» Religion » The Life of Trust, George Müller [e ink epub reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The Life of Trust, George Müller [e ink epub reader .txt] 📗». Author George Müller

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of orphans, 137 5 4   "  stationery 7 6 6½     Balance in hand on May 26, 1860 9,858 8 5½   £17,058 2 5   £17,058 2 5
Income for the Building Fund,
from May 26, 1859, to May 26, 1860. Expenditure in connection with the Building Fund.   £ s. d.   £ s. d. By amount received up to May 26, 1859 41,911 15 11 Expended up to May 26, 1859 21,402 18 10   "  Donations in money 1,964 6 3½   "  for additional furniture, etc., on the new Orphan House, No. 2. 49 0 9½   "  Sale of grass and rent of the field, March 25, 1859, to March 25, 1861 72 0 0   "  on the building of the new Orphan House, No. 3 2,379 4 9   "  Interest 1,120 14 5 Balance in hand on May 26, 1860 21,282 10 0   "  Drawbacks of property tax 44 17 9       £45,113 14 4½   £45,113 14 4½

We have examined these accounts and find them correct.


Bristol, June 22, 1860.




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Would call particular attention to the following valuable works described
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Krummacher’s Suffering Saviour.
Banvard’s American Histories.    The Aimwell Stories.
Newcomb’s Works.    Tweedie’s Works.    Chambers’s Works.    Harris’ Works.
Kitto’s Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature.
Mrs. Knight’s Life of Montgomery.    Kitto’s History of Palestine.
Whewell’s Work.    Wayland’s Works.    Agassiz’s Works.

List of titles written in a book.

Williams’ Works.    Guyot’s Works.
Thompson’s Better Land.    Kimball’s Heaven.    Valuable Works on Missions.
Haven’s Mental Philosophy.    Buchanan’s Modern Atheism.
Cruden’s Condensed Concordance.    Eadie’s Analytical Concordance.
The Psalmist: a Collection of Hymns.
Valuable School Books.    Works for Sabbath Schools.
Memoir of Amos Lawrence.
Poetical Works of Milton, Cowper, Scott.    Elegant Miniature Volumes.
Arvine’s Cyclopædia of Anecdotes.
Ripley’s Notes on Gospels, Acts, and Romans.
Sprague’s European Celebrities.    Marsh’s Camel and the Hallig.
Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words.
Hackett’s Notes on Acts.    M’Whorter’s Yahveh Christ.
Siebold and Stannius’s Comparative Anatomy.    Maroon’s Geological Map, U.S.
Religious and Miscellaneous Works.
Works in the various Departments of Literature, Science and Art.


Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including obsolete and variant spellings. Obvious typographical errors in punctuation (misplaced quotes and the like) have been fixed. Corrections [in brackets] in the text are noted below:

It is possible that the same name is spelled variously: Franke; Francke; Franké. The names have been left as in the original.

page 203: typo corrected
the Lord Jesus. Even about the commencment[commencement] of this century, when there was almost universal darkness or even

page 302: typo corrected
with a sufficiently large

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