» Romance » Opposites Attract (On-Hold), Chloe Knox [best classic books to read .TXT] 📗

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Don’t look down period! Just look straight ahead!”
“Well you’re kind of in my way.”
Zane rolled his eyes, “Then you’re going to have to deal with this misfortune of staring at me.”
I knew he was joking, but the comment still made me second guess him. Did he not know how attractive he is? I guess guys struggle with that just as much as girls. Unless…Zane is a girl! I laughed at the pure ridiculous thought!
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” I mumbled.
Zane just shrugged and let it go, “Well, I’m thirsty, do you want anything?”
I shook my head, and so, carefully, Zane slid from my grasp and quickly skated across the rink toward the vending machine.
While he was away, I looked straight ahead, and pushed…push…push…push…
Before I knew it, I was rapidly skating in circles around the rink. I didn’t stumble or trip, I just soared across the floor, never once the thought of falling even coming to my mind. All I was thinking of was how beautiful the place looked, in complete darkness, the only light being the colorful rays that ricocheted off the walls and onto the ground. I was thinking of how excited the music—that I usually hated—made me feel, and I was relishing in the feel of wind blowing through my hair while I flew.
“Ashley! Watch out!”
Zane was too late. By the time I opened my eyes I was already colliding into the small three foot wall that separated the regular carpeted floor from the rink. The edge whammed into my gut, knocking all the air from my lungs. I gasped and grasped onto the edge before I tumbled completely over the wall…this, I was not going to be able laugh off…
“Are you okay?” Zane asked as he laughed.
My mouth fell open, “You jack-ass! Don’t laugh! That hurt!”
“I’m sure it did.” He said that stupid annoying smirk still on his lips.
I rolled my eyes, groaned, and pushed off with my feet to skate around him. He didn’t let me though.
Zane sighed, and then wrapped an arm around my waist just as I was about to pass him. I stopped moving thinking he would be able to move me, but dumb ass me forgot…duh! You’re on skates!
Zane effortlessly was able to push me in front of him, despite my unwillingness to cooperate.
“Seriously? Don’t play fud-head, just cause you have two left feet.”
“I do not! I was actually…doing pretty good till you…called my name—what are you doing?” I trailed on and off as Zane used his arm to push me against the closest carpeted wall.
“What?”Zane whispered in my ear with a goofy smile on his face as he skated into me, flattening his chest against my own.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, trying to sound angry, but failing miserably. It was hard to keep my anger kindled when he was doing…you know, that!
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Zane mumbled.
“Oh no? You have no clue?”
“Nope,” Zane said popping the ‘p’ and chuckling. I rolled my eyes, but gave up trying to be angry and ended up giggling, “You’re such an ass.”
“At least mine’s not busted.”
“Shut up,” I said with another giggle as I pushed his chest. Zane chuckled, but my little push didn’t affect the guy at all. He was pretty strong. Very muscular too; I could feel that much through the thin fabric of his baseball tee with the sleeves pushed to his elbows.
The song changed and there I was, yet again, being caught in one of those stupid cliché romance scenes…one of my favorite songs, soft, slow, and emotion full, began to play from the hidden speakers hidden all around the roller rink. The hypnotizing chimes made my knees wobble in the presence of Zane, and then Tim McGraw began to sing. The famous Nelly eventually joined Tim McGraw in the most beautiful duet I had ever heard called ‘Over and Over Again’.
“You like this song?”
“Mhmmm, I used to listen to it all the time when I was younger.”
Zane nodded, and then we fell into silence.
“You know…you owe me a kiss.” I said before giving myself a chance to process what I was saying, to wuss out.
Zane’s smile touched his eyes, and I had to bite my lip to hide my relief, “Oh do I now?”
I nodded, “You promised me a kiss…one that I would enjoy.”
His smile slowly disappeared, but the calm and soft look in his deep brown eyes didn’t, “Maybe we should save that for another night?”
That note somewhat disappointed me, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that by saying “another night” he was promising future nights like this, just the two of us…still!
“What if I die tonight? Then I’ll be gone without the one thing you promised me.” I said teasingly, but Zane tensed against me. He froze and looked into my eyes, searching for something. He gulped harshly, and let out a shaky breath.
“I’m sorry. Did I say something?”
Zane quickly shook his head, and then closed the space in between us, touching his lips to mine. I let out a quick breath of relief before wrapping my arms around Zane’s neck and crushing his body even harder against me. Despite my best efforts, I squealed, and I could feel Zane smile against my mouth.
The only down side to this kiss, though, was, we both still had our skates on. Zane tried his best to stay in place while kissing me, but I could feel myself sliding.
I squealed again and then giggled, as I slipped. Zane grasped me tighter, making sure that I didn’t fall and ruin the moment, but after a moment I’d start sliding again.
“Ah, curse you and your two left feet,” Zane mumbled against my mouth as he pushed off the wall so that we were now propped up against the wall that I had collided into.
