» Romance » Arranged, Katy Wong [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Arranged, Katy Wong [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Katy Wong

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as Jason.
"Hi," I said, waving a little.
Kim ran and grabbed me and pulled me into the crowd.
"OMG! You are really going to marry Jason?" Kim exclaimed.
I blushed and shrugged, "Like I have a choice."
"YOU'RE SO LUCKY! You know that every girl in the school is dying to go out with him." Lucy exclaimed - whispered.
I made a face, "What?! Why?!"
Lucy gave a goofy grin and exclaimed, "Are you CRAZY?! HE IS 150% SEXY!"
"Sexy?!" I snorted a little and laughed.
"What is wrong with you?!" Kim asked, grinning. She started pulling me towards the school's front gate.
"TAKE GOOD CARE OF HER! DON'T LOSE HER OR ELSE BOTH OF YOU ARE DEAD!" Jason shouted from the parking lot.
"He is sweet you know." Lucy said, nudging me.
I grinned, "Ok, all you guys ever say is good stuff about him. Is there any bad stuff in his life that you consider bad?"
"Well," Kim said, walking on the edge of the sidewalk board that separated the dirt and the concrete.
"There is a few, like he always kiss girl and than next talk to them again. And also he is a player, date for one week and dump, next girl - that is his love cycle."
"Love cycle?" I asked.
"Yeah, I guess. And also he really knows how to flirt. He flirt with you once, you will die from loving him too much." Lucy said giggling.
I nodded, "So that is why all of the girl wants to go out with him?"
We walked through the front door.
I stopped walking.
It's true, the school is mostly made of glass and you can see the outside. I see that the school has an outdoor swimming pool, outdoor garden, a soccer field, tennis court, an outdoor café and a big area for outdoor lunch. And the lobby was crowded with students that are rushing past me to go somewhere.
I blinked.
"So . . . ummm . . ." I said, trying to bring back the topic.
"So, do you

want to go out with Jason?" I asked Kim and Lucy.
They looked at me and raised their eyebrows.
"Well, a long, long and I mean loooooong time ago, but not anymore. I got over him like two years ago." Kim said, blushing.
I giggled.
"Well, Jason and I actually went out before, like two year ago, a month after Kim stopped liking him. You know, we went out for a week and we broke up." Lucy said.
I nodded.
"Hey, come here!" Lucy said, grabbing my arm.
"This is the announcement center." she said, pointing at a bench.
Kim pulled me up on the bench and Lucy smiled.
"Attention, everyone!!!!! Excuse me, attention." Kim spoke loudly. She pointed to a group of girls who were by the locker, who's skirt were too up and their shirt too tight.
"EXCUSE ME, MISS S. LOOK, DIDN'T I SAY ATTENTION?" Kim said, rolling her eyes.
"She is the school slut, the one in the center, fake brown hair and green eyes." Lucy whispered at me side, "Her name is Brittany Stalling, but everyone call her Miss S. - S for SLUT!!!"
Brittany rolled her eyes and "cat - walked" to the forming crowd.
I bit the inside of my cheeks, trying hard not to laugh at how she walks.
"Ok, EVERYONE PLEASE WELCOME VANESSA HALT-COHEN!!" and everyone started clapping, "She is a new student here and please treat her with love and care!!!"
The boys whistled and the girls grinned.
Good, now I need to make some friends!

And start away from Brittany, look at her. She look like she was turn into a wolf any moment and kill

Layla warned.
I looked at Brittany. Yep, she's about to kill. Those eyes looked like they were on fire and her fist was balled up.
What's her problem?

I asked.
Jealous that you are getting all of the boys attention

Layla said and I could see her rolling her eye.
I rolled my eyes.

