» Religion » Esoteric Christianity, Annie Besant [good short books txt] 📗

Book online «Esoteric Christianity, Annie Besant [good short books txt] 📗». Author Annie Besant

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of; 240 et seq.

"Star of Initiation"; 186

"Strait Gate" term of Initiation; 49, 50, 174, 177

Stromata or Miscellanies of S. Clement, quoted; 58, 74 et seq.,
78, 83, 84, 85, 87

Sufferings of the Christ; 223

Superintending Spirits; 98

Sun God Legend; 158
"  "  Symbol of Logos; 171
" Heroes; 165
" Myths, recurring; 169
" of Righteousness; 249
" Symbol of the Logos; 154
" Symbols; 155

Survival of Christianity?; 40

Symbol of Jesus; 165
"  of Trinity; 267

Symbols—animal, in Zodiac; 165
"  Language of; 153

Symbols of Logoi; 266 et seq.

Tatian and Theodotus, referred to; 73

Tauler, John; 114

Taylor, Robert, quoted; 350

Teachings common to all Religions; 146
"  in the hands of Spiritual Brotherhood; 374

Tertullian on Baptism; 151

The Christ; 132, 134

The Hidden Side of Religions; 1
"  of Christianity; 36

The Disciples; 136

The "Simple Gospel"; 39

The title of Lord; 96

The Testimony of the Scriptures; 36

The Tower of Babel; 97

The Thyrsus; 75

The True Exstasis; 108

The Trinity; 253
"  among the Hebrews; 254
"  Hindu; 257
"  in Buddhism; 258
"  in Chaldæa; 259
"  in China; 259
"  in Extinct Religions; 258
"  in Egypt; 259
"  in Man; 177, 233
"  in Manifestation; 254
"  in Zoroastrianism; 257

The Word of Wisdom, of Knowledge; 102

Theological Hell; 308

Theosophical Review, quoted; 228

Thessalonians, Epistle to, quoted; 233

Three Worlds, The; 241

Timothy, Epistle to, quoted; 59, 60, 61, 65, 134, 227

Tradition of Post-mortem Teaching of Jesus; 46

Transubstantiation—Truth Underlying; 360

Triangle as a Symbol of Trinity; 267

Trinity, A Second; 263
"  of Spirit; 233

Trinity in Christian agrees with other Faiths; 260

Triple Aspect of Matter; 264

Triplicity in Nature; 261

True Theosophy defined; x.

Two Schools of Christian Interpretation; 122

Two-fold Division of Man Insufficient; 232

Vaivasvata Manu; 19

Valentinus; 137

Vaughan, Thomas; 116

Vehicles of Consciousness, Need for Different; 238

Vibrations; 334

Vibratory Effects of Mass; 338

Virgin Matter; 264
"  "  and Third Person of Trinity; 265
"  "  and Second  "  " ; 265
"  Mother; 264

Virgin's Womb, Meaning of; 180

Virgo, Zodiacal Sign of; 158, 160

Virtues in the Mysteries; 27

Voice of the Silence, quoted; 249

Voice Figures—Mrs. Watts Hughes, referred to; 333

Williamson's Great Law, quoted; 161, 163 et seq.,
166, 167, 203, 255, 259, 348, 358.

Will as Prayer; 285

Words of Power; 335

Work of the Holy Spirit; 179, 268
"  Second Person; 179, 269
"  First Person; 270

Working of Logos in Matter; 182

Workers in Kosmos; 283
"  the Invisible Worlds; 152, 280

World Bibles, fragments of Revelation; 374

World Soul, The; 23

World Symbols; 266

Writings of the Disciples; 140

Zechariah, quoted; 268

Zodiac, The; 160


[1] S. Mark xvi. 15.

[2] S. Matt vii. 6.

[3] Clarke's Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Vol. IV. Clement of Alexandria. Stromata, bk. I., ch. xii.

[4] I. Cor. iii. 16.

[5] Ibid., ii. 14, 16.

[6] S. John, i. 9.

[7] Psalms, xlii. 1.

[8] 1 Cor. xv. 28.

[9] Ante-Nicene Library, Vol. XII. Clement of Alexandria. Stromata, bk. V., ch. xi.

[10] See Article on "Mysteries," Encyc. Britannica ninth edition.

