» Religion » 2011.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, Lord Jesus [top ten books to read txt] 📗

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be faithful! The time is coming for the whole world to see that it does not love God and that God does not love it either, but the Lord wants it for its salvation, and this is the work which I have to fulfill for the world wandering away on the earth and for which I wear purple clothes, a garment sprinkled with blood. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) There is great wisdom for the man to understand God’s mysteries like God, and the world has to see how blind it is, how little it sees, how little it knows when it says that it knows and that it can do. The heavenly language speaks otherwise than the language of the man’s mind, for the man’s language gets confused by itself, and it does not know the heavenly language if it does not come to think otherwise that how the man knows to think with the language of his mind, for man speaks more with the language of his mind than with the language of his mouth, and I have told him this.


Where is the man supposed to hear from, that the blood of the true Christian is white and not red? Behold, My language speaks otherwise than the language of the man’s mind. Has the man known in times that the black of the devil turns red to lie to him and to draw him to its black and devilish garment, as the world is dressed in the black skin of the devil because it does his will? Behold, with the devil, his black becomes red before man to entice him and to turn the man black, and with God, red becomes white, as for many martyrs, when they were cut for My holy name, it was their white blood that ran on the ground and not the red one, and the servants of the devil did not startle at this sign, for their venom was too black to be able to see something with it to mean God with His saints face to face with the devil.


All those who love the Lord on earth wash their little shirt in My blood of sacrificed Lamb for them and whiten their little shirt, for I wore a purpled robe, a robe sprinkled with blood to be able to whiten the man’s shirt, and the man does not have any mind to understand the language of the heaven and its work, which does not take after the language of the man’s mind, the man who does not know what black is, what white is and what red is, for if I speak in My language with the man who pretends to be wise with Me, and he says that I do not know how to speak, that I am not God if I go wrong in My speaking. Oh, woe to you, man who rely on your sight and on the language of your human mind!


Glowing white is the martyrdom garment, but the blood on the garment turns white on the little shirt of the one who has been sacrificed for My name. The man who loves God dresses properly and does not do like the worldly man, who dresses in white in the time of his sin to make the devil white, and the man who loves God humbles and admits that he sins and is blackened by sin, and then he puts on his body a little black coat, (Black coat of the monk, r.n.) but this black is white and holy through the one who is white in his soul and humbles his life under the sign of his unworthiness, cleansing thus the devilish pride form him, in which all people live.


There are parties on earth and there are weddings after weddings, and the wedding has got the bride dressed in white, but the one who dresses in white is black of sin, and behold the language of the devil on the man’s tongue and in the eyes of the man who is blackened by sin, and this is only one of the signs of the lying devil with his work among people.


Oh, sons it is hard to make man understand what black is and what white is, as while with the saints or with those who are sanctified their black garment means humility, repentance and great humility, with the devil’s man is otherwise, for the white or the red garment is pride, it is devilish pride, which means haughtiness, not cleanness or glory as the man knows to lie to himself when the pride of the devil’s sons works like that among people, and behold, pride stands face to face with itself, because the devil’s man cannot hide his pride and the black of his life, just as the holy one of the Lord hides his humility under the humble garment of the repentance of his heart before Me, under the black of his little shirt, which covers under it, the white little shirt of the holy man.


How the black blood of the devil’s man is supposed to be red? When the common man climbs on the throne of a king, is he really a king? Does the humble man worship God by it when he bows before the common one who climbs to be a king? I, the Lord, bowed in humility under the hand of John, the Baptizer, the saint of My Father, the angel of the Father, and I bowed before him that he could baptize Me, but the Father was king in him and not John, a mere man, as he was in the mind of Herod’s adulteress, who sent him from earth to heaven.


Behold, on earth, the devil’s people and the people of sin climb up on the seats of saints or kings, as Caiaphas and Herod did, and God’s people and the people of holiness come down from the seat of the human glory and give themselves over to Me entirely, as by an angelic ministry, Cornelius, the centurion, and Zacchaeus, the tax collector, gave themselves to Me, and as did all those who separated themselves for God from among the people through the time, hating the earthly honors, which were hurting them inside, as they could hardly carry them after they received them from the man of the empty glory, who wanted to use before many even those in whom I, the Lord, was dwelling mysteriously and hidden until the time of their love.


Oh, where else does man find such speaking like Mine, and explanation like Mine, for all those things, which on earth are not according to the man’s language and mind; that is, the man who has become more earthly than the man built by Me out of the dust and in whom I wanted to put the whole heaven after I had built? My speaking is great and big, and it is hard for the man who is small in his faith and in My dwelling in him, for Lucifer, fallen from My glory of angels, spoils the man in his mind and nature and pulls down the one who does not humble under God’s greatness, and therefore, man perishes because of his lack of knowledge for his salvation from God.


Oh, weary sons for My glory, I have told you that I will embrace your feast with the angels by a little word at its end, but My longing is not comforted My, and My spoken word is always little because of the man’s weakness to bear with it.


Now I have to thank those who have travelled to come to My spring of word, at the feast of My angels, and I have given them the angelic hosts as companions on their way back, who will finish their feast only after that. I thank those who have loved Me and have come from the four corners of the earth; I thank them for their love, which brought them to the spring on their way with the angels, for I have sent My angels to meet them. I am giving them holy powers for My holy will in them and I am multiplying their longing and love for those in heaven, who stand in the threshold for the feast of Epiphany when they will come again at the spring, and even from now, I come with the saints and with the angels to meet them again, and to give them again. Amen.


And I am telling them this: Be blessed and sanctify yourselves more and more with every passing day, for I wait for you to come holier and holier and to be more and more heavenly, and to have Me in you; you should grow less for My glory in you and I to be great in you, for this is how are those who are saints, this is how the Lord works for them, and this is how the Lord can work in them with His works. Amen.


And as for you, those who have worked for Me for the glory of the holy feasts here, where I, the Lord have gathered the people at the feasts around My mouth in order to give them from My mouth, oh, and to make you strong always too, sons, because you are few and are small under My strong hand, and I need you very much, well sons, for you have to welcome the guests whenever I announce Myself to you with people assembled at the spring, and you have to work with great holiness, with great love, relying on Me and not on you, for you are small. I have always strengthened you in hard times. In time of joy or in hardships, I am the One Who gives you to have or to be able to work, for the devil has got great sufferance from you and he is upset with you for My glory with you, and he wants to make you cry whenever he can do it; however, I bring you powers and comfort and I reestablish the whole peace and work whenever he crushes the peace from you, for My victory is great, sons, only for you to know how to rely on My care for you, on My love for you; and your labor, in which I give you rest and I rest too, will have a dear reward, sons. Oh, be good! The evil spirit cannot work in those who love Me, but he can work only in those who get proud more than they are. Be full of humility all the time, for only humility helps you to be only Mine. Amen.


I want to give you rest now, to thank you and to comfort you for the care that you have had for the preparation of the feast of the angels. I am sealing with My name all the things from you here, for My name, Jesus Christ, is written on everything. Amen.


Oh, peace to you; much peace to you, sons! I give you My peace in joy and in trouble! My watch, ministered by angels and by saints, covers you everywhere, for you are the sons on whom I rely. Rely on each other within great love, and learn the love of God and seal yourselves with it to be able to remain in it and that it may remain in you too, for he who does not remain in it, perishes, sons. Love one another as I have loved you! Forgive one another as I have forgiven you! Humble yourselves for any wrongdoing, no matter how small it may seem, for the devil does not have any fruit in those who humble themselves for others by love in the name of the love of God among brothers. I will comfort you, I will always give you holy powers to work for Me with them, and I

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