Genre Religion. Page - 56
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Oh, you should also love as God does, and love God in you as He is, for I am the One aggrieved, and there is no greater feast before Me like the man who is like Me, in My image and after My likeness, and My tear becomes word over the one who takes after Me on earth, waiting with patience for My rest and for his, for the labor of the love that waits under the cross. Amen, amen, amen.

„My speaking from today is being testified by My book of today, a book prophesied by the Scriptures to be, a book which stays open so that I may speak through it; the book with seven seals, which only I, the Lamb and the Word of the Father, have taken it from His hand to open its seals one by one, ...”

„I have come again from the Father to the man, and I work with the glory which I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world, and this glory which I have from Him is the world of My mouth, the world which made the heaven and the earth, and which has made again a new heaven and a new earth, a new Jerusalem and a new people, ...”

„I work out My coming again from the Father to man and I work by the word as I worked from the beginning when God made the heaven and the earth. I was then the word of the Father, and I am the same today, for I am His Son. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, this is God’s name and in this name I come as word into My book of to-day. Amen.”

„Since I have been coming down to you with the saints, their comfort has been great and their reward has been hurried to come perfectly, as the new heaven and the new earth mean the reward of the saints who have been waiting for seven thousand years for the revealing of the sons of God on earth, ...”

A genie named fazal broke the law of god for his desires and peace A genie named fazal broke the law of god for his desires and peace A genie named fazal broke the law of god for his desires and peace A genie named fazal broke the law of god for his desires and peace A genie named fazal broke the law of god for his desires and peace