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die. No one that I know of believes the "soul" shall "enter into life," which he or she says is Heaven, with a cut off hand of that soul in Hell. The "soul" in Heaven but its "hand" in Hell! They don't believe that a disfigurement of the body, whether it is a self inflicted disfigurement or any other disfigurement, will be passed onto the immaterial, invisible part of a person in Heaven. Neither do they believe any person has the power to cut of any part of his soul. Most that believe in "Hell" make this cutting off the hand be figurative language meaning to remove anything from our lives that will cause us to sin, but they want to take just this one word in the sentence be literal. They must first mistranslate "Gehenna" into "Hell" and then make just this one word out of context and make it be literal. Gehenna must be changed to Hell and be literal, but the cutting off the hand that is cast into Hell cannot be literal.
"Though his followers were called to suffer the loss of all things; though the hand of persecution might be raised against kindred and friends, yet, better to enter into life thus maimed, than to cling to those friends and share with them the judgments of God, figuratively represented by Gehenna fire. Jesus required his disciples to forsake all for him. He said: 'Whoso loves father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me.' Those who loved ease and fame and popularity more than him and his unpopular cause were not worthy of him. As though Jesus has said: 'In embracing my cause, now unpopular, now scorned and rejected by the world, the chief priests and rulers, you may be called upon to part with something dear to you as a member of your body; some dear friend may turn coldly from you and forsake you; it may be like severing a limb from the body; like cutting off a hand, or plucking out an eye; yet, better to enter into life thus maimed; better to cherish the hope of everlasting life at this great sacrifice, than to reject the truth, and remain in a state of unbelief and moral blindness'" D. P. Livermore, "Endless Punishment" Page 49, 1864.
"Perish" must be changed to mean, "preserve." God's word says He will destroy the soul, but many change this and make it say God will not let the soul perish but will preserve it forever. There seems to be no end to the changes they are willing to make. "Destroy the body and soul" must be changed to "preserve the soul but destroy the body."
A dead body part or a whole dead body being cast into the city dump [Gehenna] to be destroyed by fire or worms is not a picture of a living immortal soul being tormented forever in some place other then Gehenna. There is no suggestion of eternal torment in this. THERE IS NOTHING, NOT ONE WORD ABOUT AN IMMORTAL SOUL OR AN IMMORTAL SPIRIT IN THIS PASSAGE. It was their "whole body" that would be cast into Gehenna; nothing is said about an immaterial, invisible part of a person that will be cast into "Hell, nothing about eternal torment." INSTEAD OF SAYING THAT IMMORTAL SOULS WILL BURN FOREVER IN GEHENNA IT SAYS THE BODY WILL BE DESTROYED IN GEHENNA. Nothing is said about an immaterial part of a person in Matthew 5:22, 29 or 30. "Soul" is not in Matthew 5. IT HAS BEEN CHANGED AND PREACHED TODAY THAT THE "SOUL" WILL BE CAST INTO "HELL," NOT THE WHOLE BODY CAST INTO THE GEHENNA THOSE HEARING CHRIST WOULD KNOW ABOUT. THIS PASSAGE IS ONE OF THE MOST USED PASSAGE TO PROVE A PERSON HAS IN IMMATERIAL PART THAT WILL BE IN AN ETERNAL PLACE OF TORMENT, BUT NEITHER (1) A IMMATERIAL PART OF A PERSON (2) OR A PLACE OF ETERNAL TORMENT IS IN IT. EVERYTHING THAT CHRIST SAID IS CHANGED AND THAT BY THOSE THAT SAY THEY DO NOT CHANGE THE BIBLE.
[3] The third, "You have heard you shall not forswear yourself" [Matthew 5:33].
[4] The fourth, "You have heard…an eye for an eye” [Matthew 5:38].
[5] The fifth, "You have heard…love your neighbor” [Matthew 5:43].
All five of the "you have heard" are about judgments of the Old Testament Law that had punishment in this life, not about things in the life after the resurrection and judgment. BEING CAST INTO GEHENNA IS AN EARTHLY JUDGMENT THAT IS IN THE SAME CONTEXT WITH OTHER EARTHLY JUDGMENTS. This is the first time Christ used the term Gehenna; if He had used it to teach endless torment, He said nothing that those hearing Him, or those who read His words today, could know He was speaking of anything more than an earthly judgment; there is absolutely no indication He was speaking of eternal torment of a “soul.”

"FEAR HIM, WHO AFTER HE HAS KILLED HAS POWER TO CAST INTO GEHENNA" Luke 12:4-5; GOD IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN GEHENNA Matthew 10:28. This was spoken to the twelve apostles when they were sent forth to preach, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" [Matthew 10:1-28]. He was persecuted, and they would be, but they were to "Fear them not." "But I will warn you whom you shall fear: fear him, who AFTER HE HAS KILLED has power to cast into Gehenna" [Luke 12:4-5]. "AFTER HE HAS KILLED" must be changed to "ALIVE BUT SEPARATED FROM GOD" to fit today's teaching for an immortal soul cannot be killed and this passage must be changed to teach an immortal soul that cannot be killed is alive and tormented in "Hell." After all, they cannot have God killing an immortal soul that cannot be killed before He cast it alive into "Hell" could they?
