» Romance » Rosalina's Hope, D.D. Dass [great reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rosalina's Hope, D.D. Dass [great reads .TXT] 📗». Author D.D. Dass

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What happened…?” I had to know what had hurt her, had to know it wasn’t Hailey –because the wolf was already plotting revenge. He wanted blood.


When her eyes dimmed, I grew uneasy, not wanting to demand answers since I could sense she was in a fragile state…I would be her strength. But how could I protect her if I didn’t know what I was against?


“I-I remembered…Um, it happens in dreams mostly,” she exhaled a slight shudder. “But today…Hailey said something…and it just set it off I guess.”


Again, Hailey. The little brat was asking for it…


The impulse to climb into the bed, to hold her and comfort her shot through me but not yet –she was too fragile.  She was already letting me in on something she probably told no one and I found immense pleasure in that.


“Does it happen often?” I asked instead. She nodded her head and well, what was I to say? When it seemed like she wouldn’t say anything else…she did.


“Darling,” she breathed shakily. “Hailey called me darling…He used to call me that too…His…darling.”


A growl ripped from my chest and I gritted my teeth, reminding myself that this wasn't something I could help...He wasn’t someone I could kill...Oh, but I craved his death more than almost anything.


 A long, impatient shrill interrupted my plotting thoughts, the sound coming from a phone on her dresser. She had a phone? Hmm...


 She grabbed it hastily and answered.


"Hello?" I could hear her sisters’ frantic voice on the other line.


 "Rosa! Where are you? Are you okay?" The worry in her voice pissed me off, even though I had no right. I still wanted them to know I'd die before I let anything happen to mine.  


Rosa winced running her hands through her straight hair.


"I'm fine Iris, I'm at home." There was a pause on the other line before Iris spoke again.


"Who took you home? Isaac's with me so...” Rosa glanced at me looking nervous and I forcefully smiled...Say it.


 "Bastien took me home."  Good girl.


 “Are you kiddin’ me? You let that fucker take you home! He’s the reason for all this; Jesus, Rosa! I’m coming home right now. And for his sake, you better hope he is gone before then.” Rosa winced, her eyes finding mine. My smile tightened as my irritation rose even though I knew everything Irish said was well deserved. I was, in fact, the reason for all this bullcrap.


 “Iris, don’t overreact, I’m perfectly fin –,” the line went dead. I glared out the window. Merde.


 “I guess you should leave before…Iris gets home,” Rosa mumbled, looking adorably sheepish. I smiled wickedly, kicking off my boots before carefully falling onto her bed, leaning against the wall as her eyes widened.


 As if I was going to leave her alone. She was mine to comfort, mine to stay with. All mine.


 “Nope, I’ll wait.” Her mouth fell open and I chuckled. Ah, she was even cute surprised. No surprise there.


 “And do what? I’m going to sleep.” I grinned. Nap time…with Rosa. My breathing spiked at the thought. It was very domestic.


 “Sweet dreams.” Shaking her head, she plopped down, hugging the blankets to her body.


 It was only a few minutes before her breathing slowed and she fell asleep. She was a silent sleeper, I noted, hoping she wouldn’t mind that I, unfortunately, was not. An affect of the nightmares…


Lying stiffly beside her, I traced the perfect features, just lightly going over her slightly parted lips. The love swelled up inside me and I tugged her closer, so her warmth could bleed into me.


 Soon, unconsciousness began to fuzz my reality as I too, fell asleep. For once, it was peaceful, the lavender scent warding off the nightmares…


A safe haven, that’s what Rosa Payne was. 

First Kiss (Rosa):


I was warm. Very warm. Uncomfortably warm. Groggily, I tried to shove the blankets away from me, but they wouldn’t budge. What?


Disoriented, my eyes flickered open, vision blurry as I blinked multiple times. More awake, I glanced down and my breathing stopped. There was an arm, a muscular arm with bulging biceps and smooth skin wrapped around my waist!


With a startled gasp, I realized Bastien was spooning me against his long body, his other arm at my spine.




Oh no!


What was I thinking, falling asleep with a guy I barely even knew? And oh God, why did it have to feel so achingly…right?


Asleep, Bastien’s features were etched to perfection, relaxed and easy as he hummed deep in his throat, clutching me closer as I gave another gasp. The hard, iron-like plains of him were pressed against every soft part of me…Oh.


