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id="id08095">36 That is, Cube-House. Maison Carrée. It is also commonly called the Bait Ullah, House of God. The Caaba is an oblong massive structure 55 ft. in length, 45 in breadth, and the height somewhat greater than the length. At the S.E. corner is the famous Hajar El-Aswad, or Black Stone, according to Lieut. Burton, an undoubted aerolite. It is figured in Mr. Muir's "Life of Mahomet." The Caaba stands in an open parallelogram of about 500 ft. by 530 ft. and is surrounded by colonnades, the pillars of which, made of various marbles, some Egyptian but mostly Meccan, stand in a quadruple row on the east side, and three deep on the other sides, and amount to 554. It has been rebuilt several times, but has not been materially altered since A.H. 1040.

37 Names given to the sacred animals which were marked and allowed to range for pasture at liberty. The dedicated mother-camel was the Saiba; the Wasila included also goats or ewes; the eleventh female offspring of the camel was Bahira; the dedicated stallion was Hami. These forms of superstition grew up, obviously, from a remote period, out of the intense affection of the Bedouin for his flocks, especially his horses and camels.

38 Lit. on you your souls.

39 Lit. upon its face, i.e. according to its plain scope.

40 See Evang. Infant. c. 1, Invenimus in libro Josephi Pontificis qui vixit tempore Christi, Jesum locutum esse, et quidem cum in cunis jaceret, etc. The date of verse 108 to the end is uncertain.

41 Precisely the same expression is applied to our Lord in the Arabic Evang. Infantić, c. 36 at the end, which also relates the story of the Birds.

42 Ar. El-hawariyin, a different word from that used for Jesus, Hud, Saleh, and the other apostles par excellence. The root of the word is the Ćthiopic hawyra, to go, send; hence the Church is called in Ćthiopic the Beth chrestyan ant hawariyat, i.e. Apostolic. See, however, the note on Thilo's Cod. Apoc. p. 152, who derives from the root hur, to be white, pure; hence, friends, helpers.

43 Comp. 1 Cor. xi. 27, sqq.-Muhammad obviously refers to the Eucharist.

44 Thou hast a right to do so as their Lord.

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[The Roman figures shew the Sura, the second figures the verse, and the third, in parenthesis, the page.]

AARON, relics of, ii. 249 (365)
 Receives a revelation, iv. 161 (428);
 vi. 84 (324); xxi. 49 (154)
 Makes the calf, xx. 92 (99)
 Clear of speech, xxviii. 34 (250)
 Brother of Mary, xix. 29 (119)
Ababils, cv. 3 (36)
Abel and Cain, v. 30 (489)
Ablutions, iv. 46 (416); v. 9 (486)
Abraham, receives a revelation, ii. 130 (352); lxxxvii. 19 (40)
 Neither Jew nor Christian, ii. 134 (352)
 Is a Hanyf, or sound in faith, iii. 89 (395); vi. 162 (333); xvi. 121
 Is visited by Angels, xi. 72 (221); xv. 51 (114)
 Preaches the Divine unity, xxix. 15 (262); xliii. 25 (136); vi. 74
 Is made Imâm, ii. 118 (350)
 Argues with Nimrod, ii. 260 (367)
 Is taught the resurrection, ii. 262 (367)
 Is a Muslim, iii. 60 (392)
 Is ready to sacrifice his son, xxxvii. 101 (82)
 Builds the Caaba, xxii. 27 (455); iii. 91, note (395)
 Prays for his race, xiv. 38 (229)
 Is condemned to the flames, xxi. 68 (155)
Abrogation, ii. 100 (349); xvi. 103 (207)
Abu Jahl, xcvi. 16 (20)
Abu Lahab, cxi. (29)
Ad or Adites, vii. 63, note (300)
Adam, his sin, vii. 18 (295); ii. 34 (341)
 Worshipped by angels, ii. 32 (341); xx. 115 (101); xviii. 48 (185);
xvii. 63 (169)
 Is as Jesus, iii. 52 (391)
Adopted Children, xxxiii. 4, 5, 37 (434)
Adultery, iv. 19, 30 (412); xvii. 34 (167); xxiv. 6 (444); xxxiii. 30 (437)
Ahmed, lxi. 6 (405)
Al Araf (Purgatory), vii. 44 (298)
Alexander the Great, or Dhoul-karnain, xviii. 82 (188)
Alms, ii. 211 (361); lviii. 13, 14 (452); lxiv. 16, 17 (373); xxx. 38 (213)
Amulets, note (27)
Angels, bear Gods throne, lxix. 17 (59)
 Intercede, xl. 7 (240); xlii. 3 (270)
 Die, xxxix. 68 (260)
 Aid believers, xiii. 12 (334); iii. 120 (397); vi. 61 (322); viii. 9,
12 (376)
 Daughters of God, xvi. 59 (204); xvii. 42 (168); xxxvii. 150 (84);
xliii. 18 (136); liii.
     28 (70)
 Guard Hell, lxxiv. 30 (22)
 Of Death, vi. 61 (322); vii. 35 (296); xvi. 30 (201); xxxii. 11 (190);
xlvii. 29 (384)
 Of Babel, ii. 96 (348)
Ant, xxvii. 17 (175)
Arafat, ii. 194 (359)
Ayesha, xxiv. 10 (444), note
Azar, vi. 74 (323); lx. 4 (466)

