» Religion » A Book Of Inspirational poetic Quotes Volume #1, Rev. Greg Lovell [novels in english .txt] 📗

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930. Don’t have commotion in your emotion God wants to give you a promotion.

931. God wants you to proceed to succeed.

932. Don’t waver you have favor.

933. Don’t look at the mess God will bless.

934. Let us make real clarity God wants you to have prosperity.

935. Don’t be quick to quitbe wise and rise.

936. Get a fix on the word of faith mix Then you can let your faith cook from the book.

937. Don’t let your faith get stale use it it always prevails.

938. Don’t bale out when your faith seems to run out instead shout the word out.

939. If you are not anxious your life can be stupendous.

940. Don’t be mad when you have Jesus joy to make you glad.

941. Don’t be in distress instead Get God’s address.

942. If you are grateful then God will be faithful.

943. Don’t let your life go down the drain get into the word and proclaim.
944. Don’t procrastinate get into the word and meditate.

945. Hey buddy get into the word and study.

946. Get on God’s ship go to Him and fellowship.

947. Don’t complain about your pain GO TO THE word and proclaim.

948. You don’t have to be a pretender just go to Him and surrender.
949. Hey sir call things that be not as though they were.
950. Join God’s clan and be a part of God’s plan.
951.It takes His grace to enter the Heavenly place.
952.With God you must find that He is Kind.
953.God corrects and protects
954.Because you have His ability you have His possibility.
955. It is wise not to compromise.
956. Take a Holy Ghost shot from the spot.
957. It should be our focus to be like Jesus.
958. Because Jesus was rejected we are accepted
959. When you are sick sing word of faith music.
960. Yes indeed it is God you need/
961. Yes God wants to give you double and deliver you from your trouble.
962. You have freedom when you are in God’s Kingdom.
963. You will receive forgiveness in your brokenness.
964. The old man must die and the new man must rise.
965. Submission to authority is your priority then you will walk in victory.
966. Don’t sit on the fence let the word of God be stance to enhance your advance.
967. Because of your mother you are a new brother.
968. In Christ you are a winner not a prisoner.
969. Take Jesus name rebuke that other name and you won’t be the same.
970. In Jesus name Satan has retreated and is defeated.
971. In Jesus name have fun and make Satan run.
972. Have God’s harmony has victory.
973. Don’t be sad our God is not mad He is glad
974. When God says no Just go with the flow
975. Go to the word and invest that is God’s best.
976. I God’s ways train your child and he won’t be wild.
977. Set an example you are God’s temple.
978. You walk in God’s popularity when you walk in His integrity.
979. With God you must find He is kind.
980. Die to your history and walk in victory.
981. Satan Steals Jesus Heals.
982. God’s word is alive read it and survives,
983. Because you are faithful you will be successful.
984. Release and have God’s peace.
985. I God‘s word don’t hesitate to meditate.
986. Yes it is true you’re mind you can renew.
987. Let me give you some advice Jesus already became your sacrifice.
988. Don’t fear God’s word you need to hear.
989. Because you have Christ to adore you don’t have to sin any more.
990. Get rid of that bad t..v. and be free.
991. With praise shout and let Jesus out.
992. Talk on God’s phone and you won’t be alone.
993. I Jesus you have purpose because you make Him your focus.
994. God is not cheap You will reap.
995. We have scored when we made Jesus Lord.
996. Yes it is true the world sees what you do.
997. Get on God’s street and your life wiil be sweet.
998. It is always great fellowship with God when to Him you give worship.
999. When the blood is applied Jesus is glorified.
1000. Let Jesus touch you with His love much.
1001. If Jesus you adore He will give you His love more.
1002. Put your hand in God’s hand and He will help you stand.
1003. You have a choice in your voice to rejoice.
1004. In praise and worship keep on shouting from the mountain and drink
from His fountain then you can move your mountain.
1005. To God raise your praise.
1006. God’s love is sweet and it is real deep.
1007. Jesus says rise up build yourself up and you will step up.
1008. Even when you are buisy God will make things easy.
1009. Be sill and hear from God’s will.
1010. Don’t be blue God will see you through.
1011. God is Awesome in Him you don’t have to be lonesome.
1012. Because you are His sheep His love to you will be deep.
1013. He is the ancient of days with you He will always stay
1014. To Jesus you are precious.
1015. Get on God’s phone and trust Him alone.
1016. Because Jesus you found you are heaven bound.
1017. No matter how you felt Jesus will give you help.
1018. You can say amen Jesus is your best friend.
1019. This is what I am told to let this unfold You don’t have to
Be cold you can be bold because the anchor always holds.
1020. Because Jesus is in your store and in Him you adore your life
1021. Will never be a bore and you always score.
1022. this is what I see because I have Jesus in me
1023. I can walk in victory and I am set free.
1024. Go to God’s word and connect it will take effect.
1025. I detect God’s word you must select.
1026. You are brave to go out and get people saved.
1027. On your vacation you can have great expectation.
1028. Don’t protest the test In God just rest that is His best.
1129. When you tithe God opens the door to His store.
1030. The word is God’s Imperial Material.
1031. When you join Jesus flock He becomes your Rock.
1032. In your salvation saying Jesus is Lord is your foundation.
1033. Don’t have any guilt Drink from the word’s milk.
1034. You are God’s building to Him you must keep yielding.
1035. Be selective in your motive.
1036. Have God’s perspective in your motive.
1037. It is wise to see yourself through God’s eyes for this is wise then you will arise.
1038. Make a commitment in your life to make an adjustment
1039. Be Active take your motives captive
1040. You can have laughter before the rapture.
1041. Behold you have word power to overcome your stronghold.
1042. Because you are under God’s wings you can have good things.
1043. Spiritual growth comes from your mouth.
1044. Your tongue is your rutter in which the word you can mutter.
1045. Satan cowers under God’s word power.
1046. Don’t let bad words leak take the word and speak.
1047. With your problem get to the root and in Jesus name give it the boot.
1048. It is a good dream no matter how it seems in Christ you can have good self-esteem.
1049. What God has joined together even if there is thunder let no man put assaunder.
1050. Because of his mercy we can walk in victory.
1051. Because of the savior we live together forever.
1052. Living Word Church is Rockin in Brockton.
1053. When you are in God’s camp the word is your lamp.
1054. You are a part in God’s heart.
1055. Success is forward progress.
1056.God’s will should be your pill.
1057. Go the extra mile with a smile.
1058. Let us applaud WE have the one and only God.
1059. The word is the sure cure.
1060. We have a crown of favor because we have the savior.
1061. Take a look and start prophecy from the book
1062. Don’t be shy prophecy.
1063. The word should be your prescription for your addiction.
1064. In Christ you can live longer and stronger.
1065. Embrace His Grace in His Race and Take Your Place and you will always finish in first Place.
1066. Praise and worship should be a lifestyle not just something you do once in awhile then you will be able to smile.
1067. Don’t worry about the world’s chatter, to you God is the only one who should matter
1068. When you are in a trial you can put this on file God wants you to smile.
1069. Take the word and apply and you will live and not die.
1070. Even though your life seems ordinary God can make it extrodinary.
1071. In your weakness walk in God’s meekness.
1072. When you live to give the harvest of your crop will never stop.
1073. This is not bunk God does not make junk.
1074. Don’t be a procrastinator in walking in God’s character.
1075. You gain a prize when you take the word and memorize.
1076. This life is temporary we live in Heaven for eternity.
1077. With the word of God Dose to God you can get Close.

