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There is a mighty power in prayer. Our great adversary is constantly seeking to keep the troubled soul away from God. The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect to pray. The whispered temptations of the enemy entice them to sin; and it is all because they do not make use of the privileges of prayer. Why should we be reluctant to pray, when prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse? Without unceasing prayer and diligent watching we are in danger of growing

„Oh, I have come in the place where I started when by My word I made the heaven and the earth, and then out of dust I made the man with My own hand and I gave him My image at his creation and I made him after My likeness and the Father’s ...”

„Get used to speak more with the Lord about you, about your things, about the things that are hard for you. Speak to the Lord as to a good friend, who is warm and merciful, as to a Father, as to a gentle Shepherd.”

„I am calling to those who have denied Me, for they denied My word just as Jerusalem denied Me two thousand years ago, and then I also denied it.”

„... I have come the second time against the antichrist man and kept the country of My coming from those that are to come with wrath over the earth, to try all people, but also for the protection of the Romanian sons, and I urge them not to receive the seal of the antichrist man, of the one hidden under the veil, (The Vaccine against Covid -19, and then, passport to move freely and buy, r.n.), ...”

„... only that I, the Lord, I, and all the heavenly ones, We seek for Our rest in man, as man is the Father’s desire, the Son and the Holy Spirit’s. I built the man for Me and he is My rest, and the whole heaven longs after Me rest, after My peace, ... My resting temple.”

„Oh, learn sons; learn to get the assurance for your eternal life. A man pays with money his assurance for life, poor of him. Oh, what foolishness, what great foolishness! On-ly the small man is capable of such foolishness. Oh, flee and seek after the life of the sons born of God so that you may not remain only men and that is all, oh, sons of the calling from above for a true life on earth!”

„Oh, it is a holy feast of Pentecost and I have revealed to you mysteries, the mystery of the first love, the mystery of God’s sons, of My disciples, disciples according to the truth ...”

„Oh, may it be blessed the Christian people all over the earth! Moreover, may you and your servants be cursed! Have you heard, satan? Let all the earth and every man on it hear, and let you and yours hear it as well, for the Lord is declaring now over the unfaithful: Anathema!”

„... and I teach the man by the word and I tell him to choose his happiness and holiness for it and I am telling him now this: Oh, man worship God, not sin, nor flesh, nor yourself; rather wor-ship God only and serve Him with your life, for behold, man worships the woman as Adam did. He gives her gifts and stays at her feet to win her over for sin, ...”