Babel, Angels of, ii. 96 (348)
Balance, xxi. 48 (154); vii. 7 (294); lvii. 25 (409)
Baptism, ii. 132 (352)
Beast, the, xxvii. 84 (179)
Becca. See Mecca.
Bedr, iii. 11 (386); viii. 5 (375), 42 (378)
Bird, i.e., Destiny, vii. 128 (305); xvii. 14 (166); xxvii. 48 (177); xxxvi.
18 (131)
 (Ababils), cv. 3 (36)
Booty, viii. 1, 42 (375); xlviii. 19, 20 (462)

Caaba, ii. 119-21 (351)

Cain, v. 30 (489)
Calf (Golden), ii. 48 (342), 88 (347), iv. 152 (427); vii. 146 (306); xx. 90
Christians, less opposed to Muslims than Jews, etc., v. 85 (495)
Circumcision, not mentioned in the Koran
Corah, xxviii. 76 (252); xxix. 38 (264); xl. 25 (242)
Creation of the world, xvi. 3 (200); l. 37 (93); xiii. 3, 4 (334); xxxv.
 Of Heavens and Earth, xli. 8-11 (193)
 To set forth his truth, xvi. 4 (200)
 For man, xvi. 14 (201), 82 (206)

David, makes coats of mail, xxi. 80 (156); xxxiv. 10 (285)
 His judgment, xxxviii. 20 (125)
 His praises of God, xxxiv. 10 (285); xxxviii. 16, 17 (125)
Deluge, liv. 9 (77); lxix. 11 (59)
Dhoul Karnain, xviii. 82 (188)
Dhoul Kefl, xxi. 85 (156); xxxviii. 48 (127)
Dhoul Noon, xxi. 87 (157)
Disciples of Christ, lvii. 27 (409)
Divorce, iv. 24 (413); xxxiii. 48 (439); lviii. 4 (451); lxv. 1, 2, 6 (429);
ii. 226 sqq. (362)
Djalout (Goliath), ii. 250 (366)
Djibt, iv. 54 (417)
Djinn, vi. 100 (326), 128 (329); xli. 24, 29 (194)
 Created of fire, xv. 27 (113); lv. 14 (74)
 Good and bad, xi. 120 (225); lxxii. 11 (141)
 In the power of Solomon, xxvii. 39 (176); xxxviii. 36 (127)
 Hear the Koran, xlvi. 28 (316); lxxii. (141)
 Hear what passes in Heaven, xxvi. 212 (110); xv. 17 (113); xxxvii. 7
(79); xviii. 48
    (185), etc.

Eblis (note, 341)
Eden, ix. 73 (478); xiii. 23 (335); xviii. 30 (183); xxxv. 30 (292); lxi. 12
Edris or Enoch, xix. 57 (121); xxi. 85 (156)
Egypt. See under Pharaoh, Moses, Magicians
Elephant, cv. (36)
Elias (an Apostle), vi. 85 (325); xxxvii. 123 (83)
Elisha, vi. 86 (325); xxxviii. 48 (127)
Enemies, treatment of, lx. 9 (466)
Evangel, lvii. 27, note (409)
Ezdras, ix. 30 (473)

