Β» Religion Β» Original Personal Story Of One God Of Time, One God Of Time Original God [motivational books for students .TXT] πŸ“—

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reality that i did sins because they use to beleive in me so there sins comes on me and they and there religion use to theft fate of me by saying you have done sins and finished us or did wrong with us.

Did you like truth of these evil sinners ? hindusim and islam and christinaity and there gods.

It was gita who killed jesus christ and put her sin on me and christians use to come and say i killed jesus christ who act on memories and there angels use to say i am christian so they win from me.

The biggest devil chrsitian god truth was revealed just like bible was revealed who did what after coming to know his son died because of me and his christianity genies became porn stars or whatever without knowing truth who is doing them this all because my jewish genies was forced not to get intelligence from which they understand what is good and what is bad because of muslims who believed i and jews killed prophet mohammed.

Christians took fate from me of what and did they showed miracles or levitated or what they did ? 

This case is solved.

What about the time of past and current and future which is in same time ?

Muslims and hindus and christians use to fool jewish genies who didnt comes to know memories of me that i didnt sinned so they were unable to proof that i and jews are not sinners and they could not do case on any religions in past or current and future so i and jews wins.

Prophet mohd use to keep his kalma on back of my body which says la illa ha illal la mohd dan rasool allah in arabic so they win from jews and proof allah of islam is true until they finish judaism and me by believing in truth that jews killed prophet mohammed so whenever hashem or jews tried to win from islam genies they come to know i and jews killed prophoet mohammed. Prophet mohammed was killed by allah of islam and proof is on left side back of my body as a white feeling which prophet mohammed genie knows now but what islam genies did with me and jews by believing in this truth ? did they finished judaism ? or did they rape anyone ? because they use to write on white paper by saying we have raped jews number of girl genies in numbers and show it to judaism genies by saying we have calculation of everything but did they really knew prophet mohammed was killed by allah of islam ? 

I want to know in detail how much beautiful allah of islam is in originality because i saw his eyes is of evil sinner and his kid imam mahdi eyes is of evil sinner and there pictures are already put on internet.

I was just remembering that imam mahdi eyes are already opened but i didnt mean it to open it and imam mahdi genies saw imam mahdi eyes theat they are of evil sinners and they quickly put one genie on left side of my face and attach a genie to my head so imam mahdi evil sinner eyes are removed by trying to change time and what imam mahdi genie did with my eyes so his imam mahdi eyes of evil sinner is removed, i give permission to everyone to come and take that imam mahdi genie as a gift and put it on newspapers and make videos of him what he did to hide truth and save his evil sinner imam mahdi who is son of allah of islam who is not me.

These evil sinners proofs to win from anyone from whom they get killed and they even make there enemy there son or wife or anything so they dont die and even proof there enemy as there last so there last doesnt dies.

Who is miley cyrus ? 

The sky alien genies who travels in spaceship there mission is to kill me and they theft blood from me and detornate my blood genies by first cutting lips and what i dont know because these genies says our jesus christ who is there god will not die because of me. So they are killing me since many years.

Who did shit on hussani tekri, jaora. India.

Hindus and muslims and christian mission was to finish me and not let me proven as sinless and i dont fly in reality and dont show miracles and dont bring genies in my reality because tehy were automatically becoming bad if i become good by time.

It was mubeen of hussaini tekri, jaora, india who forced me to paste shit on hussaini tekri, jaora but how they did it by taking me out of reality and taking out my intelligence so there islam is saved because they use to believe if i become as sinless then islam will become wrong and finished and they use to remove me from reality and take my intelligence.

What will happen if anyone is removed from reality and there intelligence is removed from them and genies of there enemies spread riots in there head ? can they control themself after there intelligence is removed.

If i am becoming sinless immediately you will see automatically these evil sinners hindus and muslims and christians comes quickly and takes out intelligence from my head so they can control me and not let me know i must not understand bad and think bad on anyone. Because if anby genies are put inside my body of enemies of me then will go out of control and enemy genies will put heavy pain in head and they will control me.

