Genre Religion. Page - 30
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„... Oh, and the Christian also has to fast from wickedness, from impatience, from disap-pointment, from carelessness of the soul, and from disobedience, sons, and then from scattering, anger, lie, hidings, pride, and from many other devilish works, such as envy, evil and empty talk, lack of love, and God’s sons have to fast from the world, oh, from the world, sons.”

„It is a holy feast in heaven and on earth, but the tradition left by the saints is put aside. Oh, how are to come at My wedding, at My table, how are to come those who will have spoiled the holy tradition? Do they know any longer when the feast is kept in heav-en, each feast? It is confirmed that those who are called do not come at the wedding, for they do something else;”

„Therefore, come to your senses and receive love from the Lord, you who are rul-ers over the nations, and teach your peoples the mystery of love and its fruits, ... Amen, amen, I say to you, nations on earth, and you, governors of peoples, stand up by the work of love and rise above the evil and fulfill the commandments of life before Me, ...”