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In our online library you will find exciting romance novels by famous authors. Reading will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the characters, experience pleasant emotions and relax.

Dive into the world of heartwarming and steamy romance novels, featuring passionate love stories and relatable characters that will leave you swooning. From historical romance to contemporary love tales, our online library offers a wide range of options for every romance lover out there. So grab a cozy blanket and get ready to fall in love with our selection of Romance books!

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"Legally Hot" by Lora Leigh is a steamy romance novel that tells the story of a young lawyer, Victoria "Tory" Ashton, who finds herself caught between two irresistible men. As Tory navigates a high-profile legal case and a dangerous love triangle, she must confront her deepest desires and make a choice that could change her life forever. Leigh's writing is passionate and engaging, drawing readers into a world of power, wealth, and forbidden romance. With its strong

"Jordan's Desires" by Lynn Hagen is a romance novel that follows the story of Jordan as he navigates his desires and attraction towards another man. Set in a small village, the book explores themes of acceptance, love, and personal growth as Jordan comes to terms with his feelings and confronts societal norms. Hagen's writing is engaging and emotive, drawing readers in with her well-developed characters and descriptive prose. This book offers a heartfelt story of self-discovery and

"Heiress in Red Silk" is a historical romance novel by Madeline Hunter that transports readers to the vibrant and scandalous world of 19th-century London. The book tells the story of Lady Elisabeth Hamilton, a wealthy heiress who is determined to marry for love rather than money or social status. When she meets the charming and enigmatic Charles Wycombe, Earl of Billington, she finds herself drawn to him despite his reputation as a rogue and a ladies' man. As their relationship

"Northanger Abbey" is a novel by the renowned author Jane Austen, first published in 1818. The book follows the story of Catherine Morland, a young and imaginative girl who is invited to stay with the wealthy Tilney family at their country estate, Northanger Abbey. Catherine's fascination with Gothic novels leads her to imagine mysterious and dangerous events unfolding at the Abbey, but the reality is far from her expectations. Austen uses Catherine's experiences to satirize the

"Jericho" by T.K. Eldridge is a gripping and intense thriller novel that follows the story of a young woman named Jericho Sands. After experiencing a traumatic event in her past, Jericho has been living her life on the run, hiding from her abuser and struggling to make a new life for herself. When her past catches up with her, Jericho must confront her fears and fight for her survival. Eldridge's writing is immersive and powerful, drawing readers into Jericho's world and keeping them

"Pride and Prejudice" is a classic novel written by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story is set in the early 19th century in England and follows the life of Elizabeth Bennet, a witty and independent young woman, and her relationship with the wealthy and proud Mr. Darcy. The novel explores themes of love, marriage, social status, and class, as the characters navigate the challenges of society's expectations and prejudices. The novel is renowned for its sharp wit, vivid

"The House of the Misty Star" is a mystery novel written by Frances Little. The story takes place in an eerie and remote mansion on the shores of Lake Superior, where a young woman named Gail is invited to stay by her wealthy aunt. However, upon arriving at the mansion, Gail discovers that her aunt has been mysteriously murdered, and she sets out to uncover the truth about what happened. As Gail investigates, she uncovers a web of deceit, intrigue, and dark secrets that threaten to

"The Quest of Glory" is a historical fiction novel by Marjorie Bowen, set in medieval Europe. The book follows the journey of a young Englishman named Hugh de Giffard, who is sent to the court of Emperor Frederick II to seek his fortune. Along the way, Hugh encounters a cast of colorful characters, including knights, troubadours, and a mysterious princess, as he navigates the political intrigue and danger of the era. Through Hugh's eyes, readers are transported back in time to a

"Historical Tales, vol. 14, Part II" by Charles Morris is a compelling collection of historical stories that chronicle the lives and events of significant figures from history. Morris brings to life the stories of iconic individuals such as Christopher Columbus, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Queen Elizabeth I, among others. He masterfully weaves together factual information with engaging storytelling, offering readers a window into the lives and times of these important historical figures.

"Pearl of Pearl Island" by John Oxenham is a captivating novel that takes readers on an exciting adventure to an island in the South Pacific. The story follows the journey of 14-year-old Philip, who embarks on a mission to retrieve a valuable pearl from an island inhabited by natives. Along the way, Philip faces numerous challenges and dangers, including treacherous weather conditions and hostile wildlife, all while struggling to navigate the complex cultural and political landscape