» Religion » 2009.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, Lord Jesus [best novels to read to improve english txt] 📗

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from descendant to descendant and up to this day and the man alone cannot repair his mistake by which he always, always falls from God, and God from him. I have been waiting with the Father for the fullness of the time written in the Scriptures and then Father has sent Me again on to the earth. I am staying clothed in the word before man and I am speaking to him as I spoke to Adam in paradise. Oh, do not do, dear man, do no longer do as Adam did in paradise! He did not see Me, because I had mercy on him and he was very dear to Me and I did not want to frighten him or make him feel small and shy before Me, because I loved him, but he did not see Me; however My voice accompanied him and I spoke to him as I am speaking with you today, My people on the earth, My faithful people. When I appear before man, I appear because of his unbelief for his disobedience or to strengthen his faith and obedience, but to those who are faithful, who have Me as their Master, I give them My work with obedience, for obedience is for the faithful together with the spirit of prophecy, as the sight of My mysterious things is for those who are unfaithful and doubtful, who have to be judged then for their unbelief, and this is how I speak with man, as he stays before Me, before the One Who sees the man from near and from far away. Oh, I do not want to frighten man with the sight of the glory of My being, but I want him to have fear of God, for woe to the one who is not afraid of God, at least to have fear as much as His angels, who in awe are attentive to all His works with them!


I am staying within a spirit of feast for My mother Virgin in My gardens with you, My people from the spring. Those who have come together at the spring have stayed in holy awe. The Holy Spirit has caught power by their faith and touched many deep down in their being, and you are My little flock but with which I stand before those who come after Me, as I stayed with My little bunch two thousand years ago before those who came after Me when I went from place to place to leave My traces upon the hearts of many and to prove Myself before them as true God from true God, coming from the Father to man, as it was written in the prophets to fulfill. Oh, it is a great comfort for Me when I can speak with man on the earth, when he hears Me speaking to him. Oh, happy and again happy are those who, not seeing Me when I speak to them, believe in My voice and in this word for they will see God because of their clean heart with faith in it, clean with the longing for God by the Lord and man’s difficult walking on the earth!


Oh, My mother, your feast has given birth to love before Me on this day of coming to the spring in the hearts of those who have come with longing. Those who have got used to waiting for the celebrations of the heavens in the gardens of My mound of today, here, near the manger of My word, they come with longing and awe, and others are coming and are added to them and some other keep coming, oh, and how much I wanted My fire to be kindled in them, in many, mother, and they to give it further on the earth from place to place as I have poured it out here to share Myself with it so that it may go off in the longing of the hearts of those who come to the spring to take of it, mother. My longing is to make man like Me, and both My patience and My waiting grow after man, mother. Moreover, My pain grows and it grows more and more for the one whom I showed patience and I waited for and he is slow in walking and in fulfilling My kingdom in him, mother. However, I have hope, and I left word of Holy Spirit on earth so that the hope may remain over the faithful ones; in order to remain upon them: faith, hope and love, for if hope remains, it brings forth faith and both of them are made and each other build love in man, mother, only that they may be a way of the man to heaven, not an occasion to thank in order to hold the man in place but to be very much working and to be the climax of the man’s salvation by his labor for his salvation, mother. Amen, amen, amen.


– Oh, Lord Son, Your love for man is only wound, dear Son! Oh, Oh, if only those to whom You speak would understand; those to whom You speak for their searching for Your word of today, if only they would understand the pain of this wound of Your love so that they may sit near it and become like You, Lord and my Son!


