» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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enemy has you in his sights and wants your destruction. Only, I, GOD can deliver you. The fearful will have their place in hell. This is because they have placed MY enemy on the throne of their hearts and live in fear of him. He controls their beings, thoughts, and souls. Fear is the tool of the enemy, he uses it for control. Walk away from this spiritual terrorist. Seek ME for safety--MY enemy is about torment. Come out of this tyrant's control. Lay your life down at MY Feet and live in peace, love, and wholeness. It is mine to give and I give it freely to whomever comes to ME in childlike faith. Learn to know ME as a child knows his parents. Come and be known by your GOD. Come and know your GOD. I am the Great SHALOM, Amen and Amen...

Psalm 116:6 (KJV): The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and HE helped me.


Revelation 21:8 (KJV): But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


James 4:7 (KJV): Submit yourselves therefore to GOD. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


2 Thessalonians 2:8 (KJV): And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the LORD shall consume with the SPIRIT of HIS Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of HIS coming:




March 21, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD is speaking. I have a place prepared for MY true church. It is a place of glorious wonder and delight. I will delight in bringing MY church into this glory to be near its GOD in Glory! How lovely shall it be? So wondrous and amazing--the beauty will captivate the hearts of those coming. There are not words to truly describe what MY church will witness: a long procession of tables set for those I cherish, each set with plates and dinnerware of gold and studded with jewels. Only the best for MY church that I love. Children, the flesh cannot comprehend the beauty of MY heavenlies and the home I have prepared. Joy abounds, peace overwhelms, love permeates the atmosphere in MY Glorious Presence. It is a place completely void of evil. This is hard for you to imagine because evil is so much part of your world. The place I have prepared to gather MY beautiful church will be filled with MY Love--all will feel it--no one will lack. There will not be jealousy or competition--all will feel MY Love and the comfort of MY Presence. Will you be part of this breath-taking experience when MY church is brought into their home with their GOD? I have made a way for you to come and to be part of eternal bounty, rest, and endless love. The invitation is extended in MY Book. Come and step under MY Blood Covering. I paid the bride price for MY church. Accept MY offer and surrender all. It is yours for the having: repent, forgive, and surrender your will. Come to know your GOD in intimacy, closeness. I will not accept less than full surrender. Truly, I cannot force your hand in this matter, only request.


The SPIRIT and the bride say, “Come!” Amen and Amen...


John 14:2-3 (KJV): In my FATHER's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I am, there ye may be also.



March 22, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, I am ready to give you words: This world has fully rejected its GOD. Only MY remnant church remains faithful in seeking ME fully--all others have followed the wolves, ravenous wolves. The world has grown dark and grows darker each day. Can you see it, MY children? But those who carry MY light shine brighter. They have the LIGHT from above and their LIGHT is a sharp contrast to the dark world that encloses them. Fear not MY little flock. I will not forsake thee. I will hold thee close and you will never be out of MY Sight. You have your GOD's full protection with the armor I have given you. Put it on daily. It will cover you and keep you safe. Learn to use the Sword I have given you. It is MY Word that comes from the Heart of GOD. I AM THE WORD! And MY Word is strong to divide marrow and joints. And separate light from darkness MY Words cut through the dark world and brings forth truth where no other truth can be found. MY Word is solid, unrelenting, and comforting. Consume it--eat from it daily. Drink the fresh water it provides--MY Truth, MY Light, and MY Power. You will need it now, more than ever as MY enemy rises up to wreak havoc on a lost, dying world. There is freedom in the Words of MY Book. Seek ME in MY Words, I can be found and it can destroy strongholds in your life and others. Seek and you will find. I will reveal all that lies within to those who truly desire the knowledge it contains. Children, come and be fed and to drink from MY fountain of wisdom and wealth: the treasures of MY Word. This is the LORD, Great and Mighty--WORD Everlasting...


Ephesians 6:17 (KJV): And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the Word of GOD:


John 1:14 (KJV): And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld HIS glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the FATHER,) full of grace and truth.




