All worldly plans must now be put aside, as I am ready to pick up MY bride. All plans that are still in your agenda now, must be filled concerning MY KINGDOM.

Namely, save souls, make people ready for MY Coming and save them from the fire. Many are not ready yet. I want passionate people who pray without ceasing in these last hours. These are the last hours. The days have already elapsed.

MY FATHER is ready. I am ready to pick up MY bride. NOW is the time! NOW is the time to come to ME in total surrender. NOW, MY children! Do not wait any longer, do not delay any longer, because on a day that you all do not expect, I will come and who will be ready?

Where will I find hearts and souls in prayer, waiting for MY Coming, waiting for the BRIDEGROOM. Where? I see few houses yet, few places yet. People become lukewarm, as they forget that their BRIDEGROOM is still coming. I AM am still coming!

Don’t you see it? Don’t you notice it? Wake up people, wake up NOW! NOW is the time! NOW is the time! Give everything to your LORD and MASTER, if I am your MASTER.

I AM the great ALMIGHTY GOD, CREATOR of heaven and earth. WE were here before the foundations of the world, even before you were born, WE were here, MY SPIRIT, THE FATHER and I. WE were always here in the universe.

So come to your MAKER, CREATOR of everything. WE have created everything, including you, including humans. You are OUR invention. You are perfectly made, each one of you, perfect in OUR Eyes.

But OUR enemy, enemy number one, has blinded you all, so everyone now is born in sin. Therefore, MY FATHER has provided a perfect plan, by letting ME share in your sin, so I wore all sin, of all people born and present and future.

All sin is washed away by MY shed BLOOD. I have worn it all MY children. So why then do you turn to dead gods, who are merely idols, made of wood and stone?

Why then do you turn to idols, living in your own self, in your own soul, in your own body, idols mentioned in MY WORD? These idols, but who only work out and want to work out their own orientation, will destroy you, if you do not come to ME NOW in this last hour.

O’ MY children, open your eyes and ears for MY SPIRIT! HE has so much to tell you. HE is always willing to speak to you, but you do not have time. Time for what?

No time for MY SPIRIT! How unfortunate, how very unfortunate. Many do not know MY SPIRIT and as I already mentioned earlier in MY Letters, without HIM no salvation is possible. So you best give HIM the honor HE deserves.

HE is the Great “I AM,” the ALMIGHTY, the MAKER, the CREATOR of all, the Breath that you breathe in and blow out, HE is one with US, OUR SPIRIT, so treat HIM as your ALMIGHTY GOD

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