» Religion » The Word of God about the fearful judgment (1), Lord Jesus [finding audrey .TXT] 📗

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one forever a Virgin, who was a door to Me from heaven to earth in order to accomplish the work of My Father, Sabaoth.


Oh, mother, mother with pain like Me, your heavenly Son! No one on earth bore a son from heaven, none but you, for I came down from heaven in you. I was the word of the archangel who came down from heaven and spoke to you about Me, and the word became flesh in you so that I may be born a man from the Virgin, and the word became man. Who else became man as I did from the heavenly word and from a virginal body? I could do nothing by Myself; however, all that I hear from My Father that is what I am doing. I become a clean body out of a clean body. All that I make, I make them from My Father, and I make them by the word and then I bring them into view. This way I have been working forever and ever, until today. And today, what work I make out to bring it into view? Today I am preparing Myself upon the garden to proclaim Myself as the Judge over the false prophet who put his heads into My country full of gifts of the holy faith, which are in it from Me and from the fathers. This is written in the Scriptures of My coming: «An angel standing in the sun cried out a powerful word to all the birds which fly high into the sky: “Come and get together to Most High God’s supper! Come and eat the bodies of the kings, the bodies of the chiefs, the bodies of the braves, the bodies of the horses and riders, the bodies of those that are free and of the slaves, the bodies of the small and great, for the beast and all the kings of the earth with their hosts got together to make war against the One sitting on the throne, on a white horse, with a host. But the beast was slain and with it the false prophet which was making miracles before the beast with which it deceived those who wore the mark of the beast worshipping its image. These both were thrown alive into the like of fire where brimstone is burning, and the others, were killed by the sword which was getting out from the mouth of Him sitting on a white horse. And all the birds were filled with their bodies.”» Amen.


Sons from the garden prepare My way on earth; prepare the day of the marking with My holiness for the little house over the hill, a day on which I will be proclaimed on earth by the glory of My word, for I have sent a book to the false prophet who sits hidden under the robe of My church. I have delivered upon you this work and I will do it, for I am not a lying God. No one wants to help Me on earth and I have no one to stretch out My hand by over the church from the world so that someone may cling to the skirts of My garment, someone who still might have a clean heart and an intact mind. I am working with you, for no one wants to help Me; however I, the Lord, did My duty and cried out and prayed far and wide to be opened so that it may also be found for Me a voice which cries out to people for they to repent. But now it is finished! All are finished! We are working hard as there is no one to come and join to our heaviness as everything is finished. Man is finished and God in man as well, and I have no one on My side and with My pain.


Let us get up sons and let you receive My deliverance, My book upon the false prophet, the antichrist, who comes ahead of Me to thwart, he says, My coming of today. I will help you. We will follow the line and show the work of the antichrist, the beast with its hidden heads; however, I will overcome him with the breath of My mouth and it will no longer be. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother Entrance the Church, from 04.12.1998.


The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n 

[1] Most other translations read “they came to life.” (Compare Apocalypse 2/4; 13/14; also Peter 1/23)

[2] Or “one and only / unique / uniquely loved”

[3] God’s Word in Romania

[4] Translated by I.A., r.n.

[5] You can also see on:!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A

[6] You can also see on:!RU1AUYYA!qN_vKoA04DHblZgXAwefFR7-hklTIY08nNTPFK6Vtgs

[7] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)

The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, ( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

«One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here! I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters.

The kings of the earth committed dissolute (unchaste) with her, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her dissolute (unchaste).”» (Apoc: 17/1-2.)


«I saw thrones on which those who had received authority to pass judgment were seated. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and who had not expressed adoration to the beast or his image and who has not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand. They lived[1] and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.» (Apoc: 20/4.)


Anyone who believes in him is not judged, but whoever does not believe has already been judged, because such a person has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten[2] Son of God.

This is the judgment: that the light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil.

For everyone who practices evil hates the light and does not come to the light, for fear that his works would be exposed.

But whoever practices the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be revealed as done in God.” (John: 3/18-21.)



                                               The fearful judgment


                        Selection of texts of God’s Word[3] on the subject[4]



… Oh, My chicks, I ascended to My Father after My passion, and now I have descended on earth, unseen by anyone, to prepare this vessel (through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) chosen by Me, but helpless, and through him to prepare a holy people which are to prepare My way to come for judgment. My fearful chicks, do not doubt My words through this weak mouth, for I want to give you new birth from the Spirit. Do not be afraid. I will protect you and I will bring you up with milk for you are small. I will take you under My wings, as the hen takes her chicks to protect them against the hawk, for you will have many enemies.


Well My little chicks, My mission from the Father is to bring up a new people, a new Israel in the Romanian people, for the people chosen by Me in the past had totally defiled. For this I came into the world; I came to choose from the world some meek and obedient lambs, so that I may feed them with heavenly food.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14.06.1955. (On Slideshare; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



… All human being will move here on earth and the judgment for all the world will be made here. Do not look at that liar who says that there is no God and that the man is not made by Me. And when you see him chained tight, you will look at him and tremble with fear for fear that you may not be chained like him. And you will curse him and say, “You cheated us, for you kept saying that you were God!”


… My little children, it is because of this that God sends from His heaven the Holy Spirit in an earthen pot; the same way you have an alphorn, the same way with this body too. Who likes it, good for him! Who does not like it, runs away, for many false prophets have come out. Listen My children, for there are prophets who prophesy by leaf and sing by leaf. There are prophets who prophesy by violin, by guitar. There are prophets who prophesy by dancing. There are prophets who prophesy by kissing. Thousands and millions! There is no leaf and grass as many prophets are to deceive the human being. But God has only a single chord and a single tool. There are many but they have come to an end; and for the end only one is left. And in that day there shall come four brothers from four parts and will have four instruments and they will play by them their song, not against you, and each will play his song; one for the resurrection of the dead; another to call to judgment from all corners of the earth; another for this, another for that.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 27.03.1977.



… The young people of nowadays fool their parent saying that they do not know how to live. How Lazarus will judge the rich man! For God will give the judgment to the poor to judge the deeds of the rich. The beggar will judge

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