Man can destroy the life we now have, but God alone is able to destroy [Apollumi] both soul [life-psukee] and body in Gehenna "AFTER HE HAS KILLED." To prove Hell, many have this earthly body tormented in Hell after the Judgment Day. If both the body and soul are destroyed in Gehenna proves an immortal "immaterial, invisible part of man" [W. E. Vine] that cannot die will be tormented in Hell, then it also proves the earthy body will be tormented in Hell. IF THE "IMMATERIAL, INVISIBLE PART OF MAN" CANNOT DIE BECAUSE IT IS IMMORTAL FROM BIRTH, GOD COULD DO NO MORE THAN A MAN. HE COULD ONLY DESTROY [KILL] THE BODY, BUT NOT THE IMMORTAL "IMMATERIAL, INVISIBLE PART OF MAN" THAT CANNOT DIE AND CANNOT BE DESTROYED. Was Jesus telling the twelve apostles not to fear God? He was if the soul [psukee] is immortal from birth and cannot be killed. Does it mean what it says, or does "destroy," mean to "torment forever," as today's theology interprets and demands? If it were as is taught today that destroy means torment, and Gehenna means Hell, then they have God tormenting both this body of flesh and the "soul" in Hell forever, which is more than they want it to say, but when they change Gehenna to "Hell," this passage teaches something that even those who make the change do not believe. Will this earthly body be in "Hell" and be immortal? If it is to be tormented forever in "Hell," then the earthly body is as immortal as the soul is. When a person has killed the body, he can do no more. At the worse, a person can only take a few years of life from you, but there will be a resurrection and God can take an eternity of life from you.
God has the power to kill, or the power to torment (if He was that kind of a God, a fiendish and sadistic God); but we must look to the Bible to know what He will do and not look to theology. A man can only take this life from you, and then can do no more, and most of the twelve Christ was speaking to were soon killed by men who could do no more, but there will be a resurrection of all they kill. God can DESTROY this life, and then DESTROY the resurrected life after the judgment. There is a second death for those not in Christ.
Apollumi is used 95 times in the New Testament. . Matthew 10:28 is the only time it is used of the soul and it says God is able to kill [apollumi] the soul just as the body is killed in the other passages. Those who believe we have a soul that cannot die must deny this plain statement made by Christ. In the King James Version the other 94 times it is the body that is destroyed (the end of life of the body) or things (such as bottles, meat, gold, Matthew 9:27; John 6:27; 1 Peter 1:7; etc.) that are. It is translated destroy, destroyed, perish, lose, lost, and die.
• In the Greek it is not “soul" but "psukee" (life) that God can and will destroy.
• The saved will never perish (apollumi) [John 10:28].
• The lost will perish (apollumi) [1 Corinthians 1:18].
• Anyone can perish (apollumi) by drowning [Mark 4:38; Matthew 8:25]. When apollumi is applied to persons whether in this life or at the judgment it is life that is destroyed, not living forever being tormented by God and cannot perish.
Men did kill the bodies of many disciples and Christ warned that they would be killed, but this has no effect on their or their ultimate existence. Death is but a brief sleep, which will be as if it were only a moment from death unto the resurrection. [Deuteronomy 31:16; 2 Samuel 7:12; 1 Kings 1:21; Job 7:21; 14:12; Psalms 13:31 Jeremiah 51:39, 57; 1 Kings 2:10; 11:21, 43; 14:20, 31; 15:8, 24; 16:6, 28; 22:40, 50; 2 Kings 8:24; 10:35; 13:9, 13; 14:16, 22, 29; 15:7, 22, 38; 16:20; 20:21; 21:18; 24:6; 2 Chronicles 9:31; 12:16; 14:1; 16:13; 21:1; 26:2, 23; 27:9; 28:27; 32:33; 33:20; Job 3:13; Isaiah 26:19; Matthew 9:24; 25:5; 27:52; Mark 5:39; Luke 8:52; John 11:11-14; Acts 7:60; 13:36; 1 Corinthians 15:6, 18, 20, 51; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15; 5:10; 2 Peter 3:4]. There will be a resurrection, and in the ultimate eternal sense, man cannot kill the soul-life [psukee]. God can destroy and make our memory to perish [Deuteronomy 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:6; Ecclesiastes 9:4-6; Psalms 31:12; 88:5; Isaiah 26:14; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5; Romans 6:23]. If death does not indicate unconsciousness, then the analogy of sleep, which is used throughout the Bible, is meaningless for the dead are not asleep. It is more than just meaningless, being asleep when they are awake in Heaven or Hell would be an outright lie that is repeated frequently.
The second death is never called a sleep because there will be no waking up or resurrection from it.
Many believe that the destroying spoken of in Matthew 10:28 is to be after the resurrection, but just do not agree on if destroy really means destroy or if destroy mean an everlasting life with punishment. IT IS CLEARLY SAID THAT THE DESTROYING IN THIS PASSAGE IS IN GEHENNA, WHICH IS A PLACE ON THIS EARTH, however, if the destroying were after the judgment, even then it would not prove no one could be destroyed, therefore, destroy must be changed to torment. "Fear him who is able to
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