"Oh and feel free to hang out with Vanessa!! Talk to her, introduce yourself, just do your friendly stuff. KK?" Lucy said.
"Ok, dismiss, we're going to be late." Kim said, shooing away everyone and everyone walked away, everyone except Brittany. She stood for minute, looking at me up and down and up and down. She made a disgusted face and walked swayed her butt, walking away.
We bursted into giggles and clutched our stomach, from all of the laughing.
"Oh my God, what is her problem? She looks like she can't walk properly." I said, laughing all over again.
"Oh, she thinks she's all that." Lucy said, grinning.
"Oh my God, she is FUNNY!" I said, grinning.
"NO! When she is angry or mad, she is a total freak. She is a wild child. And do you know how she takes away her stress?" Kim said, her eyes all widened.
"I think I'm going to puke." I said, holding my throat.
"And why is that?" a honey - melting voice asked. He grabbed my waist and kissed my lips.
I punched Jason's shoulders, but my arms were locked, I could barely move.
His friends cheered and I could feel a crowd forming.
My cheeks burned and I did the only thing I could think of, pinch him on the neck.
He instantly let my go and cried, "Ouch!"
"That's what you get." I said, grinning.
He walked up to me and put his arms around my shoulders.
"Hey!" I said, "Let me go!! Hey!! I said, let me go!" I said, trying to break his hold, but he was too strong.
"You are coming with me." Jason said, smirking.
"KIM, LUCY, HELP ME!!! HELP!!!" I shouted.
"Ahhh, what a cute couple." Kim and Lucy said at the same time.
They giggled and ran up to me.
"Yes, help me." I whispered.
They giggled, covering their mouth and grinning.
"Bye! Have fun!!" they said, waving.
"NO! Ahhh - "
Jason picked me up and smirked, carrying me.
"Stop screaming, I am taking you somewhere." Jason said.
"And you can put me down now." I said, blushing like crazy.
"Ok, but you have to promise not to scream and you have to close your eyes." Jason said.
"Close me eyes?" I asked, "You want me to die or something?"
He chuckled. He put me down and said, "Close your eyes, I will lead you to somewhere, ok? Just trust me."
I narrowed my eyes and rolled my eyes.
"Come on, just truth me once and you will learn that you can truth me." Jason said, smirking.
I sighed and said, "Fine, but you have to promise me to never and I mean NEVER let go of my hand."
"I will never let you go." Jason said, smirking.
I blushed.
"And you promise to never look or peek?"
"Fine." I said.
I closed my eyes.
"Jason?" I asked, holding my hand out.
"Where are you going to take me?"
"Just gave me a clue."
"Fine, it is up there."
I was about to open my eyes to see where he was pointing, but quickly added, "Don't look!"
I sighed.
"Are you ready to walk?"
" . . . Yeah?" I questioned.
"Ok." he started to walk.
"Not that fast. NOT THAT FAST. NOTTHATFAST!" I panicked.
"Oh my god, we are ready walking baby step and we didn't even walk a feet yet." Jason said, chuckling.
"I'm sorry; I've never done this before, ok?" I said, feeling my cheeks get heated.
He chuckled, walking slowly.
I held his hands tighter, afraid that I would fall.
We stopped walking and I was dying to open my eyes.
Than I heard a bing

I jumped, holding onto Jason's arm.
He started walking and we turned around, and stopped walking.
The ground started moving.
"Jason?!" I asked, sounding panicked.
"Relax. We're on an elevator."
I could feel my breathing slow down.
"Are we there yet?" I asked.
"No, but close."
The elevator stopped and I could hear the door opening. We started walking.
"Are we there now?" I asked, sounding impatient.
"No and whatever you do, never open your eyes, until I say so."
I held his arm tighter.
We stopped and I cold hear a door sliding.
We continued to walk and our foot step sounds different. The floor sound like it's made of wood.
"There yet?" I asked.
"Very close."
We walked and stopped shortly afterward.
"Wait, stand here."
I could hear some things being moved.
"Here." he said, "Don't open them yet."
He took my hand and very slowly walked me over and I took a little turn before he turn my shoulders.
He pushed my shoulders down and I squeaked.
"No, I'm gonna - "
My butt hit the bottom of something soft. My hands explored the object - a chair.
"Ok, now open your eyes."
I slowly opened them and I gasped.
"WOW!" I said.
I was that a garden top and it was beautiful, the flowers were bright and looks like it was spring time. It front of me was a table, full of food.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"School's rooftop garden."
"And what is this?" I asked, pointing at the food.
"You didn't eat breakfast, yet, right?" Jason said, frowning.
I grinned, "No, I didn't and I forgot about it."
"Do you like it?"
"No, I LOVE it."
He chuckled, sitting down on the seat in front of me.
"Start eating."
"Wait, are we skipping class?" I asked, standing up.
I can't afford to miss class in Berson High.
"No, I am your tour guide and you don't learn anything on the first day, anyways." he said, shrugging.
"And are you going to sit down and eat?" he said.
I grinned and plopped down on my seat.
I started eating and it was the best breakfast ever. Everything was delicious.
Could it be true that being with the person you love, make everything tastier.
But am I in love?

I thought and blushed.

"I'm full!" I complained.
"That little?" he asked.
"I am not fat like you, fatty." I said, grinning, "I bet you weight a ton."
"Hey! Take back what you say."
"Never!" I exclaimed, getting up and ran away from him without looking back.
Soon, the next thing I know, I am lost and I left my IPad on the rooftop.
"Shoot. I'm gonna be stuck here for millions of years." I whispered.
I punched myself mentally.
I continued to walk.
"Hello? Anybody?" I asked.
"I'm lost. I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life. You know I have a life out there." I said out loud.
"Hello? Anyone?" I asked.
"Oh great, I'm stuck here - Ahhhh - "
"Haha, gotcha." Jason said, holding me to the ground.
"What are you doing?"
"Putting you to the ground." he said, smirking. He sat on top of me and all of my air in my lungs when out.
"Ahh - " I whispered from the lack of air, "I'm squished!"
"I will get off if you take back with you said about me."
"Get off - off of me, I will never take back what I said." I whispered, trying hard to breath in, but can't, "Wha - What I said is what I said. And a fact is a fact, be - because you are a big - big fatty. Look at you - you're bigger than an elephant and - and you're heavier than a - a whale!"
He laughed and that puts more weight on me.
"You - you fat fatty, oh my god, I don't know people this heav - heavy exist." I whispered, laughing at myself.
Jason laughed harder.
"And I - I think

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