Faith and Good Works, xvi. 99 (207); viii. 1 (375) Fast, the, ii. 179-183 (357) Fatalism, iii. 139 (399); lxxxvii. 3 (40); viii. 17 (376); ix. 51 (476); xiii. 30 (336); xiv. 4 (226); xviii. 81 (187), 102 (189) Fire, obtained by friction, xxxvi. 80 (134); lvi. 70 (68)

Gabriel, xvi. 104 (207); lxvi. 4 (464); lxxxi. 19 (46)
 Enemy of the Jews, ii. 81 (346)
 Bearer of Revelation, liii. 5, 6 (69)
Gehennam, the form of the word (189), note
 Has seven gates, xv. 44 (114)
 Its guardians, xl. 52 (244); lxxiv. 30 (22)
Genii. See Djinn
God (Allah), one cxii. (29); xxxvii 4 (79); xx. 7 (94)
 His names, vii. 179 (310)
 Creator, vi. 101 (326)
 Unwearied by creation, l. 37 (93)
 His power, ii. (throughout); iii. 159 (401)
 Is a light, xxiv. 35 (446)
 Perfect in His works, lxvii. 3 (142)
 Provides for all, xv. 20 (114); xvii. 21, 32 (166)
 His words are countless, xviii. 109 (189); xxxi. 26 (269)
 The avenger, iii. 3 (386); v. 96 (496); x. 100 (283); xiv. 48 (230)
 Has no offspring, ii. 110 (350); vi. 100 (326); xix. 36 (120); 91-93
(123); xxi. 26
    (152); xxxvii. 149 (84); xxxix. 6 (255); lxxii. 3 (141)
 Because He has no wife, vi. 101 (326); cxii. 3 (29)
 Changes not, xlviii. 23 (462)
 Created all beings to adore Him, li. 56 (63)
 How He speaks with man, xlii. 50 (274)
 Leads and misleads, xxxv. 9 (290); xiii. 27 (336); lxi. 5 (405)
 His decrees, xiv. 4, 32 (226-28)

God, made reprobates for Hell, vii. 178 (310)
 Is author of good and evil deeds, xci. 8 (38)
 And yet good is from Him, evil from man, iv. 81 (419)
 Omniscient, vi. 59 (322); lviii. 8 (451)
 Omnipotent (passim)
 All seeing but unseen, vi. 103 (327); lvii. 6 (407)
 All hearinng, xliv. 5 (89)
 Gracious, iii. 28 (388)
 Omnipresent, lvii. 3 (407)
 His Providence (passim)
 Eternal, cxii. 2 (29)
 The first and last, lvii. 3 (407)
 Forgiving (passim)
 Grateful, iv. 146 (426)
 Subtile, vi. 103 (327)
 Self-sufficient, xxvii. 40 (176); xxxv. 27 (292)
Gog, Magog, xviii. 93 (188); xxi. 96 (157)
Goliath. See Djalout.
Greeks, xxx. 1 (210)
Greetings, iv. 88 (420)

Habil (Abel), v. 30 (489)
Haman, vizier of Pharaoh, xxviii. 5 (247); xxix. 38 (264); xl. 25, 38 (242,
Harut and Marut, ii. 96 (348)
Heavens, seven, lxvii. 3 (142); lxxviii. 12 (52)
Hedjr, xv. 80 (115)
Hell, made for Djinn and men, vii. 36 (296); xi. 120 (225)
 Duration of, xi. 109 (224); vi. 128 (329)
Honein, ix. 25 (473)
Hotama or Crushing Fire, civ. 4, 5 (30)
Houd, vii. 63 (300); xi. 52 (220); xxvi. 123 (107)
Houris, lvi. 34 (67)
Hypocrites, ii. 9-19 (339)
 Their conduct at Medina, xxxiii. 9-15 (435)
 Their treatment, xxxiii. 47 (439)
 Their portion hereafter, lvii. 13 (408)