Inspirational Quotes July 2011
1078. In God’s race God gives us His Strength to run the whole length.
1079. Because the joy of the Lord is our Strength it gives our life great length.
1080. God is your power Source when you stay on His Course.
1081. It is swell to say you can finish well.
1082. If you trip don’t quit get on the word of God Ship.
1083. Because of the Nails God’s Love Never Fails.
1084. If you have Humility you have great possibility.
1085. Walking in integrity Helps you to walk in Victory.
1086. It should be your first Story to give God Glory.
1087. Humility is a choice in your voice.
1088. This you must accept. You are not Perfect.
1089. This is not Bunk God does not make Junk
1090. Yes it is true You need to do what God says to do.
1091. My life is not boring because His mercies are new every Morning.
1092. Even if you are getting old you can still be Bold.
1093. You gain a prize when you take the word and memorize.
1094. Life on earth is temporary Life in Heaven is for Eternity.
1095. Get out of your Shell and drink from God’s well.
1096. You can be bolder when you become God’s Soldier.
1097. Don’t aquire the world’s Fire Aquire God’s Fire.
1098. This is true out with the old in with the new.
1099. This is True Off with the old On with the New.
1100. This I want you to Comphrehend Jesus will be your Friend until the End.
1101. We walk in Victory for Eternity.
1102. Overcome with God’s power and you will come out smelling like a flower.
1103. On this you must Focus. God is in Us.
1104. In the word hunger and you will not feel bad any longer.
1105. Because we have God’s Strength your life will have great Length.
1106. This we cherish we will never perish.
1107. Don’t be Blue take the word and Do.
1108. It should be your Ritual to be more Spiritual.
1109. When we worship the King. We abide under His wings.
1110. Yes it is true God made you.
1111. Seek to be Meek.
1112. The word is the Advancer to your Answer.
1113. God is the Solution to life’s pollution.
1114. Even in this Society you do not have to have Anxiety.
1115. This is good Perception God never throws
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