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Here is a POWERFUL and life-transforming new book about the radical nature and attributes of God's Love, and how He has made us one with His Love in Christ!! (and so much more!) The entire book, which is over 300 pages as an ebook is available for FREE! This is just the 1st chapter though...To download the entire free ebook please go to: Love and blessings to you, Jason Tax

A Divine revelation and warning of the end times. A life-transforming book. On July 19, 2011, at 10 am, Regina Clarinda had just begun her daily quiet time with God, when something happened. “All of a sudden my room became so bright. A dazzling white light appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. A few seconds later, it became so bright and blinding that I had to close my eyes and cover my face with my hands. “Be not afraid, My daughter.” A voice was heard. Straight away I knew it was

HisHumbleWay -- A Jesus Ebook Short Stories about Jesus, religion. Learn more about Jesus and His Ways. A Pathway to spirituality

Letters from the Lamb takes the first-century message from the letters to the seven churches of Revelation and makes it intelligible to the twenty-first century reader. Using information gleaned from archaeology, historical writings and careful examination of the biblical text, Timothy Archer helps the reader see the letters through first-century eyes. Steve Ridgell then takes that ancient message and makes it pertinent to the modern reader, letting the words of Jesus come alive for today’s

Book explaining the dangers of divorce among christians and false doctrines.

Educational Non Profit Religious Fair Use Notice Certain materials used in this total website and E-Book are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the educational multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.By Sanctus Theological Institute and The Christic Ministry a legally Chartered Church.