» Romance » advertising-for-love, Rakhibul hasan [best love novels of all time txt] 📗

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on account of the past.” she said.

It had to be that just at that precise moment, Tizzy looked up. She recognised the lady as the woman who had arrived in the taxi. So this was the model everyone was talking about. She took in the scene, the two were very comfortable with each other and Trisha’s hand was covering Grant’s. There she saw the ring. A diamond solitaire that shined so brightly, that seated far away it still shone in her eyes.

Branson too had noticed Grant and his companion. But it was Tizzy’s reaction that intrigued him more. The way, her shoulders had suddenly slumped. The way sadness had encircled her as soon as she had sighted them.

“Tizzy?” he asked with concern. “Is something wrong?” Tizzy looked down at her plate.

“It’s nothing. I seem to have a headache. The food was lovely but would you mind if we left.” she pleaded

“Not if that is what you really want to do. But Tizzy, one must never run from a battle, and one must always fight for love.” he replied with concern.

Tizzy was surprised by his comment. Could Branson know how she felt? How could he, when even she was not sure herself?

Turing to the couple she saw that Grant and his companion had risen to leave. As they walked past, Grant looked up. His eyes were expressionless but Branson was sure that when they rested on him, those eyes were icy cold. ‘That’s interesting’, he thought. On impulse he waved to Grant. He knew Grant would acknowledge his salute and Grant did that. Then, Grant led Trisha to where Peter and Tizzy were seated.

Tizzy’s heart began thumping again. ‘Why couldn’t Branson have let them just go past?’, she thought.

“Peter, Tizzy” Grant shook hands with Branson, and nodded to Tizzy. “This is Trisha O’Neil.” Then looking at Trisha he said, “This is Peter Branson, a client and ‘friend’ of mine. I’d like you to also meet Tizzy. Tizzy works in the advertising department.”

Branson did not miss the stress on the word friend. So Grant was definitely upset, but why? Either he did not like seeing an employee dining with a client. Or could it be that there was more to Grant’s feeling for Tizzy? Both reasons would explain the cold look and the anger. But which reason was the truer one.

While the men exchanged their looks, the women greeted each other. Looking at Trisha, Tizzy understood why everyone called her stunning. She could also see why Grant had fallen in love with her. And she also knew she could never follow Branson’s advice. This was one battle where, even if she never ran, she could never win. Any kind of competition should be between ‘like versus like’. Any other scenario would give one side ‘unfair advantage’. And that side would never be her. The strange part was that she had instantly liked Trisha. There was something genuine about her. That was the word, genuine. She was a model, but untouched by the vanity and snobbishness ‘that’ career produced. She looked at her hand. There was definitely an engagement ring there. She was once again glad that she had her dark glasses on.

Branson took in all the exchanges. Grant was visibly upset. And his anger was directed at him. He had already explained his situation to Grant. Surely Grant did not think he was interested in Tizzy in a romantic way. And then he kicked himself. He maybe 64 years old, but he knew a couple of things about life that these kids had yet to learn. One was that you should never leave your feelings unexpressed, for sometimes it could end up being too late.

And if his guess were right, then he would have to ensure that Grant’s feelings were exposed sooner than later. But how was he going to go about it? He did not want anyone to be hurt, but there were too many hearts playing the game that was made for only two.

Soon after Grant and Trisha left the restaurant Branson took Tizzy home. At the entrance, he

carefully manoeuvred the situation so that he had invited himself in for coffee. Even though there were several vacant parking spots along the kerbside, he parked in the driveway. He told himself that if his guess was right then the black Ferrari would drive by. Since Grant knew what his car looked like, it would be wise to park it where it would be most visible.

They had their coffee. He looked at the watch. It was ten o’clock when he heard the roar of a car. Under the pretext of checking on his car, he opened the front door and walked out. The dogs escaped and Tizzy came running out to control them. Yes, thought Branson, it was a black Ferrari all right. It was time for Act 1 Scene 1.

“Peter, I am sorry for spoiling the evening. It was really a beautiful restaurant. And I loved the food.” Tizzy was still feeling guilty for leaving the restaurant without having their desert and coffee.

“I am glad you came. Listen Tizzy, I have many friends, but I am just as lonely as you. We both need family. If you will allow me, I would love to be that for you. And it would give me great happiness, if you will be mine.” Again Tizzy saw his eyes glisten with unshed tears. He had meant to act a scene, but found himself, living the moment.

