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"immaterial, invisible part of man" being in the earth is not what is believe by many today and she would not have been able to see an invisible spirit. If it were Samuel, instead of proving he was alive, it proves he was dead and in the grave. To bring one back from the dead is a resurrection of the dead; if not, why not? If it were Samuel, it would have been as all the other temporary resurrections of the Bible. Lazarus and other temporary resurrections lived a normal human life and died as all others do. They were not raised immortal. They were raised still in the image of Adam, not immortal, not with the spiritual body in the image of Christ. If this were a resurrection of Samuel, then Samuel knew that he would be back in the grave the next day; therefore, he was not raised immortal. How can this be used to prove a person now has a part that is immortal? A temporary resurrection of Samuel from the grave or an evil spirit impersonating Samuel would tell us nothing of life after death or that a person now has an immortal "immaterial, invisible part.
Saul did not believe today's theology that the dead are in Heaven; he believed they are in the earth. He asked the women to "bring up" Samuel, not "bring down" Samuel.
• "And bring up for me whom I shall name to you" [1 Samuel 28:8]
• "Whom shall I bring up for you?" [1 Samuel 28:11]
• "I see a divine being coming up out of the earth" [1 Samuel 28:13]
• "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" [1 Samuel 28:15]
If this were Samuel, it would be a contradiction to today's theology of the saved going to Heaven at death for Samuel would be up in Heaven without the resurrection, not down in the grave (sheol – hades) unto the resurrection of the dead. It must first be assumed that there is a part of a person that is now immortal and cannot die, then assumed that a person using witchcraft can call a “soul” out of Heaven which is where those who believe that this was the soul of Samuel believed his soul was, for they believe that the saved go to Heaven at the moment of death, then assumed that an “immaterial, invisible part of man (soul)” can be seen but only by the person using witchcraft, not by Saul. Would not this make Satan and those who practice witchcraft have the power to actually reach into Heaven and remove a “soul?”
Familiar spirits are spirits of devils [See Numbers 25:13]. God had forbid dealing with familiar spirits. Their interpretation of this passage supports Spiritualism, communication with the spirits of the dead, the "New Age" movement of the channeling craze with spirits of the dead, and near-death experiences. It shows us that Satan has been successful in making his lie, "You shall not die" be believed, and even today he is using these to promote it. There are so few passages that they can use to teach we have an immortal "immaterial, invisible part of man" that they are willing to use it despite the problems it creates for them. “So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the Lord, because of the word of the Lord which he did not keep; and also because he asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire of the Lord. Therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom to David the son of Jesse” [1 Chronicles 10:13-14].
What about "Abraham's bosom"? Those who believe all go to the good or bad side of hades believe none can come back to earth. How is it that they have Samuel coming back from the good side of hades and telling Saul that he would be with him in Abraham’s bosom the next day? It would not only teach that the living can converse with the those in hades but also teaches a witch can bring someone back to earth from hades (or Heaven) even when they did want to come.
Nothing. Together soul and spirit are used almost 1,100 times in the King James Version, but not one time is immortal even used in the same verse with either one. Immortal and immortality are in the Old Testament 0 times, in the New Testament, immortal one time, immortality five times, all by Paul. What does he say?
1. Only God has immortality [1 Timothy 6:16].
2. "Now unto the King eternal, immortal" [1 Timothy 1:17].
3. Christ "abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" [2 Timothy 1:10].
4. "To them (Christians) for glory and honor and incorruption, (immortality in King James Version) eternal life" [Romans 2:7].
5. "This mortal must put on immortality" [1 Corinthians 15:53] at the resurrection.
6. "This mortal shall have put on immortality" [1 Corinthians 15:54] after the resurrection.
Why are we to "seek for" that which we are born with? Why will we "put on immortality" if the only part of us that will ever be immortal, has been immortal from birth (or before birth)? The fact that a person must "seek for...immortality" and immortality must be "put on" at the resurrection is conclusive proof that a person does not now have it. If Romans 2:7 and 1 Corinthians 15:53 teaches nothing more, it teaches that no part of a person now possess immortality.
SEEK FOR IMMORTALITY: "To those who by perseverance in doing good seek [zeeteo] for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life" [Romans 2:7]. Zeeteo is used 119 times in the New Testament and is always some thing that the person that is seeking for but does not have.