I am coming down in your little hearts and I am speaking to you, those who have stayed with longing and humility before the Lord’s glory on my day of feast when I ascended from earth to heaven on the arms of my Son, Jesus Christ. Oh, open up your little hearts! My spirit of mother wants to give joy to my Son, suffering from the man’s departure from Him. I am speaking with you with humility and I exhort you to learn from me what God in man means, God with man on the earth. Oh, He cannot be delighted with His will and with His work in the one who is not fulfilled in love and sacrifice. The man’s body has to be God’s temple, a holy church and adorned both on the inside and outside by the Lord’s will and hand, as the heaven is adorned with the saints and angels and with all the heavenly adornments. I come after you within the chariot of the Lord’s glory, with His word carried by the angels on the way between heaven and earth and up to the man’s heart, for you have been at the spring and taken from it and I am still giving to you. The ear is the way which brings to your heart the word spoken from above and then the body becomes a servant of God’s dwelling in him, and thus you become a church for my Son and for His Spirit, you, sons and daughters that have drunk of His water, of His spring! Take it within you with His entire work from the Father given for the man’s resurrection during these days of His coming again from the Father to man! His book of today is open by His own hand and He always puts in it by His word warm bread, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) and by it He guides you to His entire will, with which the man always has to stay before Him. You, those who join one by one with the faith in the today’s coming of my Son, Jesus Christ, open up your hearts so that He may have His will come down, His will and His walking! Clothe yourselves within the spirit of obedience and do everything my Son is telling you so that He may make of you a new creature into the midst of the dead on the earth, dead to the Lord! Oh, bring yourself to Him as a sacrifice of obedience, because man cannot be pleased with the Lord without obedience to His entire word full of longing after man! I exhort you with a spirit of mother, sanctify yourselves!  And in order to sanctify yourselves, keep away from the too much hand of the worldly man. Get for yourselves, as much as you can, clean food and use your little hands for those you prepare to eat. Eat from your mother, which God has given to man as food when He set him in Eden. The earth is the bosom from which you have to eat. Oh, do no longer eat meat; do no longer eat from animal or from fowl! Eat from God, eat as He told the man to eat when He put him in paradise[3], for it is the time for the Lord to come in all His glory and man is not prepared, and the sins from him are not washed away, for the feast and the prayer stay far from man’s love. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him? ”, r.n.) Oh, make your bread with your little hands, for bread is Christ’s face and do not take it if it is made by the hands that are not cleaned from sin, from unfaith and from ignorance of God in man! Take the way of holiness and then take care of it then, and the take care among you for you, those who are faithful to my Son, and do not let the world serve you. Oh, seek after the faithfulness for my Son and sanctify yourselves for Him, for the people without God touch the fruit of their sin in everything you buy from their shops to eat. Oh, when you eat, remember that it is not well on the earth and that it is only sin on earth and the sin is a thick bark. If you want to listen to me you will listen and will bring your life to holiness, and your body likewise, and then the understanding of the things from above will come upon you and will teach you the humility of the Lord, for man does not have any humility because of his nature of man. Oh, take on your body holy adornments, with a garment pleasant to the Lord and to His angels and saints! Do not wear, do no longer wear tight and short little clothes and in so many colors, for indecency concerning clothing makes the man sick and man draws man to sin because of the sin of indecency, and woe to those through whom the stumbling block comes, this is what my Son, Jesus Christ said! It is written in the Scriptures and in the prophets about those who are against the Lord, despising the sight of His glory, and whose appearance testifies against them. The man’s haughtiness is great, but it will be made low and the haughtiness of the proud will be crushed in the day when the Lord will be exalted and when people will come into the crevices of the earth because of the fear at the brightness of His glory. The day is coming when only the Lord will shine, and all the brightness of the men’s adornments will fade and they will be humbled under the Lord’s beating. Oh, the woman on the earth is very proud and her looks do no longer have propriety on the earth before anyone, but it is written into the Scriptures that the Lord will make the scalp bald of those who walk with outstretched necks and will uncover their shame, and on that day the Lord will take away all their ornaments: the signet-rings, the earrings, the bracelets, the fine linen garments, the wait belts and tablets, the ankle chains and crowns, the amulets and fine robes, the cloaks and shawls, the hand-mirrors and fine linen, and instead of sweet-spices

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