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„... For I will spread a heavenly table into your midst and a multitude, thirsty for God, will come to see you, but your law will be from heaven and the law of the holiness will be upon you; and it will be a clean Eden in you, and the Holy Spirit that works and shares from Me through you, through those that want to be with Me and like Me... ”
„…But, what is the kingdom of the heavens? Behold, it is the inner being, the man who let to be created after My image and My likeness to be, then, as I am. Behold the kingdom of the heavens! It is My complete will in the man, as in heaven so on earth. Amen. I want the man to hear that the kingdom of the heavens is the man who does My will as I do My Father’s will on the earth as in heaven, My people.”