Genre Religion. Page - 19
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„My people listen to My voice! I am the Word of God. Amen, amen, amen. I speak from heavens again and I protect My speaking upon the earth and I spread the news of the return of the Son of God to all the margins of the heaven and the earth. I am coming the second time to the people from near My Father.”

„Oh, there was not and there is no one on earth who does not know that I died on the cross and then I came back to life. And now, there will not be anyone from one margin to another of the heavens, no one without knowing and hearing that the Lord is coming on earth as word to proclaim His kingdom, the Gospel of His coming, ... (Apoc: 14/6)”

„I am nothing but the Shepherd from above, the gentle One, the humble One, and now, I am descending on earth with My voice of Shepherd to fulfill the Scriptures that prophesy that there will be only one Shepherd, and that One will shepherd the flock, and in this way it will be a flock, only one flock, ...”