» Romance » Yesterday`s flower, Michelle Tarynne [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗

Book online «Yesterday`s flower, Michelle Tarynne [best pdf ebook reader for android txt] 📗». Author Michelle Tarynne

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above the mountains. The sun filtered through them, transforming the whole range into a dusty peach glow.

‘You’d think these mountains had been here forever,’ Max said. ‘But actually they’ve been formed by rainfall and glacial action on the sedimentary rock. One day, not in our lifetimes, of course, they’ll be worn away completely and the whole area will be flat.’
‘Hard to imagine,’ Erika said, before a gentle silence fell between them.
‘Do you ride?’ asked Max suddenly. ‘Horses, I mean.’

‘Of course, what self-respecting Englishwoman hasn’t donned jodhpurs and riding boots? What would our neighbours have thought if we hadn’t?’

‘Maybe one of these days we can go for a ride. It will give you an idea of the landscape, and it’s really quite liberating seeing the area the way the pioneers did. We’ll have to use a li le imagination though – every tree you see here was planted. The wa les, the willows, the oaks, the yellowwoods. Even the Cape beeches. The area used to be covered completely in fynbos. Those se lers really made their mark on the valley. They even managed to chase away the last elephants.’
‘You’re kidding.’

‘I’m actually not. This valley used to be an elephant breeding ground, hence its original name Olifantshoek – Elephants’ Corner. Local legend has it that in 1836, the last elephants,

a mother and calf, were seen leaving here on what came to be the Franschhoek Pass.’ ‘That’s sad,’ Erika said.

‘I guess it is. And it wasn’t just the elephants who were disappointed with the new se lers either. This area was originally inhabited by the San, or the Bushmen, and the Khoi. The Khoi in particular were used as indentured labour – much of the wine farms’ success was dependent on slavery.’

‘You don’t feel the weight of all that history si ing here, do you?’ Erika commented. ‘Jared certainly doesn’t. He can’t understand why I need to document the facts I

discover. He’s much more able to live in the moment, although, of necessity, he is able to plan ahead in terms of the plantings.’
‘He’s responsible for the wine-making?’

‘Well, it was certainly his suggestion to rip out all the old vines about ten years ago and replant. I thought he was crazy, but he was convinced we were growing the wrong wine for our soil type.’
‘What did your parents think?’

‘It was just after they died, actually. I thought it was his way of grieving. But Jared isn’t stupid. His research was impeccable. And he has a feel for the land that’s almost instinctive.’
‘So you let him do it?’

‘It wasn’t so much about le ing him. When Jared believes something, you can’t stop him. And he was right. The general quality of the vines had been declining for years.’
‘And now?’

Max shrugged. ‘We’re exporting all over the world. Estate wine, which means that all our grapes are harvested here. Jared’s been working on a new wine from this year’s harvest. He’s ge ing new labels designed, the works.’
‘Yet he seems so –’
‘Carefree? Happy-go-lucky?’
‘Yes, both of those things. But also a li le undisciplined.’

‘Don’t make that mistake about Jared. He may be my li le brother, but he’s a powerhouse, touched every once in a while by the De Villiers blues.’

They ate a dinner of chicken à la king and rice, home-grown peas and a green salad.
Although Prudence had cooked it, Gladys came outside to take the dishes away.

‘Do you ever just do-it-yourself?’ Erika asked. ‘Where I come from, we had a char in twice a week to do the ironing and clean the bathrooms and kitchen. No live-in help unless you were super-wealthy.’

‘Wait until the weekend comes,’ Max said. ‘Both Gladys and Prudie are in the church choir and you won’t see them for dust. I’m quite a competent cook, I’ll have you know.’
‘And Jared?’

‘God no, he’d rather starve. Jared is the family Hoover. He’ll survive on leftovers, or charm one of his many love interests to rustle up something for him.’

‘Ah,’ said Erika, wanting to ask if there was a current girlfriend, but failing to get up the courage.

‘He’s in between women right now,’ Max said thoughtfully, answering her unspoken question. ‘Which is unusual. But it won’t last long. For all we know that’s what he’s up to


Erika picked up her glass, sipping the last of her sparkling water. ‘I’d like to work on my sketches a bit,’ she said as her heart quickened.
‘Tonight?’ Max asked, surprised.
‘Just a few scribbles. I’m scared I’ll forget some of the faces in my mind.’

Max nodded. ‘Did you want to set up an easel in the drawing room?’ he asked. ‘I can move things around for you if you like.’

‘Could I sit in the kitchen? I thought you might stay with me a bit. Ply me with coffee.’ Max laughed. ‘If I didn’t know what a self-sufficient woman you were, I might suspect

you were using me. I’ll make you coffee, but on one condition.’ ‘Oh, and what’s that?’
‘You try a li le glass of Le Domaine Muscadel first.’

Erika turned in bed, realising that after all those liquids with dinner, she was going to have to tiptoe to the toilet. Slipping on her co on gown, she groped for the light switch, then made her way to the bathroom. When she was finished, she wasn’?t sure whether to flush or not, but her sense of propriety overruled her desire not to wake Max up. Besides, it was the middle of the night and he’d gone to sleep ages before.

Feeling be er, she moved softly back to her room. She slipped off her dressing gown dropping it at the side of the bed.

