» Romance » Changed For Who, Missy [black authors fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Changed For Who, Missy [black authors fiction txt] 📗». Author Missy

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nothing. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the fall, but I felt someone’s hand wrap around my wrist, and they pulled me towards them. I opened my eyes, and I was on two rocks, and I looked at the hand holding onto me, and I tilted my head up and saw Art. I groaned and he laughed.
“ Damsel in distress,” he chuckled.
“ Um no,” I hissed. “ I was fine before I saw you, you scared me!” I said pulling my hand away from him, and walked back onto the ground, and I sat down on a rock. “ What the hell are you doing here anyways? I mean you could of at least spoke, I didn’t even know anyone else was here. You creep where you just standing there watching me?” I said.
“ You talk too much,” He said rubbing his head.
“ And you, are a creep,” I said pointing at him.
“ MH, but the question is… how did you find my secret cave?”
“ your secret cave,” I muttered. “ I just stumbled across it, and it aint your no more,” I smirked. Art raised an eyebrow at me.
“ Is that so?” He asked taking a step closer. I nodded my head. “ Then who’s is it?”
“ Mine,” I said proudly.
“ No.”
“ Yes!”
“ Nun huh.”
“Yuh huh.”
“ Nooo!”
“ Yesssss!”
He stood their staring at me, and I sat their staring right back at him. I pointed to myself and mouthed mine. He shook his head, and walked closer to me, so he was known standing directly in front of me. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me.
“ Wanna bet?” he asked. I raised my eyebrows, and he lent down so our faces where close our eyes connected. He opened his mouth, but then I felt his hands on my side, and he started tickling me. I bit my lip, and kicked my legs trying to get away from him.
“ N-NO!” I laughed struggling to get away from him. My biggest enemy in the world…. Ticklish. Damn it. “ A- Art!” I screamed out laughing, and I felt my eyes tearing up.
“ Say this is MY cave,” he said still tickling me.
“ THIS IS MY CAVE!” I cracked. He gave me a dumb look and I contined to laugh while he was tickling me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I kicked my right leg out really hard, and felt it hit his leg, and he stumbled forward landing ontop of me. Thump. Ow…..
“ Ow,” he groaned laying ontop of me.
“ OW?! Why the hell would you being say ow? I just got crushed!” I groaned.
“ You kicked me!” He said looking at me. I nodded my head.
“ And your point is…”
“ You kicked me hard!!!” he gasped.
“ Still your point is….” I asked. He had a amused look on his face.
“ I think you wanted me ontop of you,” he smirked. My eyes widened, and I felt my face go three shades of read in a split of a second. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I wanted to say oh hell no! but I couldn’t say anything. SPEAK TY SPEAK! I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I didn’t want him ontop of me…. Right…. Oh god…. Art laid their looking at me, and his face went into shock and he raised one of his eyebrows, and brought his face closer to me. “ Whats wrong Ty?” he whispered. I opened my mouth but still nothing came out.
“ Y- your invading my personal space bubble,” I said but it barely came out as a whisper. His smirk grew wider.
“ Do you feel nervous with me this close?” he asked bringing his face even closer to me. I shook my head, and then he got even closer, and our noses touched. I bit my lip, and I felt my face going deep red, and I held my breath. “ Are you nervous yet?” he asked but it came out only as a whisper. I laid their completely still as if I was paralized, and so did he. We laid their just looking at one another. “ Ty..” He mumbled. I felt his warm breath touch my skin, and it sent shivers down my spine, and I felt my stomach errupt in butterflies.
“ W- what?” I muttered. He laid their looking down at me, and then he stood up, and I laid their shocked. I sat up, and sat on the rock, and he sat next to me. I was loooking the oppisite way of him millions of things going through my head. i opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it again. I let out the breath I was holding, and opened my mouth again, but all I did was breath in air. i looked over at Art, and he looked at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but then he leaned forward, and pressed his lips against mine. I sat their startled at first, but then I lent into him, and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and wrapped his arm around my waist, and he leaned me back laying ontop of me, and I felt his tongue touch my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, and his tongue went into my mouth, and I wrapped my hands in his hair, and I heard him groan. I felt his hand on my lower back, and he was inbetween my legs, and then it was cold. My body was cold, my lips, and everything. I opened my eyes, and saw him sitting their, and he stood up and started shaking his head.
“ I cant,” He mumbled.