Idolaters, those who associate other gods with God, ii. 107 (350); xxv. 3
(159); xxviii. 62-
   74 (252); lii. 34-49 (64)
 Are unclean, ix. 28 (473)
Idolators, not to be prayed for, ix. 114, 5 (483)
 The unpardonable sin, iv. 51 (417), 116 (424)
Immunity, ix. 1 (468)
Imran, iii. 30 (388); lxvi. 12 (465)
Infidels deny the future life, vi. 29 (319); xix. 67 (122)
 Their portion, iii. 8 (386), 112 (397)
 Their hardness of heart, vi. 109 (327)
 Hold mere opinions, liii. 29 (70)
 Those who die infidels, iii. 85 (394)
Initial Letters, 32 (note)
Irem, lxxxix. 6 (54)
Isaak (Ishak), ii. 127 ff. (351); vi. 84 (324); xi. 74 (221); xix. 50 (121);
xxi. 72 (155); xxxvii.
   112 (83)
Islam, ii. 132 (352); iii. 79 (394); xlix. 14 (470)
Ismael, ii. 119 ff. (351); vi. 86 (324); xix. 55 (121); xxxviii. 48 (127)
Israelites, a pre-eminent race, ii. 116 (350)
 Pass the Red sea, xxvi. 63 (105)
 In Egypt, xxviii. 2, 3 (247)
 See Jews.

Jacob, ii. 126 (351); iii. 87 (395); xi. 74 (221); xix. 50 (121); xxxviii. 45
Jesus, ii. 81 (346), 254 (366); v. 50 (491); vi. 85 (325); xxiii. 52 (147);
lvii. 27 (409); lxi. 6,
   14 (405)
 His history, iii. 40-52 (390)
 His divinity denied, iii. 73 (393)
 Was not put to death, iv. 156 (427)
 God could destroy him if He chose, v. 19 (488)
 Is only a servant of God, v. 109 ff. (498); xliii. 57 (138), 63 (139)
 His birth, xix. 23, 24 (119)
 His profession, xix. 31 (119)
Jews (of Muhammads time), ii. 59 (344), 88 (347); iii. 62 (392); ix. 30
(473); lviii. 15 (452)
 The punishment in store for them, iv. 50 (416); v. 69 (493)
 Their conduct, iii. 184 (403)
 Their captious words, iii. 179 (403)
 Their perversions of Scripture, ii. 98 (348); iv. 48 (416)

Jews, enemies to Muslims, v. 85 (495)
 Their lex talionis, v. 48, 49, 69 (491, 493)
 Their calumnies against the Virgin Mary, iv. 155 (427)
Job, vi. 84 (324); xxi. 83 (156); xxxviii. 40 (127)
John, xix. 7 (117); xxi. 90 (157)
Jonah, vi. 86 (324); x. 98 (283); xxxvii. 139 (84); lxviii. 48 (34)
Joseph, vi. 84 (324); xii. (230); xl. 36 (242)
Joshua, xviii. 59 (186)

Kadr or Power (night of), xliv. 2, 3 (89); xcvii. 1-5 (36)
Karoun (Corah), xxviii. 76 (252); xxix. 38 (264); xl. 25 (242)
Kebla, ii. 109 (350), 136-145 (353)
Khidr, xviii. 62, note (186)
Koran, a divine work, iv. 84 (420); xlvi. 2-7 (313); liii. 4 (69)
 Preserved in Heaven, xiii. 39 (337), lxxxv. 21 (43)
 Is not the work of djinn, xxvi. 210 (110)
 Is admired by djinn, xlvi. 28 (316)
 Confirms the Scriptures, x. 38 (278)
Koreisch, cvi. 1 (36)

Lokman, xxxi. (267)
Lot (a prophet), vi. 86 (325); vii. 78 (301)
Lotus (of the boundary), liii. 14, note (69)

Madian, vii. 83 (301); xxviii. 24 (249)
Magi, xxii. 17 (589)
Magicians, x. 80 (282); xx. 60 (97); xxvi. 37 (104)
Malec, xliii. 77 (454)
Man, his creation, ii. 28 (340) etc.
 Hasty, xxi. 38 (153); xvii. 12 (165); lxx. 19 (73)
 Created weak, iv. 32 (414)
 Of clay, xv. 26 (113)
 Of clots of blood, xcvi. 2 (19); xxii. 5 (453)
 Inconstant, xxii. 11 (454)
 Ungrateful, xvii. 69 (170)
 Was one people, ii. 209 (360)
Manna, vii. 160 (308); xx. 82 (98)
Marriage, xxxiii. 50 (439)
 Lawful and unlawful, ii. 220 (361); v. 7 (486); iv. 26-30 (413)
Mary, Mother of Jesus, iii. 31 (389); iv. 169 (428); v. 79 (494); xix. 16
(118); xxi.

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