» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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thought to himself. He knew he would have to take it easy from now on until he

got better. What Tommy wanted more than getting better though was seeing his

little sister, Sophia. He hadn't seen her since Medda's. He wished he could go

see her, but he knew better enough not to march right into Spot's territory.

The thought of His sister being there by herself with Spot worried him. Tommy

didn't know him all that well except for the fact that he was feared by a lot

of newsie boys. Tommy closed his eyes then, letting sleep overcome him.

*sophia's pov*

Sophia walked the streets of Brooklyn doing a little grocery shopping. The

sun was out and it was bright. There was a blue sky with big white fluffy

clouds. She then thought of Tommy. She remembered when her and Tommy lived

happily with their little family. Tommy and her would sometimes sit outside and

point out different shapes the clouds made. It brought a smile to her face as

she walked over to a small park sat down, enjoying the warm air.

It's going

to be fall soon, she thought to herself.

All this nice weather will be

gone soon.

"Smalls!" A familiar voice called out to her. She turned to see

who it was and by her surprise it was Ractrack. What was he doing in


He took a seat next to her on a bench Sophia sat on. "How ya been

goily?" he asked.

She smiled. "I've been ok. Thanks for asking. How have you

been?"Racetrack smirked. "Oh ise been ok, fer the most part

anyway.""That's good. Oh! Tell me, how is Tom Tom? I haven't seen him

in a while. I miss him."Racetrack nodded. "Yeah he misses ya too.

Say, Medda's having another show ta night. Why don't ya come.""Sure!

I'd love to, but...""But what?"

"I don't know if Spot will let me."Racetrack scoffed. "He'll

have ta! Beside's I'm sure he'll say yes. He loves Medda's place."Sophia

laughed a little. "Your right." She then got a curious look on her

face. "Race...why are you here in Brooklyn?"Racetrack got an uneasy

look on his face. "Uh...ya see...I uh...Da truth is, Smalls, Tom Tom's not

feelin' so well, I mean, he hasn't told any of us boys yet, but, I has a

feelin' somethin's up with him."

Sophia's heart started to ache. "Is Tom Tom sick? I should go see him

now." She shot up but Racetrack calmed her down.

"Don't youse worry ya pretty lil head, missy. I'll let Tom Tom know yer

comin'." Sophia nodded, understanding.

"Goin' where?" Racetrack and Sophia both looked to their right and

saw Spot.

"Spot! Hows it rollin'?" Racetrack put out his hand but Spot

ignored it. "...Ok then." he said pulling hand back to his side.

Spot looked over to Sophia. "Where are you going?"Sophia looked

down at her bag of food and said, "Race says that Medda is having another

show tonight. I was going to ask you as soon as I got back to the lodging

house. Honest."Spot smiled, getting rid of the stern look on his face and

walked up to Sophia and put an arm around her. "Sure you can go, in fact

Ise think I'll go too."

"Awright then!" said Racetrack. "See youse both ta night

then." With that, Spot and Sophia both watched Racetrack leave.

Spot then turned to Sophia. "Ise thought I told ya not to go walkin'

'round Brooklyn dressed like a goil. Your way too damn pretty!"

Sophia blushed at Spot's comment. "I'll be fine, Spot."Spot

scoffed. "Yeah sure. Until some creep comes 'round and snatches you from


Sophia couldn't help but laugh. By this time they were walking back to the

lodging house. "Spot, you don't own me."

"Sophia, youse gotta take my word for it when I tell you not go out

alone dressed like a goil." Sophia knew that Spot was dead serious when he

used her real name to talk to her.

"Ok, Spot." She sighed as they passed by the Brooklyn bridge. Spot

then grabbed on to Sophia's hand and pulled her over on to the bridge.

"S-Spot? What are you doing?" Spot leaned up against one of the

rails on the bridge. "Ise don't feel like goin' back to the lodge house

yet."Sophia then handed her bag of groceries to Spot. "Hold this then.

My arms are killing me." Spot took the bag and Sophia leaned up against

the rail the same as Spot.

"There is something you want to tell me isn't there?" asked


Spot sighed and leaned his head back. "Yeah."

"What is it?" she asked him.

Spot put his head back down and looked over at Sophia. "Ise been

wonderin' fer a while, but never really got the chance to ask ya...Where did

you come from?"

"Where did I come from?" She repeated Spot's question.

Spot nodded. "Yeah. I mean...if yer my goil now, I should know these

things, right?"

Sophia blushed. She loved hearing Spot call her 'his goil'. "If you

really want to know, Tommy and I are from New Orleans."