March 23, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


This is GOD, Great and Mighty. Listen closely as I am giving important words: Children, pray for discernment. This is a great hour of deception. At every turn there are deceivers among you trying to thwart MY Messages, MY Truth, the Narrow Way. You must make a full surrender and ask to be filled with MY SPIRIT to have the eye salve to see the truth. Partial commitment to ME only opens you up to hearing false words, false messages, and leaves you with no discernment. You are without Power—MY HOLY SPIRIT Power. HE is the ONE WHO leads you to all truth. MY lukewarm church is led astray and powerless to discern and consequently they will fall off the path to MY Kingdom. They will encounter robbers on the road they are on and they will steal their truth and lead this church astray. They are weak and have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. This is the lukewarm who follow false doctrines, false prophets, and seek out hirelings to lead them instead of the ONE TRUE SHEPHERD. Children, wake up to deception. Face your GOD, repent, forgive all others and come clean in MY Book. Time is short: you must awake and come out of the fog that you are in. LOVE awaits, but not forever. Truth is only for those who take MY Hand and walk with ME in intimacy, through humility and purity with childlike faith. These are MY Words. I AM Has Spoken... Humble GOD...WARRIOR of the saints...


2 Timothy 4:3 (KJV): For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;




March 24, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, this is your GOD. I am coming to set the captives free--I am coming to pull free MY beautiful church held hostage to an evil world. Do not look away from your GOD now. Keep your eyes on ME at all times--to stray would be fatal. Do not let the world captivate your attention. The world is dying and drowning in its sin. It is running head long into the arms of MY enemy who plans for its destruction. There is no happy ending for the straying sheep heading into the awaiting wolves' grasp. MY sheep hear MY Voice and they follow ME to safe pastures. MY enemy wants your destruction, your demise. He wants you cast into the pit for eternity, never to escape. There will be no way out for the lost who follow MY enemy. Do not allow yourself to be deceived. This is the time of great deception. It is a dark hour, few carry all MY Truth. Without a full oil lamp and all MY Truth, the enemy can still lead you to death. You must focus on your GOD. Stay vigilant--keep your nose pressed to the window, always watching. Do not turn back like Lot's wife. Find your GOD. Seek MY Face. I want your whole being, not just some of you--all of you. This may seem like a hard teaching but the truth is not always easy to hear, but for those who pursue all truth, the way is smooth and the yoke is light. Run with your GOD and you will fly with eagles. MY Love will pour over you at every turn. Now is the time to decide for or against ME. Choose today who you will serve. This is the GOD of the Living...


Matthew 25:4 (KJV): But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.



March 25, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


MY children, I am coming back sooner than most think. Many think MY Coming is not for long into the future. Many do not think about MY Return at all. The time remaining is a drop in a bucket compared to the existence of time. Children, why do I, GOD implore you to keep watch for ME in MY Word, especially for the generation with signs pointing to this return? It is stated that when these things are seen coming to pass that generation will not pass away before the coming of the SON of Man. All is set in stone—MY Words are sure and solid, just as I outlined. So do you see MY Words coming to fruition? I ask MY children to watch with great expectation because I knew the days surrounding this time frame would be filled with great darkness and many would lose their lives, so all must be on guard, watching, to be ready for death in birth pains or for MY soon Coming. Yet, MY Laodicea's preach a different Gospel, a Gospel filled with lies regarding MY Return and being prepared. These are blind guides leading the blind. They are leading multitudes to destruction and into the hands of MY enemy. The price will be great for the church that desires for their ears to be tickled and to dance with the devil. This is the plight of MY lost lukewarm. O' woe to the church that wants the enjoyment of the world and to profess to be of GOD. Thou are despicable in MY Sight. Come out of the whoring church and come clean. Let ME give you white robes I have prepared for you. Let ME give you pure wedding garments to wear. Time is wasting. Do not cling to false beliefs that all is well in your lukewarm condition. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve mammon and GOD. Church of the lost: face your GOD before it is too late. You have been warned. You have MY Words. MY warnings are clear and all will be without excuse...I AM Warns....I AM Loves...


Luke 21:32-33 (KJV): Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. 33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but MY Words shall not pass away.

March 26, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Yes daughter, indeed I am ready to give you words:


Children, this is your GOD speaking: I AM is all

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