The knock was so faint at first that Erika thought she’d imagined it. She looked towards the door, and started to climb back in the bed. But the knock came again. Curious, she stood up, then walked to the door and opened it.

His hair was wet as though he’d just showered, and he was wearing a simple white T-shirt and a pair of shorts. No shoes.

‘Jared,’ Erika said, wishing her stomach hadn’t thudded into her feet at the mere sight of him.

‘If you want me to go away,’ Jared said, ‘just say so and I’m gone.’ ‘What are you doing here? I thought you were staying in Camp’s Bay.’ Jared smiled, his emerald green eyes drilling into hers. ‘I was lonely.’

Erika considered him for a moment. ‘I don’t think you’re the sort of man who knows what lonely is.’

When Jared stepped forward, into her space, she could have stopped him or stepped away, but she didn’t.
‘Has Big Brother Max been talking about me?’ he asked.
‘Max and I might just have things other than you to talk about.’

‘Might you?’ Jared said, his lips breathing softly on her neck. ‘And do you think we might have things to talk about too?’ He kissed her just below her ear, sending a shudder through her. ‘It’s just that between you and me, I think talking is a li le unnecessary.’

Jared nodded, moving his lips to her cheek. His hands moved up to her chin, cupping her face so she couldn’t look away.

‘Are you wearing anything under that nightie?’ he whispered. ‘Because if you are, I think we should take it off.’
‘The door,’ Erika said hopelessly.

Jared edged the door closed with his foot and it clicked shut.

And then his hand moved up her leg and over her knee. And gently, ever so gently, his fingers moved up her thigh. By the time they reached the soft silk of her panties she was already wet. Jared curled the flimsy material back, plunging his finger into her. Erika gasped.
‘I’ve been thinking about you all day,’ he said, as he buried his head under her nightie.
‘You’ve a funny way of showing it,’ she groaned.
‘I’ll make it up to you.’
Erika could feel the slow then insistent movement of Jared’s tongue.
‘You taste amazing,’ he said, standing to sweep her clothes over her head.

He lifted her, cradling her against him before arranging her on the half-opened quilt. ‘Now, where was I?’

She strained against him, unable to take the intensity of his touch. His mouth. His tongue.

‘Oh,’ she whispered, as Jared moved along her body, his lips caressing her navel, travelling up to her breasts.
‘Were you thinking about me?’ Jared asked.
‘I can’t help thinking about you,’ she said, almost angrily.
‘Were you thinking about this?’ he said, his hand between her legs.

Erika pulled at his shirt. Wanting the feel of his naked skin on hers, she couldn’t get close enough. Jared let her slip off his shorts, his underpants, until his naked body covered hers entirely. Erika pushed her groin against his, feeling him hardening.
‘Did you bring something?’ she asked.

And then he was inside her, rocking her in a frenzy of adrenaline and lust. Every cell in her body was on fire. When they came, Jared’s eyes were locked with hers.
She felt as though she was seeing into his soul.

‘Why were you awake?’ Erika asked, as she massaged Jared’s scalp with her fingers. ‘I don’t sleep much.’

‘I don’t know. Too many ideas. Too many thoughts,’ Jared said. ‘They don’t switch off.’?
‘I know what you mean,’ Erika said.

‘I doubt it. I don’t think anyone really understands how it feels.’ ‘I could try,’ Erika said.
‘Don’t try too hard,’ Jared said. ‘I’m indecipherable.’

Erika felt the rejection, but decided not to focus on it. Jared hadn’t made any promises and she hadn’t asked for any.
‘So where’ve you been all day?’ she said to change the subject.

Jared stiffened against her, the tension draining straight into his shoulders. ‘Out,’ he replied.
Erika didn’t ask any more. But she withdrew her hand from his head.

Jared turned on his side to face her, his lean, almost hairless body tightening as he leant on his arm.

‘I’m sorry, Erika. I just don’t think much of conversation.’ His hand dipped to cup her breast. ‘So why don’t we just focus on not talking?’

Feeling his taut body against hers, Erika nodded, her self-control draining away. ‘Not talking is also good,’ she agreed.

Chapter 10

She hadn’t heard him leave, but somehow Erika wasn’t surprised not find Jared lying

next to her the next morning. Erika hadn’t even sensed him falling asleep. Now she needed a shower; her body still held traces of their lovemaking. And the tossed-up sheets – well, they would surely to give Prudence something to think about, and offending Prudence’s sensibilities was the last thing she wanted to do. She thought about stripping the bed, bundling the sheets into the wash with some excuse of spilt coffee, then realised that she’d only draw a ention to herself. Maybe she would just make the bed.

So much for the uninhibited sex ki en: in the light of day, she was still worried about what other people thought.

Unlike Jared. Betraying his brother’s trust under his own roof didn’t seem to faze him in the least.

Erika washed quickly, dressing herself in a pair of denim cut-offs and a lacy white top. She checked her neck, and although Jared’s lips had branded her last night, the traces of their intimacy had disappeared into her memory.

Walking into the kitchen, Erika expected Max, but it was Jared who greeted her this time.
‘Morning,’ Jared said, undressing her with his eyes.

He sat down, helping himself to Corn Flakes. It took him some moments to register Erika’s hesitation.

‘Don’t stand on

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