Spot's eyes got big. "No kiddin'? What made ya two wanna come ta New


Sophia sighed. "Long story." she pinned part of her hair back

behind her ears.

"I like stories." said Spot with a big grin.

Sophia rolled her eyes and sighed. "I have my secrets too, Spot."

Spot then got a disappointed look on his face. "Aw man! Youse aint gonna

tell me?"

Sophia shook her head. "Sorry, Spot. Maybe some other time. C'mon though.

Let's get back to the lodging house, I'm sure your newsies are wondering where

you are." Sophia took a hold of Spots hand and they walked the rest of the

way back to the lodging house together.

Later on that night sophia, Spot and some of the Brooklyn newsie boys all

walked to Medda's. The place was packed as usual. Everyone sang and danced

along with Medda. Soon, within the crowd, Sophia found Tommy and called out his

name. The two siblings hugged and asked one another how they were doing.

"How have you been, Tom Tom? I've missed you so much!"

Tommy smiled down at hi little sister. "I've been good. How 'bout yer

self? Has Spot been treatin' ya good?"

Sophia smiled lightly . " could say that he has." You

blushed a little.

Tommy crossed his arms. "Well he better or he's got another thing


Sophia smacked her brother playfully on the arm. "Tom Tom!"

Tommy laughed. "Well it's true!"

A few moments later Kid Blnk came over and gave Sophia a great big hug.

"It's nice ta see ya again, Smalls! Ya mind if I take yer brotheh fer a

while?" Sophia shook her head and waved the two boys off. Sophia then

remembered what Racetrack had told her about Tommy: He was sick.

Spot then came behind Sophia and grabbed on to her waist and twirled her

around. "Hey, Smalls! Youse enjoyin' ya self?" He gave her a peck on

the cheek, but his cheery smile then faded when he saw that Sophia was not.

"Hey...youse ok?"

Sophia slowly nodded her head. "Yeah. Just worried about Tom Tom is


"Well what's wrong with him?"

Sophia shook her head. "Don't worry about it." She looked up at

Spot and smiled. "C'mon! Were at Medda's! Let's have a good time,


Spot wasn't sure what to think of this. Sophia was usually the one to be

very careful of things and her she was, blowing things off and only wanting to

have fun.

After Medda's Sophia ran up to her brother and gave him one last hug before

saying goodbye. She then turned to meet up with Spot and head back to Brooklyn.

"Smalls, can Ise ask ya a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

Spot held on to Sophia's hand as they walked and he shoved the other in his

pants pocket. "Everthing ok with ya?"

"What do you mean?"

"Youse been actin' strange ta day. Like you don't even care." Sophia

stopped dead in her tracks then, her hand slipping out of Spot' grasp.

"What's the matteh babe?" it was then when he realized Sophia was in

tears. He walked up to her and put both his hands on hr shoulder. "Look at

me, Smalls." Sophia looked up him, tears forming in her eyes and streaming

down her pretty white face. Her green eyes glistening in the moonlight from her

tears. "Sophia?"

"I do care, Spot. I do! To be honest, I'm worried about Tommy.

Racetrack says he thinks he's sick, but to me he looks perfectly fine, but I

know that's not a good thing. Tommy never tells anyone if something is wrong with


"Then why don't ya confront him about it, tootsie?"

"I wanted to tonight, but he seemed do happy, I just couldn't spoil his


Spot understood then. All it took was a little bit of explaining.

"C'mon, Smalls. Let's get headin' back." Sophia nodded and rested her

head against Spot's shoulder and walked the rest of the way back to the lodging


As Sophia made her way to Spot's room with Spot close behind her she quickly

made her way towards his bed. She instantly passed out soon after her head

reached the pillow. Spot slowly made his way next to her. He was tired too as

he kicked off his shoes, threw his hate to the floor and laid his cane next to

the bed. He looked over to Sophia. She looked so damn beautiful. Spot wondered

how the hell he got so damn lucky?
Chapter Ten: You are my home.

Sophia held her fist up at the King of Brooklyn. Her eyes furrowed and the cool hair blew back her long brown hair.
"C'mon, Smalls. Show me what youse got!" he said to her. Sophia took in a deep breath and ran at Spot, swinging her right fist at full speed. Spot easily dodged it and grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her. "Is that youse got, Smalls? C'mon. If youse wanna walk 'round Brooklyn alone ya gotta show me that youse got what it takes, goily." he said to her in her ear and then released her.

Sophia stumbled off

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