It didn’t take long for me to get the hint.
Quickly I sat on the edge of the wall and let my hands wonder from Zane’s thick black hair, to his neck, making sure that our lips never parted. The kiss, before I even realized it, escalated from an innocent kiss of liking to infatuation.
The kiss quickened and grew deeper. His tongue tasted my lips, and I welcomed the familiar yet odd taste of him. I let my tongue collide with his, and I moaned—despite myself—as I reveled in the amazing and spicy taste of his mouth.
My whole body grew warm, the longer the kiss lasted. Butterflies in my stomach began their little tap dance, and little sparks of excitement lingered on my hot flesh every place Zane caressed my neck, my cheek, leaving a little trail of blush. Zane’s hands then wondered to my butt and a giggle escaped my lips. I didn’t want to, but innately I pulled back from his lips.
“We should probably get started on that drawing project?”
I nodded and Zane and I slowly skated off the roller rink, to go work on our project…only that didn’t happen…

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You’re such a cheat!” I yelped when I walked into my living room to see Noob beating up a beautiful Jade on the TV, from Mortal Kombat.
“What? You’ve been beating my ass anyway!” Zane complained as he continued to punch the buttons on the game controller waking me (Jade) in the face with a huge rock hammer.
“So?! It’s not my fault you suck at video games!”
“Uh, at this one it is! You don’t even give me any time to hit you back! You incessantly whack me with that stupid stick of yours!” Zane yelped defensively once the TV went black with the letter K.O. shining bright on the screen changing to the next level. Then he chuckled as if just realizing how wrong, what he just said, was. When I just stared at him he explained, “You know? You whacked me with your stick? A stick is another name for a—“
“I know what it means, Zane! You’re so immature!” I said as I rolled my eyes and ran to the other side of the couch where my game controller was.
“Awww, I’m sorry,” Zane mumbled dramatically.
“Uh-hu, sure you are?” I mumbled as I selected the arena for the next fight and hit start. The moment the big numbers on the screen counted down from three revealing Jade in her sea green genie outfit, and Noob in his all black mummy looking suit, I hit ‘b’. A huge spear shot out from Jade’s hands and as fast as I could I began to hit the ‘a’ button over and over and over and over. Before Zane’s character Noob, could even react, the screen was turning black with the letter K.O. flashing bright.
“Oh! Seriously?” Zane complained.
I just laughed and stood up to hop and down in front of him, “Oh! What now, be’atch?”
Zane laughed, “Okay. Rub it in, why don’t ya’.”
“Awww, I’m sorry,” I said in a mocking tone, “Did I take away your masculinity?”
Zane huffed, “Not even close,” before grasping me by my hips and pulling me toward him so that I was straddling his lap.
I giggled, but more because I suddenly became nervous then because I was amused. “You’re such a Noob,” I muttered and Zane chuckled.
Slowly the amusement faded and my breathing caught in my throat. Zane slid his hand up the side of my torso to my cheek and ran his hands through my hair.
I looked into his dark brown eyes as they looked at my strawberry blond hair. He looked so content and relaxed, just rubbing my split ends of straight hair in between his finger tips. And I don’t know how or why, but that one look made me think…who was he?
Zane, he’s so different from anyone I’ve ever known…so far. I really like the guy, but truth is, despite the fact that I went to school with him for more than eight years, I barely know him? I don’t know his favorite color, like I do Gina’s. I can’t look at him and know what he’s thinking, like I can Lucy. I don’t even know if he prefers football or baseball, “Zane?”
“Tell me something about you,” I said as I let my head fall onto his broad shoulder, suddenly feeling tranquil.
Zane sighed, “Oh, like what?”
“I don’t know. Anything! Tell me something no one knows!”
“Well, I could tell you my size, but that would ruin the surprise.”
“I’m serious, Zane,” I said with an introverted smile, as I punched his arm playfully.
“Okay, um…I’ve kind of had a crush on you since the third grade.” He said, mimicking my shy smile.
“Really? Since third grade?” I asked with disbelief.
“Well…maybe not that early, but maybe junior high, yeah.”
“Awww, that’s so cute, “I yelped and Zane rolled his eyes, “Okay, you keep doing that and my manliness will indeed vaporate.”
“You mean evaporate.”
“Whatever! Quit correcting my grammar, god dammit!” Zane kiddingly scolded me, making me snigger, as I nuzzled my cheek into the soft, warm, and smooth, curve of his neck, “Zane?”
“More questions?”
“Just one…”
“Ask away…”
“Is this…is this real?”
Zane backed up a bit, to look meet my eyes, one eye brow cocked in uncertainty, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” I sighed noisily unsure of how to say what I was wondering in my head, “Is this….just a fling, or…more?”
“That depends.” Zane said matter-o-factually.
“On what?”
Zane sighed, flipped me off his lap and back down onto the couch. He planted each one of his hands next to my face on the couch, and slowly lowered his mouth to mine, but stopped
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