» Romance » Sometimes mistakes happen.., K. Harris [reading rainbow books TXT] 📗

Book online «Sometimes mistakes happen.., K. Harris [reading rainbow books TXT] 📗». Author K. Harris

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she sat on my lap. she placed her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulders. This, is all I want. Not Hannah.


 "Brodie and Mikky can't know about what happened last night." Sarah blurted. 

"How are we going to explain the banged up cars though?" I asked softly. 

"Well Dad doesn't know but I save some of the money he gives me just in case things like this happen. My car will be written off I know it but I'll get a new, smaller car. I'll have Dads windows replaced and I want to help you pay for your car to be fixed." She croaked. 


Did she really think I'd allow that? It wasn't her fault Angela got to my car. But why my car? Now that I thnk about she target a car she had no clue who it belonged too. Unless she thought it was my car, but I've only ever met her once and that was from calling the... Oh. Now I understand. 


"Umm, Mark?" Sarah asked. 


I snapped out of my day dream and realised I still hadn't replied back to Sarah. I completely lost train of thought. 


"Oh sorry, I was thinking about what you said. You don't have to put anything into my car being fixed. I won't allow it. However I agree we need to get your Dad's windows fixed. How about we do that first thing tomrrow? Ill get Mums ute and bring my car here. As for yours and your Dad's we'll call one of the shops. Hopefully the one about 15 minutes away as Aaron works there." I smiled hoping to cheer her up. 

"Sounds perfect. So whose Aaron?" she asked softly. 


"My brother." I laughed. How did she not know this?

"Your.. What?" her eyes widened. 

"Brother." I repeated. 

"I thought it was just you and Abby?" she asked confused. 

"Well, Aaron is Dads other son. However different Mums. His actually a senior at our school." I explained. 


She still looked puzzled. Now I feel like an idiot not telling her this sooner. Even though I only met her last Thursday... And now we're dating? Holey shit. 


"Alright, I'm sorry I didn't mention this sooner. I swore I did the other night but I'll tell you about him." I mumbled. She gave a slight nodd. 


"Aaron is 18. His a senior and has an apprentiship at one of the shops. But he still wanted to complete school so he attends 2 days a week and works 4. Meaning he works every Saturday. Anyway, His lived in Brisbane about a year now. He has always lived with his Mum Sandra, who is an amazing lady. Aaron and I used to hate eachother until we reached 15 and 16. Now we can't go a day without speaking. His like a best friend only a brother as well." I smiled. he really was my best friend. He was there for me when Hannah cheated on me. Unlike all my other mates back in Sydney. 


"Oh wow." Sarah smiled. I gave a nodd with a small smile. 

"He sounds amazing, definately want to meet him now." She continued holding my hands. 

"That'll be perfect. He would adore ypu." I laughed and kissed her cheek softly.


"We should at least tidy up the house today, plus organise the bedrooms." Sarah smiled. 

"What's going on with your Dads study? He was so happy to finally have one." I asked. 

"We have a rumpus room out the back but it needs work down. like i good paint job and carpet or flooring laid down. plus a new light. Dad said he wanted to wait a few weeks so we could settle in properly before we started on the remodeling." She replied. 

I guess that made sense. But I have a better idea.

"What if we surprise him and do it up while his away? We'll get all the people together from our group and have it done by Tuesday. Same with your Dad's car!" I cheered. I sounded like a genius right now. 

"This, is why you're mine." She laughed. She hugged me tightly and stood up. 

"But we're late for school, during lunch we'll speak to everyone about our plan! I've got a massive book we can plan it all in." She smiled before kissing my lips gently. 


We got ready for school and took my Mums car. It was much bigger then mine. I know my car has too much damaged to be fixed, but I'm not telling Sarah that. Today I decided to wear my new Nike shirt, shorts and my amazing green vans. Sarah looked incredinle today, she had her cheer top and tights on for when they do warm ups. she looked hot! One thing I'm not looking forward to today? Dan. 




Sarah's P.O.V 


*cheer practice an hour later.*


"Alright, we need to choose a theme of dance and a song for state finals. If we come into top 10 we get to go to Reginals. if we make top 5 we go to Nationals which will be a first for our school!" Jane yelled for everyone to hear.

"But first we need a captain." I smiled. 

"Correct. What we do is nominate 3 people to 'try out' as captain. There's no rehersal, no practice it's all about winging it. We then (the rest of the team) choose who our favourite is and they will become captain for the year. We then nominate a Vice Captain. Jane spoke again. 


I loved how well she can communicate with everyone. So I know who I'm nominating.



"Nominations? I start with.. Abby, Jane and  Kerry." I wrote on the white board. Like I would nominate myself, that's selfish. 


Everyone took turns placing a vote towards 3 people. We done a tally that looked like the followng:


Abby- 6 votes

Jane- 7 votes 

Kerry- 6 votes 

Sarah- 10 votes

Paige- 1 vote

May- 5 votes 

Xavier- 5 votes 

Mika- 5 votes


Myself and Jane were in a secure spot however Abby and Kerry were a tie for the third spot. 


