» Religion » The Works of John Bunyan, vol 1, John Bunyan [reading like a writer TXT] 📗

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his Martyrology, the favourite book of Bunyan.—Ed.

12. April 23, 1661.

13. See page 56, and note there.

14. It is very probable that his persecutors knew the heroic spirit of this young woman, and were afraid to proceed to extremities, lest their blood-guiltiness should be known throughout the kingdom, and public execration be excited against them. Such a martyr’s blood would indelibly and most foully have stained both them and their families to the latest generation.—Ed.

15. ‘Smayed,’ an obsolete contraction of ‘dismayed.’—Ed.

16. Bunyan is silent upon the death of his first wife and marriage to the second; in fact he forgets his own domestic affairs in his desire to record the Lord’s gracious dealings with his soul. It is not his autobiography, but his religious feelings and experience, that he records.—Ed.

17. ‘Chafed,’ excited, inflamed, angry.—Ed.

18. This is a beautiful specimen of real Christian feeling; nothing vindictive, although such cruel wrongs had been perpetrated against her beloved husband.—Ed.

19. Nothing daunted by the cruel Statute which was then in force, Bunyan acted exactly as Peter and John did under similar circumstances, “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). If I suffer death for it, I am bound to speak the warning words of truth, “Touch not the unclean thing.”—Ed.

20. Application was made to Bishop Barlow, through Dr. Owen, to use his powerful influence in obtaining liberty for this Christian captive; but he absolutely refused to interfere. See Preface to Owen’s Sermons, 1721. Bunyan, upon his petition, heard by the king in council, was included in the pardon to the imprisoned and cruelly-treated Quakers. Whitehead, the Quaker, was the honoured instrument in releasing him.—Introduction to Pilgrim’s Progress, Hanserd Knollys Edition.—Ed.

21. See an authentic copy of this Royal Declaration, and observations upon it, in the Introduction to the Pilgrim’s Progress, published by the Hanserd Knollys Society, 1847.—Ed.

22. All these letters, and nearly all his autographs, have disappeared.

Of his numerous manuscripts, books, and letters, not a line is now known to exist. If discovered, they would be invaluable.—Ed.

23. Strongly does the departure of Bunyan, on his ascent to the celestial city, remind us of Rev 14:13, ‘And I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.’ What an exchange! From incessant anxious labour; from sighing and sorrow; from corruption and temptation; to commence an endless life of holiness and purity, rest and peace. To be with and like his Lord!

His works have followed, and will follow him, till time shall be no more.—Ed.

24. Among these truly remarkable sayings, so characteristic of our great author, this of the fearful nature of sin is peculiarly striking; it is worthy of being imprinted on every Christian’s heart, to keep alive a daily sense of the exceeding sinfulness of sin.—Ed.

25. Judges in those days were often biased by personal feelings, and in some cases even by bribes.—Ed.

26. ‘Otherguise importance’; another manner of importance.—Ed.

27. ‘Posing,’ questioning closely, putting to a stand.—Imperial Dictionary.—Ed.




By John Bunyan, in Prison, 1665


These verses, like those called “A Caution to watch against Sin,”

were first printed on a half sheet, and passed through several editions. The Editor possesses a copy published by the author, a short time before his decease; it is in an exceedingly rare little volume, including his poems of “One thing needful” and his “Ebal and Gerizzim”; with “a catlogue of all his other books.” London: printed for Nath, Ponder, at the Peacock in the Poultry, 1688. On the reverse of the title is a singular advertisement; “This author having published many books, which have gone off very well, there are certain ballad sellers about Newgate, and on London Bridge, who have put the two first letters of this author’s name, and his effigies, to their rhymes and ridiculous books, suggesting to the world as if they were his. Now know that this author publisheth his name at large to all his books, and what you shall see otherwise he disowns.”

Bunyan was imprisoned for teaching the gospel in its purity to the poor, and for refusing conformity to national creeds and ceremonies.

This was as absurd as it would be, to imprison such of the inhabitants of a country who refused to swear that all mankind were of one standard in height; sending those who had consciences to prison, until they pretended that they had grown taller or shorter, and were willing to take the oath. Mental decision must be formed on evidence. God can enlighten the mind to see that he alone can guide us to spiritual worship—that his will must be personally consulted, and unreservedly obeyed. Such a man feels that his soul’s salvation depends upon obedience to God, and not to man. If human laws send him to jail for refusing to disobey God, he will write upon the prison wall as William Prynne did upon that in the Tower, “The Lord heareth the poor, and despiseth not HIS prisoners.”

‘Christ’s presence hath my prison turn’d into A blessed heaven; what then will it do In heaven hereafter, when it now creates Heav’n in a dungeon; goals to courts translates?’

