» Romance » Boarding Schools, Secrets, and Jerks 2, Alyza Slaton [top rated ebook readers txt] 📗

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you guys. But I’m coming soon. I promise.”

“Swear?’ He cried

“I swear. Where’s Mallory and Marc?” I asked in a growl

“Work as they say. But we all know their not.” Tyson answer sniffling, “Guess what?” He asked suddenly happy

“What?” I smiled

“I got a job!” He exclaimed

“Where?!” I laughed

“My best friend’s dad owns this mechanic shop and he gave me a jog to clean up and stuff.” He said proudly

“That’s awesome, Ty.” I laughed

“Yeah. I have, like, $400. Is that enough to come get us?” He asked

“I have about $2,000. So, I don’t know.” I shrugged

“Where are you staying?” He asked

“My boyfriends house.” I smiled

“You have a boyfriend?” He laughed loudly

“Hey!” I yelled offended, “I am VERY pretty!”

“Sure!” He chuckled

“You haven’t seen me face-to- face in FIVE years! People change!” I frowned into the phone

He stopped laughing, “Don’t remind me.”

“I’m sorry, Ty. But you’ll see me soon. Then you’ll never get away from me!” I then laughed evilly

“Ty, who’re you talking too?” I heard a little girl ask

“Kelsey!” He yelled

The little girl shrieked, “Kelsey?! Like, big sister?!”

“Yeah!” Ty yelled

“Kelsey?!” Her voice rang into the phone

“Hey, Tali.” I chuckled

“Oh my gosh! Jimmy, Talon, Easton, Caroline! Get over here!” She yelled INTO the phone

“Gosh, Tal, calm down.” I laughed

“Shush! Hurry up!” She screamed

“What?!” I heard Talon’s voice yelled, followed by Easton’s, Jimmy’s, and Caroline’s

“Kelsey’s on the phone!” She announced

“What?” Talon’s voice asked quietly

“Kelsey is on the phone, ding-bat.” Tali said quietly

“Give it to me!” He yelled and I heard struggling before a breathless Talon spoke,

“Hello? Kelsey?”

“Hey, Lonny.” I smiled

He started breathing heavy, “Please! Tell me this isn’t another dream!”

“You little perv! You have dreams about me!” I said feigning disgust

“It’s you.” He stated, “So, um, how’s it been?”

“Alright. Now you, tell me how it has really been. Tyson lied.” I said

“Oh, um, it’s been…good.” He lied

“Give the phone to Jimmy.” I ordered

“Here, Jim. She wants to talk to you.” I heard Talon mutter

“Kelsey?” Jimmy squealed

“Yes-sir-e-bob. What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” I laughed

“Nothing much. Mallory and Marc are still being the ugly ignorant bitches that they were when you left.” He chuckled

I grit my teeth, “Let me talk to Carry.”

“Okay.” He said

“Hey, Kelsey.” Carry said

“Has he touched you?” I said getting straight to the point

“…Um, no, he hasn’t.” She lied quietly

“I have to go. Tell everyone I love them. Bye.” I said before hanging up

I stood up and angrily walked back up stairs. I opened Kyle’s door and he was tossing and turning on the bed.

I set his phone down quietly and went to his dresser. I pulled out a green shirt that wasn’t as big as the others and the pair of pants Sophia gave me the other day. I went to my suit case and got out a bra and a pair of panties.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, washing all the dirt off. Getting out, I wrapped a towel around my body and dried off. After that, I slipped my underwear on and then slipped my clothes on.

I brushed through my hair and left it to dry. I set my clothes in the hamper thing and walked out of the bathroom.

I grabbed some socks, put them on, then slipped my green Vans on.

“Where are you go?” Kyle croaked behind me

“To handle some business.”

He sat up, “What kind of business?”

“No kind.” I shrugged

“Can I come?” He asked standing up

“If you hurry up.” I said impatiently

He nodded and jumped up. He ran to the bathroom, came out dripping wet a minute later, naked. I looked around, whistling.

“Done!” He announced

I looked back to see him fully dressed.