[11] Psellus, quoted in Iamblichus on the Mysteries. T. Taylor, p. 343, note on p. 23, second edition.

[12] Iamblichus, as ante, p. 301.

[13] Ibid., p. 72.

[14] The article on "Mysticism" in the Encyclopædia Britannica has the following on the teaching of Plotinus (204-206 A.D.): "The One [the Supreme God spoken of above] is exalted above the nous and the 'ideas'; it transcends existence altogether and is not cognisable by reason. Remaining itself in repose, it rays out, as it were, from its own fulness, an image of itself, which is called nous, and which constitutes the system of ideas of the intelligible world. The soul is in turn the image or product of the nous, and the soul by its motion begets corporeal matter. The soul thus faces two ways—towards the nous, from which it springs, and towards the material life, which is its own product. Ethical endeavour consists in the repudiation of the sensible; material existence is itself estrangement from God.... To reach the ultimate goal, thought itself must be left behind; for thought is a form of motion, and the desire of the soul is for the motionless rest which belongs to the One. The union with transcendent deity is not so much knowledge or vision as ecstasy, coalescence, contact." Neo-Platonism is thus "first of all a system of complete rationalism; it is assumed, in other words, that reason is capable of mapping out the whole system of things. But, inasmuch as a God is affirmed beyond reason, the mysticism becomes in a sense the necessary complement of the would-be all-embracing rationalism. The system culminates in a mystical act."

[15] Iamblichus, as ante, p. 73.

[16] Ibid, pp. 55, 56.

[17] Ibid, pp. 118, 119.

[18] Ibid, p. 118, 119.

[19] Ibid, pp. 95, 100.

[20] Ibid, p. 101.

[21] Ibid, p. 330.

[22] G. R. S. Mead. Plotinus, p. 42.

[23] Iamblichus, p. 364, note on p. 134.

[24] G. R. S. Mead. Orpheus, pp. 285, 286.

[25] Iamblichus, p. 364, note on p. 134.

[26] Iamblichus, p. 285, et seq.

[27] G. R. S. Mead. Orpheus, p. 59.

[28] Ibid, p. 30.

[29] Ibid, pp. 263, 271.

[30] G. R. S. Mead. Plotinus, p. 20.

[31] Shvetâshvataropaniṣhat, vi., 22.

[32] Kaṭhopaniṣṣhat, iii., 14.

[33] I. Cor. xiii. 1.

[34] Kaṭhopaniṣhat, vi. 17.

[35] Muṇdakopaniṣhat, II., ii. 9.

[36] Ibid., III., i. 3.

[37] I Sam. xix. 20.

[38] II. Kings ii. 2, 5.

[39] Under "School."

[40] Dr. Wynn Westcott. Sepher Yetzirah, p. 9.

[41] S. Mark iv. 10, 11, 33, 34. See also S. Matt. xiii. 11, 34, 36, and S. Luke viii. 10.

[42] S. John xvi. 12.

[43] Acts i. 3.

[44] Loc. cit. Trans. by G. R. S. Mead. I. i. 1.

[45] S. Matt. vii. 6.

[46] As to the Greek woman: "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs."—S. Mark vii. 27.

[47] S. Luke xiii. 23, 24.

[48] S. Matt. vii. 13, 14.

[49] Kaṭhopaniṣhat II. iv. 10, 11.

[50] Brihadâraṇyakopaniṣhat. IV. iv. 7.

[51] Rev. vii. 9.

[52] Bahgavad Gîtâ, vii. 3.

[53] Ante, p. 26.

[54] It must be remembered that the Jews believed that all imperfect souls returned to live again on earth.

[55] S. Matt. xix. 16-26.

[56] S. John xvii. 3.

[57] Heb. ix. 23.

[58] S. John. iii. 3, 5.

[59] S. Matt. iii. 11.

[60] Ibid. xviii. 3.

[61] S. John iii. 10.

[62] S. Matt. v. 48.

[63] Ante, p.24

[64] Note how this chimes in with the promise of Jesus in S. John xvi. 12-14: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth.... He will show you things to come.... He shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you."

[65] Another technical name in the Mysteries.

[66] Eph. iii. 3, 4, 9.

[67] Col i. 23, 25-28. But S. Clement, in his Stromata, translates "every man," as "the whole man." See Bk. V., ch. x.

[68] Col. iv. 3.

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