» Romance » Wish, H.R. Davison [historical books to read txt] 📗

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won one. Sitting on the bench in the park we drink frozen slushy’s to cool off after the game. DJ has been on his best behavior all day, only having eyes for me. After we are done with our drinks DJ suggests a walk through the park before taking me home. Not ready for our date to end, I agree.


The park is beautiful with a large pond and giant oak trees casting cool shadows over us as we walk. The smell of the freshly cut grass has a calming effect, reminding me of my childhood. I am so relaxed and I happy I reach over to take DJ’s hand casually as we walk together. The sensation of his much larger hand enclosing mine feels right, as if we are two parts to the same puzzle that fit together perfectly. Maybe that is just my overactive teenage hormones talking. I need to snap out of it and quit acting like some love sick puppy. The sun starts to set behind the trees signaling the end of the day. “I guess I should be getting home.” I say.


DJ squeezes my hand gently before letting go, “If you say so.” He says with a sigh.


The drive home is much too short for my liking, knowing that an empty house awaits my return. Pulling into the driveway I work up the motivation to get out of the car. Before I can even reach the handle to open the door DJ is there, opening it for me. “Thanks” I say, “But I could have done that myself.”


“I know you could have Kat, but I want to be here for you.” DJ says linking his arm through mine.


We walk up the sidewalk to my front door. The end of our date, the moment I have been anticipating and dreading at the same time. I want to stand up on my tip toes and kiss him, but I am much too nervous to make the first move. Butterflies dance around in my stomach. Does my breath smell bad? I scan through my memory of all of the food I had to eat today. Why didn’t I bring some mints? I realize while I am standing here thinking I must look like a fool to DJ. “Thank you for today DJ.” I manage to squeak out. “I had a wonderful ti…”


Before I can finish the words, his mouth is on mine. His hands curl around to the back of my head, his fingers massaging through my hair. My hands reach up to his neck, standing on my tip toes I am kissing him back, softly at first and then with more intensity. The butterflies in my stomach give way to a burning heat that surges through my body all the way to my fingertips. A soft moan escapes my lips as his hands trail down my neck to rest on my lower back, pulling me closer to him, I can feel the warmth of his body through my thin sundress. My body is reacting on its own, pulling closer to him, but my mind is on red alert screaming at me to stop before this goes too far. With regret I pull away with a gasp, catching my breath. “That was…”


“Amazing. “He finishes. “You are amazing Kat. I want to be with you.” He presses his lips to mine a second time. I kiss him back hungrily. I lace my fingers through his hair pulling him closer to me, deepening our kiss. This time it is him that pulls away. He reaches for the door knob behind me. I close my hand over his.


Breathless I push my hair out of my face as we walk into the house together. Before I can close the door behind me DJ is wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. He pushes the door closed and presses me back against it, kissing me again, this time on the other side of my closed front door.


He runs his hand down my waist and over my hips. Stopping at the edge of my dress his hands sparks with contact on my outer thigh. Caressing my smooth skin he moves his hand up my dress. My body is aflame with desire. My mind is screaming at me to stop this madness. “DJ, it’s late.” I tell him.


He groans in protest, straightening up he places a final chaste kiss on my lips. “Okay. I should go.” I watch him walk back to his car before I close the door and lock it. My breath is caught in my throat. Every fiber of being is thrumming with excitement.




I can’t keep the smile off of my face as I drive home. I have kissed girls before, plenty of girls actually, but I have never felt anything like the spark I had with Kat earlier. She is amazing. I can’t believe I almost screwed it up earlier, once by using magic on the vase and again with the waitress. What was I thinking? I need to be more careful. I can’t mess this up. No more girls I promise myself. Overall this has been the best birthday ever.


When I get home I see there are quite a few cars parked in the circular drive, pulling around to the back I park in the garage wondering what is going on. I didn’t know my parents were expecting guests, and if they were they didn’t bother to tell me.


As I walk down the hall to my bedroom I hear muffled excitement from the behind the closed office door. I can’t use magic to listen in because my parents would feel the waves on the air instantly and since I am still in my probationary period I have to settle for pressing my ear to the door like a common eavesdropper.


I hear the deep cascading voice of Armaros. “Bezaliel has agreed to help. She is in the process of transmitting the lost text as we speak.”


“Will there still be a war?” My mother’s voice calls out questionably, sounding bored.


“If the bonds are broken, yes. We cannot expect to be greeted with open arms.” Armaros replies.


Who is Bezaliel? What bonds? I know there will be a war, my parents have agreed to my participation on behalf of the Thirteen, but I thought it was war against the Elves for control of the Realm of Man. What does he mean about being greeted with open arms? All these thought racing through my head I didn’t hear the heavy footsteps until they were right behind.


I turn away from the door and I am greeted face to face with Solomon. Solomon growls, pulling his lips back in a snarl revealinga mouthful of razor sharp fangs. “I wasn’t expecting you here.”


“I… uhhh, just got home. Heading to my bedroom now.” I jog hurriedly down the hallway. “See ya!”


Armaros is up to something I just know it. Why would my parents keep me in the dark about something this big? It is my life on the line, not theirs. I need answers. Knowing I can’t very well ask the two people that are hiding information from me, I call the only person that may know. I wish more anything I didn’t have to speak with her. Wish? Hah, that is rich coming from a Djinn. Building up the courage I dial her number.




“Go on.” Lilli states excitedly waving her hands in a circular motion for me to continue.


I met Lilli here at the café after she left church. Since we got here she has been hounding me for information about the date I went on with DJ. Sipping my tea, I take my time before I finish my sentence. “And then he kissed me.” I can feel the warmth spreading over my face as I remember the impression of his lips on mine. Letting my hair fall around my face to hide my blush I look down at my cell phone checking the time. My dad will be calling me promptly at 3pm and I need to make sure I am back home by then so I can talk to him freely.


“Oh Kat.” Lilli states, “You’ve got it bad for the school heartbreaker.”


Heartbreaker? Yes I can see him being a heartbreaker, remembering the way he casually flirted with the waitress on our date. He was a perfect gentleman after I called him out on it though. Maybe he just needs someone like me to take control and not put up with his crap? Yeah right, said every girl he has been with, ever. I hardly think one date or a few kissesconstitute a relationship. Sighing, I concede to Lilli’s point. He will break my heart. Maybe I should just end it now? Or not let it begin with? Who am I kidding, one look in his dark eyes and I would be putty in his hands. What I need is a distraction. Cue, Lille, just the upbeat energetic distraction I need.


I leave the café to get home in time for my dad’s call. After speaking with him and hearing about all the boring details of the rainforest I walk through the empty house, lonelier than ever. Before I can get myself too depressed I decide to finish up the homework I had been putting off all weekend. Halfway through an impossible calculus equation my phone rings. I haven’t heard from DJ since last night, answering without checking the caller ID, hoping it is him calling I am surprised to hear Andy’s voice. “Umm hey Kat, I am just calling to check up on you, see how things are going?” Great my babysitter is checking up on me.


Rolling my eyes I answer. “Everything is fine Andy.” I wait silently for a response, not wanting to encourage him to continue calling me at all hours of the day. I am seventeen, not a baby, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Not to mention I will be eighteen soon.


“Oh great.” He responds, “So uhh hey, what are you doing?”


What am I doing? What is this? He is supposed to make sure the house doesn’t burn down, not keep tabs on my every waking moment. “Homework.” I reply stonily.


“OH uhh I see, well um… I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner.” Andy stutters, “I uhh don’t live far from you and I was thinking….” He trails off.


Dinner? Andy wants to have dinner with me? What is this all about? Unsure of how to

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