“Good. Let’s go.” I said grabbing his arm

We walked down stairs and I grabbed the car keys on the way out. I unlocked the doors and got in the driver seat.

“This is my car.” Kyle stated standing at the drivers side door

“Yes, it is. Get in the passenger side.” I said starting the car

“But, this is MY car.” He repeated

“I understand that but you don’t know where we’re going.” I said kindly

He grunted and walked over to the passenger’s side. He grumpily got in and buckled up.

“This is my car.” He said again, “Don’t crash it!” He yelled suddenly

“Calm down Ricky Bobby! I won’t.” I said pulling out of the drive way

I started down the road.

“Where’re we going?” Kyle asked

“Foster parents house.” I answered stiffly

“Oh. Well, what happened last night. When Thyme mentioned Mally and Mike you totally tensed.” He frowned

“Mallory and Marc. I just don’t like them.” I lied with a shrugged

“Don’t lie. Just tell me.” He pleaded turning to me

“You’ll get mad.” I said quietly

“I promise I won’t.” He said

I nodded, “He...touched girls.”

“Touches? Like…inappropriately?” He asked

I nodded and tightened my grip on the steering wheel

He was silent for awhile then asked, “Did he touch you?”

I shook my head, “I was the only one that stood up for everyone. I would’ve told. I was the oldest.”

“So, he touches the other girls?” He asked trying to control his anger

“I didn’t know. I swear.” I cried turning to him, “I-I didn’t know he touched them. They didn’t tell me!” I sobbed turning back to the road

“Shhh, Baby. It’s alright.” He tried to sooth

I shook my head, “It’s NOT alright! I left and he touched them. I shouldn’t have left. It’s all my fault!”

“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know.” He said softly as he pried my hand from the steering wheel

“I could’ve prevented it. If I stayed, I could’ve stopped him. Did something, ANYTHING!” I yelled wiping my tears

He stayed silent but held my hand tightly and ran his hand through my damp hair.

I speed up and I saw the familiar McDonalds I used to take them too. I turned down the familiar street and jerked to a stop on front on the small yellow house.

I got out and walked up the drive way. Kyle came up behind me and grabbed my hand.

“Just stay calm.” He whispered

I nodded and knocked on the door. Shuffling went on inside.

“W-who is it?” Tyson’s scared voice rang from the other side

“Open the gosh damned door!” I yelled opening it

Tyson, Talon, and Jimmy all jumped back scared.

“Pack your stuff.” I ordered walking into the house

“Kelsey?” Talon asked with ushed tears as his bottom lip quivered

I turned to him and smiled, “Wazzup?!”

Jimmy squealed and ran up to me, giving me a breath-taking hug. The they all ran up to me and squeezed the life out of me.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Ty sobbed into my shoulder

“I said I was coming soon.” I chuckled and patted his head

“Y-you’re really here! With us!” Carry cried

I wrapped my arms around her, “I was always with you guys.”

“But not physically!” Tali cried loudly as tears ran down her face

“Yeah.” I sighed

I looked up to see Kyle smiling at all of us.

“Guys, this is my boyfriend, Kyle.” I smiled

They jumped away from me and turned to him.

“Dayummmm!” Carry yelled eye raping Kyle

He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Um, Hi.”

“He’s HOT!” Carry yelled at me

“I knoooooow!” I chuckled

Tali was looking at him with narrowed eyes while the boys were glaring at him.

Kyle smiled and waved, “Nice to meet you guys.”

The boys walked towards him, trying to look menacing.

“What do you want with my sister?” Ty asked standing in the middle of Jimmy and Lonny

“What do I want with Kelsey?” Kyle asked confused

“Did I stutter? Why are you dating her?” Ty growled angrily

“Ty!” I snapped

They ignored me.

“Because I love her.” Kyle answered truthfully

“Awwwwww!” Carry and Tali squealed jumping up and down

“Do you really love her?” Lonny asked crossing his arms over his chest

“With all my heart.” Kyle smiled

“I like you!” Jimmy exclaimed hugging Kyle

Jimmy likes everyone. He’s a weird boy.