Her own eyes were filled with tears, but she could not control them as he had. As the tears fell, Branson put a protective arm around her. ‘Thank you God for giving me a second chance’ he sent up a grateful look.

Grant could no longer bear the scene. He started his engine and drove away. Branson smiled. My guess was right. Act 1 Scene 2 will follow tomorrow. As the car went out of sight, he too said goodbye and drove off himself.

Tizzy had promised him that she would go to bed immediately, but sleep would not come. She

kept seeing Grant and the engagement ring. She told herself again and again, that she was being very foolish. Grant was not hers, she had no claims on him and she should never have ventured where there was nothing to gain.

At 2 am in the morning, she wrote what the outcome should be. It was time for her to leave T & G Mallaby. Tomorrow she would hand in her resignation to be effective as soon as they found a replacement. And then she would start her business from home, away from everyone, especially Grant.

Chapter 8

Thursday morning brought with it chaos at T & G Mallaby. Grant woke up in a foul mood, once again burnt his breakfast, stormed out of his apartment and blazed into his work. He thought he would catch up on the work left incomplete as a result of taking an early mark the day before. Seeing Becky’s car in the parking lot at 6.30 am brought some relief to him. Then seeing Tizzy’s car parked beside Becky’s reversed the condition again. ‘Hadn’t anyone been able to sleep last night?’ he thought

He left his briefcase on his desk and walked over to their department. He needed to know if Becky was going to be in for the day. His appointments and meeting depended on her plans. As he neared the room he heard Becky.

“I knew this would happen. I told Grant to keep Branson away from you.”

“It’s not Bra..nson. It’s me” Tizzy sounded nervous

“You loved it here. Until last week; T & G Mallaby was your life. So what has changed in this past week?” Becky asked the question.

“Becky you are having a baby. In less than seven months you will be gone. I can’t go through the meetings, the socialising. I hate it.”

“So what will you do? Find another job. Please talk to Grant. He knows your work, he can work something out.” Becky pleaded.

“I can’t Becky, I just can’t. This past week, instead of being a help, I have added to his problems. Oh, I know my work is good, but the job needs someone who can carry out the public relations as well. I can’t, we all know that.” Tizzy pleaded

“Tizzy, the same arrangement that exists between us can continue with the person that takes my place, and I am not even sure of my plans yet. I am working through them now. It could work Tizzy, just give it a try. If you leave now, we will never know.” Becky words were her prayer as well.

Tizzy leaving! Grant knew he could not let that happen. That, damn Branson! It had to be him. Tizzy was fine until yesterday. He would give Branson a piece of his mind later, but first he had to talk to both Becky and Tizzy.

Becky and Tizzy took one look at Grant and knew that he was upset. They also knew he had overheard their conversation, so there was no point in pretending that their conversation had not taken place.

Grant spoke to Becky first, asking about her health and then asked if she was feeling well enough to return to work. Becky assured him that she was and made an appointment to see him at eleven that morning.

Next Grant looked at Tizzy. Her hands were clasped together. So tight was her grasp that the knuckles of both hands had turned white. His eyes softened. Becky noticed the change and frowned.

“So what’s this about wanting to leave?” He questioned.

“G…Grant. I am not good at meetings, and at socialising…”she started

“From what I saw last night, I don’t think you really have a problem with either” Grant had not meant to sound either angry or sarcastic but that is exactly how he sounded.

Tizzy’s face fell and Becky’s frown deepened. She had been away for less than a week. What the hell had happened in that short time? They rarely spoke but whenever they had in the past, Tizzy and Grant’s conversations had always been civil. Now there was a totally different ball game in play, with Becky still not sure as to who was playing what.

Looking at Tizzy’s face, Grant once again realized he had said the wrong thing.

“I am sorry. I should not have said that. It’s really none of my business.” Grant corrected the situation.

Becky sensed that the moment had come when she should leave. Under the pretext of making another coffee she left them alone.

“Look Tizzy, I’ll be honest. I know you are not comfortable at presentations. But the few I have seen you at, you were quite good. In fact you are getting better with each one. Give me a little time and I will work things out so that you do not have to participate in the presentations if you do not want to. Ok? Now I am asking you to be honest with me, is this the only reason for your wanting to leave?”

Tizzy told herself that she should feel happy that Grant thought so well of her and her work, that he was prepared to work around her problem. But instead she felt more miserable. For the first time in over ten years she wanted someone to look past her work and at her, but all Grant was seeing was a valuable employee. Yes she would love to stay and work for him forever, but it was not Becky’s absence that was worrying her, it was Grant’s presence.

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