“ A- Art,” I said, but it didn’t sound like my voice, but it was my voice it just sounded so distant.
“ Your…. Your Clay’s little sister,” he said, and he started to walk towards the opening of the cave. I stood their and shook my head.
“ Whatever,” I mumbled sitting back down. I heard his footsteps stop, and I looked up and saw him just staring at me.
“ Your just another one of the guys Ty,” he said coldly. I sat their, and took a deep breath in, and let out a dry laugh.
“ Im aware,” I said just as coldly.
“ next time you wanna get with a guy don’t try and get with your brothers friends,” he said looking me right in the eyes. I tightened my hands into fists. I stood up, and felt my body filled with anger.
“ your kidding me right! Please tell me your freaking kidding me! Next time! Next time! You’re the one that freaking kissed me dude!” I yelled at him.
“ You kissed me back,” he said smirking. I walked up towards him, and brought my fist up but stopped. I took a step back, and let out a deep breath.
“ Screw you,” I whispered. I turned around and picked up my gun, and walked out of the opening, and made my way down the rocks. I made my way towards the tree’s and I turned around and saw Art staring at me, and I brought my hand up and flicked him off. I turned back around, and I felt my forehead hit contact with something extremely hard. I stumbled back, and fell on my ass. I heard someone scream my name, and I went to go stand up again, but I wasn’t aware of how close to the river bank I was and I stumbled down the little hill. Everything was spinning, and I felt myself being consumed into cold water. I opened my mouth, and tried to suck in a breath but water filled my mouth, and went down my throat. I came up above the water and was choking on water. My head was pounding, and I opened my eyes a little, and saw blood in the water. I stopped kicking my legs, and I felt myself being consumed by the water once again. I heard my name being screamed, and footsteps becoming louder coming towards me, but then I was underneath the water and everything went black.
Chapter Seven-
My body felt cold. I slowly opened my eyes, and bright lights flashed around me, and I closed my eyes once again, and put my hands over my face wiping my eyes. I tried once again to open my eyes, and at first everything was a blur. I squinted my eyes and everything was white. I closed my eyes, and reopened them, and I took a deep breath, and I started coughing. My chest hurt. I leaned forward, because it felt like I was going to choke to death. I heard a door opening, and I foccused my eyes on a bunch of black figures walking into the room, and I heard my name being said by each one of them. I continued to cough, and I fell onto the bed trying to catch my breath, and I grabbed a pillow and put it over my face trying to block out their voices, but I still hear them
“ Shut up!” I screamed but my voice was raspy, and not very loud. immieaditly everyone became quiet, and I sat up and my vision was still a blur but I saw the six idiots plus three. I leaned forward taking a deep breath, and I realized I was in a hospital bed. I closed my eyes trying to remember what had happened…
Paint balling…. Woods…. Cave…. Guys…. Art…. Kiss…. Art mad…. Me left…. Ran into something hard….. river….. and then I woke up in here. I held my breath remembering everything that had happened and when I reopened my eyes everyone was staring at me. I met eyes with Art, and he was giving me a pleading look, and I immmiaditly looked away.
“ W- Where is the n- note?” I asked my voice dull.
“ Note?” I heard Clay ask.
“ I wrote…” I stopped because I started coughing. “ I wrote my will knowing something was going to happen, damn though I wasn’t serious,” I said shaking my head and I leant forward coughing out my lungs. “ I told-..” coughs escaped my lips. “ I shouldn’t of gone,” I finished out of breath. I leaned back and everyone was still staring at me. I pointed towards the door, and mouthed out. no one moved at first and I sat back and hit my hand on the bed, and tried to scream, “ OUT!” I said my voice cracking. Everyone turned on their heels stumbling over one another trying to get to the door, and I leaned back rolling my eyes, and I heard the door shut, but when I turned my head Art was standing there. “ D- Did you not understand me?” I croaked.
“ Ty, we need to talk…” Art said taking a step towards the bed.
“ Talk about what?” I muttered looking away from him out the window.
“ Ty…”
“ Honestly Art, I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I shrugged looking him dead in th eyes. he gave me a hard look, and I gave him a hard look right back. He mumbled something under his breath, and walked out of the room. I laid their and leaned my head back looking up. “ Im just Clay’s little sister anyways,” I muttered feeling my eyes watering. I can’t believe I had feelings for that… Gr. I laid their, and I felt weak. I felt weak and I wanted to give up. Im tired and im sick of it. im sick of being called the guy. The
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