“Thank you.” Kyle chuckled nervously as he looked at the still glaring Lonny and Ty

“Go pack your things.” I said to the girls

They nodded excitedly and ran down the hall.

“Lonny, Ty, leave him alone.” I sighed walking up to Kyle

Jimmy released him and ran off to his room.

“What’s your purpose with my big sister?” Lonny asked

“To…marry her.” Kyle said slowly as he wrapped his arm around my waist

They watched the movement then shrugged.

“Cool with me.” Ty shrugged

“Yeah…cool beans.” Lonny nodded

“Go pack.” I said nodding down the hall

They nodded and walked down the hall.

“That was…fun.” Kyle laughed pulling me to his chest

“Yeah. They’re weird.” I chuckled, “I just don’t know where they could stay. I mean, I can’t leave them here.” I whispered looking down

“We’re going back to my house soon. We have extra rooms. They can stay at My Dad’s till we go.” He offered

I looked up at him, “You don’t have to do that. No.”

“You’re happier with them. They’re apart of the pack now.” He smiled

“I’m not sure that’s a secret you’re suppose to tell everyone.” I said with a serious face

“Family can know.” He stated kissing my forehead

I nodded, “Only till I can get them a place to stay. Ty is 17 so he can watch them. Also Talon and Carry are 16.”

“Carry looks 19.” He said

“She’d love to hear you say that.” I laughed

I detangled myself from him and pulled him down the hallway. The girls rooms were first.

I poke my head in and saw that their room was almost bare. Chuckling, I went to Jimmy’s room.

He was frantically shoving clothes into his suit cases.

“Calm down.” I laughed

He jumped, “Don’t do that!”

I shook my head and went to Ty and Talon’s bedroom.

“Where do you think we’re going?” I heard Lonny ask

“I don’t know but I hope it has a pool and our new school has hot girls.” Ty shrugged

“Fo sho.” Lonny agreed

I laughed and walked in, “What are you? Black?”

“Actually I am! 2%!” He yelled with attitude

“2% doesn’t mean anything!” Ty laughed taking down a poster of a girl with a bikini on

Kyle wrapped his arms around my waist, “I have a pool at my house and there are very hot girls where I live.” He laughed

I elbowed him, “Shut up!”

“I was just kidding!” He groaned in pain

“Hellz yeah!” Lonny and Ty yelled high fiving each other

I laughed and hooked my arm around Kyle’s neck. He sighed into my ear and tightened his hold around my waist.

“What’s going on here?!” I heard a voice boom

The boys stiffened and tears came to their eyes. I heard whimpers down the hall.

I got out of Kyle’s arms and walked out of the room. At the end of the hall was Marc, holding Carry’s arm tightly.

“Hey, Marc. Long time no see.” I laughed with a wave

Mallory was standing behind him, looking down at the ground but her head snapped up when she heard my voice.

“Wazzup, Mallory?!” I asked walking towards them

“Kelsey.” She sneered

“Kelsey? That bitch we used to watch?” Marc asked Mallory

Mallory nodded glaring at me, “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to take my siblings home.” I stated standing a few feet away from them

“This is their home!” Marc yelled

“No. Wherever I am, that’s home.” I said

He turned to Carry and yelled in her face, “You’re not going anywhere!”

She whimpered and tried to pull away. My rage was growing quickly. He suddenly slammed him lips against hers and I took off with inhuman speed.

I pushed him off her and he fell back, on top of Mallory.

“Go finish packing.” I said to Carry

She stared at me in shock and nodded, scurrying into her room. Marc got back up.

“You bitch!” He yelled lunging at me

I side stepped and he flew into the ground. He got back up and I slammed him into the wall.

“Who’s the prey now?” I growled in his face

He got ready to spit on me.

“Spit on me, I will kill you.” I sneered

Fear flashed in his eyes before he masked it, “Whatever, little bitch! You’re still MY PREY! And Caroline it too.” He smirked looking over at Carry who was staring wide eyed at us

I grit my teeth, “See, that’s what you think. You’re my prey now.”

He tried to
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