"I would like to withdraw my votes as I cannot fulfil Captain duties. I already orgainse uniforms and travel costs. I'm fine." Kerry laughed. 


It was settled. Myslef, Jane and Abby were about to perform. We weren't allowed to see each other performances. I danced to the song 'Black Widow- Iggy Azalea' that I know off by heart. I know how to perfectly time a move. Amazingly I done well, better than last year that's for sure. Considerig I was only a Year 10 and besides my 2 friends everyone else was a senior. How I was nominated was beyond me. 


After everyone performed we got the announcement. I was now captain for another year and Abby was Vice. I had a sneaky feeling Jane purposely done this, she stresses under pressure and I'm certain she was thinkning this is beyond pressuring. 

After practice we all sat at a lunch table, the biggest one in the court yard. It was 10 minutes until lunch. All of us girls began talking until Paige decided to open her trap. 


"So who has a boyfriend here? I don't but hoping that'll change soon." she laighed. 


Each girl stated their status, single or taken and who they were dating/who they wanted. 

Abby spoke before me as I was last to speak. 


"I don't technically have a boyfriend but me and Xavier haven't gone a day without going out somewhere together." she smiled with a slight blush. I liked Xavier, he was funny. 

"Alright Captain, lucky last!" Paige slightly yelled. 

I went to speak but the bell rang. I guess that's a good thing, I wasn't fully sure if Mark wanted it announced. 

The court yard started filling and the rest of the gang piled into the empty seats after some of the girls left to be with a different group. This didn't bother me. Mark sat beside me, he was quiet. 

"What's wrong?" I asked slighly worried. 

"He was asked to join the basketball team!" Kyle yelled enthusiasticly. 

"I didn't even try out." Mark said looking confused. 

"I don't think I understand.. are you upset you didn't need to try out or..?" I asked puzzled.

"Oh no I'm thrilled, it was just strange." Mark smiled placing his hand on my leg. 

Paige was eye raping Mark I hated it. 

"So you never answered my question Sarah." Paige smirked. 

"What question?" Mark asked curiously. 

"Whether she's single or taken." Paige smiled. 

Mark noticed I turned red, he squeezed my leg slighlty and began smiling. 

"She's taken." He laughed taking a mouth fall of his drink. 

Paige looked confused. 

"By who?" She asked, slightly curious.

"She's taken by me." He smiled now holding my hand.

Aww's went around the table, except Paige. 

"Oh." was all she stated. 


We then all talked about the idea me and Mark had for the house. Most of the people were in and said they'll help get it started today! We all talked about what needed organising. We then found out we al had the last 2 lessons with no class. So we wrote down who was doing what job. I gave Mark my set of house keys as no one except him knows I sit for my P Plates today. My instructor insisted in my last lesson that I'll pass without even trying. So my plan was to get home, everyone will be like 'Where were you' and BOOM I'll show them that I got my license! 


Once lunch finished I walked my way to class with Mark. We both had Maths. However we didn't end up attending. We walked over to the oval on the far side where no one could find us but we could still make it to our next class on time. 

"So, why didn't you answer Paiges question?" Mark asked sitting down. 

"Honestly I wasn't sure if you wanted it annouced yet." I sighed. I sat beisde him and rested my head on his shoulder, he placed his arm around me. He was laughing? 

"I've told anyone and everyone possible, that we're dating because I'm proud to have you as mine." he smiled kissing my cheek. I turned red. This guy was a keeper. 

"What if I didn't want anyone knowing?" I asked winking. 

"Tough luck." He replied poking his tongue out. 

I kissed his lips quickly but gently. His smile turned wide. We then started figuring out what colour walls and flooring to have. We ended up deciding to do white walls with red trimming and black/grey carpret. All his office furniture would match that way. 


When school finished I walked down to the registration office. I met with my instructor Melonie and she went through the paper work with me. We then got in the car for an hour session. 


*2 hours later* 


I was waiting at the rego office for Mark. I passed my license with flying colours. but I'm going to pretent like I failed, to see if Mark believes me. I can hear a voice behind me, it sounds familiar? 

I took a step to the side so I was hidden by a sign. I took a quick glimpse behind me and it was her. Angela. She was talking to a guy with white hair. Not at all old, but dyed white. But she looked, good? Everytime I've ever seen her she was a mess. Hair all of the places, dirty clothes and drunk. But right now her hair is perfect, she's wearing a pretty summer dress with lacey shoes and she looks healthy. Completely normal looking. Which actually frightens me. I mean surely there's a logical explanation and it's some sort of evil plan she has. 

I suddenly had an arm on my should which caused me to jump back behind the sign. I turned to see Mark, worried. 

"Are you okay? Did she see you? Did she say anything?" he questioned looking me over. 

"No she didn't see me. But lets get out of here before she does." I whispered walking into the opposite direction of Angela. We got in the car and took off. I honestly hope she didn't see me. 


We arrived back at the house, he hadn't asked if I got my license. Nor did he even speak on the way home. He just remained silent. So did I. 


He sat for a moment and looked at me. I began to think something was bothering him. 

"What's wrong?" I

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