• "But seek [zeeteo] you first the kingdom" [Matthew 6:33].
• "Seeking [zeeteo] of him a sign from heaven" [Mark 8:11].
• "For Herod will seek [zeeteo] the young child" [Matthew 2:13].
• "For I seek [zeeteo] not your's but you" [2 Corinthians 12;14].
• "In doing good seek [zeeteo] for glory and honor and immortality" [Romans 2:7].
PUT ON IMMORTALITY: "For this perishable must put on [enduno] the imperishable, and this mortal must put on [enduno] immortality. But when this perishable will have put on [enduno] the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on [enduno] immortality" [1 Corinthians 15:53-54]; most every one understands that a person cannot put on something they have on.
• "Be not anxious for your life...nor yet for your body, what you shall put on [enduno] [Matthew 6:25]
• "Put not on [enduno] two coats" [Mark 6:9]
• "Put on [enduno] the whole armor of God" [Ephesians 6:11]
We seek for that which we do not have, we put on that which we do not have on. It is so simple that only those who do not want to see will not see it.
If a person is made immortal from birth and is now immortal, how is it that only God has immortality? If only God has immortality at this present time, then being "created in the image of God" cannot mean a person was created with immortality.
CORRUPTION AND MORTAL: Both are used throughout the Bible, but incorruption and immortal are used only by Paul, and are never used referring to the lost or never to the soul or to the spirit. Immortality was brought to light by the Gospel, and will be "put on" by the saved at the judgment. It is never said the lost will ever “put on immortality” or that they will ever have either incorruption or immortality, or that anyone (lost or saved) has immortality before the resurrection. There is not one verse that teaches all men, good and bad are born with an immortal soul that can never die; and God cannot kill it. An "immaterial invisible" part of a person called an "immortal soul" is not in the Bible. If this doctrine is not changing the Bible, it cannot be changed. For a person to have a soul and/or spirit, which will live forever in Heaven or Hell, that person must now have immortality. According to the teaching of some, the soul is the only part of a person that will ever be immortal and it is now as immortal as it will ever be. This teaching makes Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 15:53, "This mortal must put on immortality" not possible; this mortal person must put on immortality, not this already immortal soul must put on immortality. With today's teaching, there is no sense to what Paul said for it would make him be saying "this immortal (soul) must put on immortality" and become an immortal soul at the resurrection.
• If we now have a soul that is not corruptible, how can that soul "put on incorruption" when it would now has incorruption on?
• If we now have a soul that is now immortal, how can that soul "put on immortality" when it would now has immortality on?
• If we now have a soul that cannot die, how can that soul inherit "eternal life" when it would now has eternal life?
What is the part of a person that is now mortal but will put on immortality [1 Corinthians 15:53]? It could not be a soul that is now immortal that will put on immortality at the resurrection, but a person that is now mortal that will put on immortality at the resurrection. "This mortal" is a person as he now is in the image of Adam and will become an immortal person with a spiritual body in the image of Christ. Only the body will be different, not the person.
1. The doctrine and precepts of man. An immortal soul from birth-the soul, which many teach is the only part of a person that will ever be immortal, would already be immortal before the resurrection.
2. Bible doctrine. A mortal person will put on immortality at the resurrection [1 Corinthians 15:53]. BOTH CANNOT BE TRUE.
The Bible is not silent on this question for there are many passages that say loud and clear that all are now mortal and not one that say any person will be immortal before the resurrection.
Three words are translated immortal and incorruptible in the New Testament. Not one time are they used referring to the soul; every time they are used referring to a person, not just to an "immaterial invisible part of man." Immortality is always something a person will have but does not now have. Only when they are used referring to God are they in the present tense. When used referring to a person they are always in the future tense.
1. ATHANASIA (immortality) is used three times, Wigram Englishman's Greek Concordance, Page 15. Not one of them is used referring to a person now in this life before the resurrection or to a no substance invisible part of a person. immortality [athanasia] is never used referring to the lost.
o Athanasia used referring to God.
• (1) 1 Timothy 6:16 "Who alone possesses immortality [athanasia] and dwells in unapproachable light" God has immortality now.
o Athanasia used referring to a person only after the resurrection, not to a part of a person in this lifetime.
• (2) 1 Corinthians 15:53 "This mortal
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