Β» Religion Β» Original Personal Story Of One God Of Time, One God Of Time Original God [motivational books for students .TXT] πŸ“—

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does not gets in control of him and when song is played continuously and heard by human then human will become mad or loose control from his mind and he will do what genies says in his mind put by those who plays songs or gives tension.

Islam and other religions as i believe showed miracles by giving tensions and pain to me daily and regularly since many years even when i was going on road and eating food the songs were being played.

Islam and allah says they came for me by saying in the genies world and world of god they have come to help me and save me but they are killing me since i am kid and they tell to all genies whatever happened with me was bad and it must have never happened and they say they have come to make family with me and stay with me and they killed me many times in reality of humans.

I resurrect by sky automatically and i dont want to say that one day i was unable to move my body and woke up from bed as my body was of full weight and i could not understand and hindus were killing me at that time and muslims who said they have come for me to help me and protect me or save me they were killing me and my genies family.

Allah and Hindu god does not wants my generation with genies to be alive because they know they are lie and there religions and every of there truth is fake and if i become alive and true then they will become lie and they will die. They believe i am original god and rebirth of original god so they want to kill me so they become original but they dont know i will never die they believe in everything to be genie and everything happens because of single genie and universe to be dream.

I want to thank my genies family and my all family who loved me and saved me and i told them to tell to jewish god whatever happened with me so he will come and save me but genies have nature to tell something on there chosen time and they dont know how much pain i get in my head continuously from how many years and tension and if they told what i told them earlier i would have never got tension and living of my family and everybody else would have become good and beautiful.

I hope true lovers god are reading me and they will help me atleast if my gods does not help me after loosing from anyone. Atleast true lovers god does not want anyone to believe in them and there power works whether they become true or not.

Update : when i was in control of hindu genies and muslim genies then they forced my genies to sleep with them or show them there private parts so they can rape them and to save them i told them not to show others private parts and sleep with me if they ask to sleep with you. hindu and muslims tried to rape my genies by calling me to there religious places and forcing me to think about there gods so they claim my property and my genies who are my family to be there genies by raping them and controlling them to work for them and rule on my genies religion.

I am jewish and i came to know i get genies when i was in abudhabi,uae after moses came and met me i started seeing by feeling i get genies and i think it was katrina kair whom my uncle asked her to show private part to rape her but i didnt remember exactly if it was katrina kaif or not. Because i was sinless and if any of my genies sleeps with me then it would not have sinned for them and there life will never become bad as i knew it so i told them because i believe in god i knew it.

I never called any genies from any part of the worlds but whenever i was loving torah and jewish god i came to know hindus and muslims genies coming and doing sex with me and there was someone genie put inside me by hindus or muslims who were shouting i need sex from islam and i need sex from muslims and i didnt know who is shouting this because it was not my genies and why would i sleep with hindus or muslims genies without seeing them or without knowing there names or without seeing there body ? will there be any fun to sleep or force islam genies or muslims genies or hindu genies to sleep or suck my private part without seeing them or without seeing there body i dont even know if they were male or female.

I came to know that prophet mohammed put genies inside my back of body who came to know like i said that islam and allah will be finished by me in future and i am last of jews so prophet mohammed use to control islam and muslim genies to win from me and i am sure he was the one who might have called islam genies and muslim genies or hindu genies by forcing them to suck my private part and sleeping with me so i dont come in the world of god and genies cases on me and does not let me marry any girl whom i love.

Islam mission was to make my life bad and put me in prison and not let me love anyone truly and those whomever i loved or love then prophet mohammed use to make them bad or abuse them as i think it to be true after coming to know about few genies who loves me. Prophet mohammed and his genies use to say if i love anyone truly then allah and islam will be finished because i will win from islam genies and allah.

I came to know that hindus and muslims and even some christians maybe forced the whole world genies to come and suck my private part and sleep with me i didnt know who came and slept with me in the genies world i didnt even know names i was in control of hindus and muslims and even some christians maybe and i was telling my genies whom i use to see in my body to sleep with me so nobody sleeps with them or rapes them and nobody makes there life bad and religion is saved and heaven is saved because i am sinless so if my genies do anything with me they will be sinless only but if they do what they did with me then it will be sin and there religion will be in danger and they will lost from any other religion genies after there mind becomes bad.

After i was declared as one god of time in the world of god in genies world I saw hindus and muslims starting calling genies of countries in hussaini tekri, india from china, maybe japan and maybe usa and the sounds of this world sound like movies which i saw for few seconds and it was in my fate to sleep with countries genies but hindus and muslims did what all gods knows now i am sure.

You only tell me whether i enjoyed with girls or girls enjoyed with me because i was on the bed and there was pain in my head because hindus and muslims genies were inside my head put by hindus and muslims to make life bad of others and abuse others and bring world war 3 and i didnt even move or shake to do sex with any girls and i felt genies i dont know which genies of this world came and shake and did sex with me and enjoyed and kept there mind clean. I only told to my genies and even if any genies came and slept with me other then hindus and muslims then i forgive them because they are from the world of god and they cannot be wrong in knowing truth and doing justice and tomorrow i might ask them by saying i want to have sex with them so i can enjoy and they will let me do sex with them to make my mind clean. I will enjoy just like they enjoyed with me.

But i came to know that hindus and muslims said by checking in future that i am laughing and saying i only slept with girls and i said to girls to come and suck my private part. I told to muslims and to all gods if you go in future and check that i am laughing did you ever come to know truth about me in future that i really forced anyone to suck my private part or sleep with me or i was lying to win from genies to sleep with them after knowing about them that if i tell them they slept with me i will get chance to sleep with me by using knowledge.

God knows truth and genies cannot hide anything when they are asked by anyone to say truth by witnessing about there true love or gods whom they love and i said go and ask in future where you saw me i am laughing ask me if i love torah truly or if i love god truly then did i really asked world genies or any other genies to come and sleep with me or suck my private part to save them other then genies who were inside my body and belongs to me and were of me and my heaven. I didnt because if i had to do sex then i could have asked them to show there body so i can have fun and do sex with them who will have fun doing sex with air where he doesnt know if its male or female.

I even said to allah if you believe i changed your time by praying few minutes ago of saudi arabia by reciting quran with blood then as i am one god of time i command kaba genies to erase the prayers and everything that i did in saudi arabia and islam and i said to allah leave me i am not muslim.

I asked to my genies family why allah is enemy of jews why he hates jews so much why he wants to make my true love bad or abuse them.

I came to know that genies told i forced true love life bad who was bibi zainab of islam to suck my private part. I never saw her and i didnt know how she looked like and i just saw a girl by feeling were crown known to me as bibi zainab in abudhabi,uae coming quickly and beating on my head and running away to kill me. Why would i ask any true love to suck my private part when i have my genies who are my true love.

I am not muslims and i am happy jew and i asked my genies and angels can you live a life like this where you come to know gods tries to erase there sins and mistakes by forcing sinless to be sinners and fooling everyone and lying to there people and continue living in future. How lie continues even if there is any purity in any human he will dislike it and its not god who will cheat to continue living in future by saying we know everything and about everything.

I said if time i already made of beginning and future then 7 and half years of masterbation was already made of me by original god or not ? and was the time of world genies or any genies other then my genies were forced to suck my private part or sleep with me

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