» Religion » THE TRUE GOD, NAZIR AHMAD FAIQ [free children's ebooks online txt] 📗

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(Al-Quran Ch:6 V:97-99)
We can very well observe that a logic in the signs of Allah and the above quoted verses is that these signs are understood by believers, men of understanding-those who have eyes. With regards to this subject, professor Alfred Kroner, one o0f the worlds most famous geologists said, “If you combine all these statements that are being made in the Quran in terms that relate to the earth and science in general, you can basically say that statements made there are in many ways true. They can now be confirmed by scientific methods, and in a way you can say that the Quran is a simple science text book for the simple man and that many of the statements made in there at that time could not be proven but that modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what Muhammad said 1400 years ago.”
(This is the truth, page:33)
Of course, Quran is not a book of science but still what ever mentioned in Quran is proving to be in accordance with the factual position. There are many number of such expressions in the holy Quran. The facts talked about are:
Skin without pillars (Ar-Ra’d Ch:13 V:2)
Creation of Universe (Al-Anam Ch:6 V:101)
Expansion of Universe (Az-Zariyat Ch:51 V:47)
Orbits (Al-Anbiyaa Ch:36 V:33)
Movement of Sun (Yasub Ch:36 V:38)
Paths and Orbits (Az-Zariyat Ch:51 V:7)
Sky being a protecting roof (Al-Anbiyaa Ch:21 V:32)
Cuclical system of heaven (Al-Tariq Ch:86 V:11)
Seven regular heavens (Al-Baqarah Ch:2 V:29)
Function of mountains (Al-Anbiyaa Ch:21 V:31)
Mountains as pegs (An-Naba Ch:78 V:6-7)
Motion of mountains (An-Naml Ch:27 V:88)
Mystery in iron (Al-Hadid Ch:57 V:25)
Fecundation winds (Al-Hijr Ch:15 V:22)
Measure of rains (Az-Zukhruf Ch:43 V:11)
Barrier in seas (Ar-Rahman Ch:55 V:19-20)
Finger prints (Al-Qiyamat Ch:75 V:4)
Development of foetus (Al-Muminum Ch:23 V:14)
By reading these above quoted verses of holy Quran, a man with sound conscience has no other choice than embracing Islam. These signs, these miracles, these messages are the best medicine prescribed by Allah to the doubts of mankind. Allah says:

“O mankind! If ye have a doubt about the resurrections, (Consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of leech like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to vest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back, to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much). And (further), thou seest The earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it is grown (in pairs).”
(Al-Quran Ch:22 V:5)
What is needed? Signs are there, messages are there, clear arguments are there, solutions are there, the truth is there, the miracles are there, what is wrong with mankind? Allah has the answer,

“Those who behave arrogantly on earth in defiance of right them will I turn away from my signs: even if they see all the signs, they will not believe in them; and if they see the way of right conduct, they will not adopt it as the way; but if they see the way of error, that is the way they will adopt. For they have rejected Our signs, and failed to take warning from them.”
(Al-Quran Ch:7 V:146)
The Lord of the worlds addresses mankind and says,

“Have We not made for him a pair of eyes? And a tongue, and a pair of lips? And shown him the two highways? But he hath made not haste on the path that is steep.”
(Al-Quran Ch:90 V:8-11)
Mankind has been bestowed with the statue of Ashraful Makhlooqat. (The crown of creation). Allah almighty (praise be to His all might) says in holy Quran,

“We have indeed created man in the best of moulds,
Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,
Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: for they shall have a reward unfailing”
(Al-Quran Ch:95 V:4-6)
This verse reveals the excellence framework and design of man. The verse can have many manifestations one of them is the physical mould and symmetry of human body. As we have already seen that the Creator for the worlds, the Master of the Universe, the most exalted Allah has sent signs from time to time and Allah also says that there are signs in days, nights, stars, mountains, seas etc. the rightly guided accept and perceive them but the wrong ones, the arrogant do not perceive. Allah declares in the holy Quran,

“Such is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the Merciful,
Who made beautiful everything that He created, and He began the creation of man from dust.
Then He made his progeny of an extract, of worthless water.
Then He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you ears and eyes and hearts; little it is that you give thanks.”
(Al-Quran Ch:32 C:6-9)

Let us have pause here. Let us think over the above quoted two verses. We are told that mankind has been created in the best framework and we are also told that in many things there are signs for those who understand and believe. Let us try to find the sign in the verse mentioning that man has been created in a best the mould. When we analyze, we see a marvelous signs in this which no Muslim, no Christian, no Hindu, no Jew and no Agnostic can afford to reject provided he has eyes as mentioned in chapter-3 verse-13 of holy Quran. Though the sings of Allah are seen in every “A” and every “I” and every “E” of Universe, we will here try to emphasize on human body because the verse under discussion mentions about the same. This, as we will see, reveals the tryth of Allah, the truth of his final messenger (PBUH) and the truth of the only religion acceptable in the sight of Allah (Islam).
Let us confine ourselves to study and analyze only the human face only the human face in light of the verse under discussion. There is a hadith (saying of holy Prophet (S.A) said, “If anyone attacks somebody safeguard his face because Allah has created Adam on His shape.”
(Bukhari, Muslims)
This Hadith is the best explanation of the verse under focus. This verse says that human face has been created on Allah’s shape. when we analyze this, we come to discover a great truth.
Let me start with front view of human face. Image the shape of human face. It is like as shown:
Turn it upside down. It will look as is shown:
Can you observe something. Try to look at it in light of the haith mentioned above. It is the word Allah in Arabic imprinted in the front view of face. (Allah)
Start from the right ear and then proceed to the left ear through nose, eye brown etc. Can you see the word Allah ( ) shaping within human face as mentioned by the Hadith? Yes it is, of course, the Arabic word ( )
It is a fact now that every Christian, every Muslim, every Hindu, every Jew, every Agnostic and every Maxist has the stamp of his Creator (Allah) on his face. No one can hide it. No one can deny it. One denying Allah also has His stamp carved. Recall the saying of Allah,

“Did We not create you from ordinary water? Then We placed it in a secure resting-place, Till an appointed term,
So We determined-how well are We at determining! Woe on that day to the rejectors.”
(Al-Quran Ch:77V:20-24)
Tow things are very clear form the above argument. First that Allah ( )has stamped the face of every man on this earth. And second that Arabic language has been used. This means that Arabic is the language of nature. We know that Arabic is the language of Quran, it is the language of Rasullah (S.A); it is the language of paradise as has been declared by the final Messenger (S.A) of Allah.
Let us look on the profile of face now
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