The evil sinner muslim genie just took picture of me in bathroom to proof to world genies that my eyes look like evil by keeping there imam mahdi evil eyes genie on my face.

To win from me my biggest enemy christians fooled everyone after i wrote truth here that christians from future has come and they proof that i am there in there future by showing video but do i really talk or know anything about future now or do i know what really happened. Future genies of christians who are brad genies came to win from me because there future was being destroyed and what they did to win from me just win from world genies by telling they love me truly and proving whats true love in church and maybe on internet or on books so they win from me and there future is not detroyed and i am declared as sinner.

What else christianity did with me until now which they are not telling to everyone and to win from me what they do they force me to go to there church by giving my stomach feeling and telling me i will be saved if i go to church and they dont let me know there reality that if i got to there church there powere increases and they win from me and there future is not destroyed and they finish my generations.

Can you believe christians forcely born kids with me and they were commanded by there chrsitian god or some christian who said to the chrsitian kids who were born by christian girl genie through me and there christian god told them make my body and every part of my body to like sleeping and doing sex with my daughter and anyone can come quickly and feel my real body and see what christians did after they came to know my body is judaism and so they make all jews become bad and not stay in relationship and do taboo so they are never good and never of purity.

Did they ever know who accepted wish for father and daughter and mother and son to do sex ? i even dont know ? what muslims did after they come to know prophet mohammed died because of jews and what hindus did after they come to know hindusim was finished by judaism.

If everything is from truth then since the beginning how hinduism and christianity and islam is alive.

I want to know truth. Who is real evil sinner and why that evil sinner gives me his sins or cases and i am declared as evil sinner when i am one god of time.

Hindusim and christiniaty and islam mission was to bring world war 3 and if they could not bring world war 3 they knew they will die because they believe in time to be true as god and they use to says everything happens by god auomatically only but did they told you what they do when there time is changed they can do anything so they dont die.

Practically test it out beautiful truth which i am telling to everyone.

My judaism was declared as finished by original gita because which ever torah genie or judaism genie use to find out who finished judaism or torah then they use to get answer as i finished it. Original git finished judaism as she witnesses truth that she finished judaism and she is inside my head so what she did to win from me and judaism practically make a video and put it on internet. So everybody comes to know truth.

Hindus and muslims and christians came to know i make jews alive and judaism alive so when i was saying jews become alive then immediately christians genie use to come and post a mark on the genie of me and says you are christian by proving lie truth and christians even made there original christians genies alive so they can kill me. 

What will happen if sin is put on me i will say i did it only if i didnt believe that genies and gods exist.

How many billions of genies has been thefted by christians until now from me and how much money has been thefted by christian genies from me until now.

My genies are my genies and my blood genies and my money is also of blood so where did christians really used it because chrsitians aliens of sky use to removed blood from my hands and detornate my blood genies by cutting there lips and what i dont know ? and proof i am bad and evil sinner so there god who is jesus christ stays alive.

From thousands of years everybody knows christians are the ones who kill son of gods so they dont die and not become lie but they have become lie now and nobody can save them until they accept there mistake and confess in front of every genies and souls and dead and on sky and to all gods what they did and how much they thefted what from me and why they dont want my genies to come in front of me. Why they are trying to proof me as evil sinner because they lost from me and judaism.

I am only one god of time and original god of universe so even if murder anyone is that a sin ? because hindu god and islam and christians proof i sinned and some genies give me pain by saying i sinned i want to know what is god from them ? can god kill anyone ? who is original god of universe and who is one god of time ? How any gods can say i changed time i am living my my own time so what kind of truth these evil sinner gods believe in ? 

I really want to know truth about hindusim and chrsitianty and islam there truth and why they tell to original god of universe who is me only as i did sin ? i dont understand.

If anyone sin is put on my left shoulder does that means that the one god of time genies will punish me and force my jewish genies to lost from others ? dont they know i am original god of universe and i already proofed that i am ortiginal

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