‘He is not bound whom Christ makes free; he, Though shut close prisoner, chained, remains still free: A godly man’s at large in every place, Still cheerful, well content, in blessed case, Unconquered; he a sacred heaven still bears About within his breast.’…

These were the feelings of all Christ’s prisoners. Indomitable was the heroic spirit of Bunyan. He tells his persecutors their folly and their sin, even while suffering under their lash; and after more than twelve years’ incarceration, his free spirit is unsubdued.

Again for sixteen years he enjoyed the sweets of liberty, and then republished at all risks his proofs of the wickedness of persecution for conscience’ sake. There was no craft, nor guile, nor hypocrisy about his character, but a fearless devotion to the will of his God; and he became one of the most honoured of his saints.



1. Friend, I salute thee in the Lord, And wish thou may’st abound

In faith, and have a good regard

To keep on holy ground.

2. Thou dost encourage me to hold

My head above the flood,

Thy counsel better is than gold,

In need thereof I stood.

3. Good counsel’s good at any time,

The wise will it receive,

Though fools count he commits a crime Who doth good counsel give.

4. I take it kindly at thy hand

Thou didst unto me write,

My feet upon Mount Zion stand,

In that take thou delight.

5. I am, indeed, in prison now

In body, but my mind

Is free to study Christ, and how

Unto me he is kind.

6. For though men keep my outward man Within their locks and bars,

Yet by the faith of Christ I can

Mount higher than the stars.

7. Their fetters cannot spirits tame, Nor tie up God from me;

My faith and hope they cannot lame,

Above them I shall be.

8. I here am very much refreshed

To think when I was out,

I preached life, and peace, and rest To sinners round about.

9. My business then was souls to save, By preaching grace and faith;

Of which the comfort now I have,

And have it shall till death.

10. They were no fables that I taught, Devised by cunning men,

But God’s own Word, by which were caught Some sinners now and then.

11. Whose souls by it were made to see The evil of their sin;

And need of Christ to make them free From death which they were in.

12. And now those very hearts that then Were foes unto the Lord,

Embrace his Christ and truth, like men Conquered by his word.

13. I hear them sigh and groan, and cry For grace, to God above;

They loathe their sin, and to it die, ‘Tis holiness they love.

14. This was the work I was about

When hands on me they laid,

‘Twas this from which they pluck’d me out, And vilely to me said,

15. You heretic, deceiver, come,

To prison you must go;

You preach abroad, and keep not home, You are the church’s foe.

16. But having peace within my soul, And truth on every side,

I could with comfort them control,

And at their charge deride.

17. Wherefore to prison they me sent, Where to this day I lie,

And can with very much content

For my profession die.

18. The prison very sweet to me

Hath been since I came here,

And so would also hanging be,

If God would there appear.

19. Here dwells good conscience, also peace Here be my garments white;

Here, though in bonds, I have release From guilt, which else would bite.

20. When they do talk of banishment, Of death, or such-like things;

Then to me God sends heart’s content, That like a fountain springs.

21. Alas! they little think what peace They help me to, for by

Their rage my comforts do increase;

Bless God therefore do I.

22. If they do give me gall to drink, Then God doth sweetn’ning cast

So much thereto, that they can’t think How bravely it doth taste.

23. For, as the devil sets before

Me heaviness and grief,

So God sets Christ and grace much more, Whereby I take relief.

24. Though they say then that we are fools Because we here do lie,

I answer, goals are Christ his schools, In them we learn to die.

25. ‘Tis not the baseness of this state Doth hide us from God’s face,

He frequently, both soon and late,

Doth visit us with grace.

26. Here come the angels, here come saints, Here comes the Spirit of God,

To comfort us in our restraints

Under the wicked’s rod.

27. God sometimes visits prisons more Than lordly palaces,

He often knocketh at our door,

When he their houses miss.

28. The truth and life of heavenly things Lift up our hearts on high,

And carry us on eagles’ wings,

Beyond carnality.

29. It take away those clogs that hold The hearts of other men,

And makes us lively, strong and bold Thus to oppose their sin.

30. By which means God doth frustrate That which our foes expect;

Namely, our turning th’ Apostate,

Like those of Judas’ sect.

31. Here comes to our rememberance

The troubles good men had

Of old, and for our furtherance,

Their joys when they were sad.

32. To them that here for evil lie

The place is comfortless,

But not to me, because that I

Lie here for righteousness.

33. The truth and I were both here cast Together, and we do

Lie arm in arm, and so hold fast

Each other; this is true.

34. This goal to us is as a hill,

From whence we plainly see

Beyond this world, and take our fill Of things that lasting be.

35. From hence we see the emptiness

Of all this world contains;

And here we feel the blessedness

That for us yet remains.

36. Here we can see how all men play Their parts, as on a stage,

How good men suffer for God’s way,

And bad men at them rage.

37. Here we can see who holds that ground Which they in Scripture find;

Here we see also who turns round

Like weathercocks with wind.

38. We can also from hence behold

How seeming friends appear

But hypocrites, as we are told

In Scripture every where.

39. When we did walk at liberty,

We were deceiv’d by them,

Who we

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