I tried once again to slip from his grip, but I found, seconds later, it was impossible.


His arm flexed in response, holding me hostage. I’d always been a bit claustrophobic, but like that, I felt oddly sheltered. My will to move disappeared as I laid my head on his shoulder, basking in the peppermint, completely male, fragrance.


It took only minutes for sleep to find me again.


“Roza?” The voice was deep, so calmingly deep…but authoritative in a way that I ‘mmm’d’, peering through heavy lids to have reality wreck through me. Bastien. Bastien was kneeling at my bedside.


Frantically, I shot up, clutching the covers to my chest in attempt to shield my horribly vulnerable state.


He glared, making me feel very stupid. He wasn’t some random captor, wasn’t Him– and he wouldn’t hurt me.


“Relax,” he muttered. “Your sister should be here soon.” Silently, I nodded before leaving the bed to patter off into the bathroom and collect myself. In the mirror, I decided I was decent looking enough, tying my hair back, brushing my teeth and splashing my heated face with cool water. There, I thought, much better, no more nerves or fluster.


When I returned to my room, Bastien was stretched out on the bed, a lazy grin on his face as he gazed openly–at me. Slightly amused, I noted his shoes matched now, and dangled over the side, nearly reaching the ground. Jeez, he’s massive.


And it was still unbelievable; the sight of someone so gorgeous on my bed…watching me.


“Is that your real name?” I wondered aloud. Surprise flittered over his features, brows lowering, though he didn’t miss a beat, answering nonetheless. He was going to be honest or so it seemed. He had secrets, much like my own–the dark ones locked up tightly in the back of my mind–but strangely, it only piqued my curiosity.


 “It’s Sebastien, but everyone goes by Bastien.” Sebastien. I liked that better. With a small smile, I tested it, Sebastien Lacriox…Hmm, Rosalina Lacriox…I winced, where did that come from? Ugh, marriage was…Oh God, why did I think that?!


You’re not getting married. Ever, my conscious hissed.


“And your real name?” I grimaced at him, though he was undeterred, flashing weirdly pointed, but pearly whites my way.


My cheeks lit, gaze falling to the floor. The fluster was back. “As if you don’t already know…” I mumbled, glancing back up to find him fighting another smile. Not quite succeeding, but almost.


“Rosalina, but I really prefer Rosa,” I told him when the silence became too awkward to stand. There, on my bed, he looked perfectly at ease, all the while I stood aimlessly, wondering what he deal was.


Before I even thought the words, I blurted, “Hailey was right you know.” He showed no reaction, though suddenly, his hazel eyes hardened, cold and impassive.


“About what?”


I swallowed around the lump in my throat, despising having to admit the pathetic truth. Not all –Just enough that Sebastien Lacriox would only ever see me as a used whore.


“I’m not worth the effort. I am used goods,” my voice is a whisper, nearly inaudible as I gaze at the floor, unable to stand the disgust that will surely be on his face.


But before I could understand what happened, my back was flattened on the wall, Sebastien hovered over me, holding me in place. One hand held both my wrists, my arms above my head; the other had my chin in an iron grasp, forcing me to meet his gaze.


His striking face was inches from mine, hazel eyes darker with a threatening fury, but below the surface, an indistinguishable emotion –smoldering had my breathing spike, body reacting with expectancy.


“Don’t,” he rasped between clenched teeth. “Don’t you ever say that.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


“I don’t get you,” I hissed, trying –without success–to pull free. He was too strong, so rousingly strong.


“What’s not to get?” Surely he knew…


Resentment shot through me, shattering my self-control. “Everything!” I nearly shouted. “You’re some hotshot jock who misses practice to take me home. Some hotshot jock that pays me more attention than the prettiest girl in school! I’m just some mental loser who has a past, people like me and you only happen in fairytales. People like me and you…we don’t work.” As I spoke, his expressions shifted, from confusion to objects and frustration until finally settling on wary amusement.


Slowly, his fingers released their hold on my chin to run over the curve of my eyebrows. Something hot and needy pooled in my belly, the touch sending shivers up my spine.


“You look perfect to me,” he breathed, accent sharper. My heart sped, those long supple fingers began to trace over my features, starting at my eyes–which automatically flickered shut despite the whirlwind of emotions –over my nose and along my cheekbones until just barely…they ran along my lips.


Anticipation fluttered deep inside my chest–fear lurking below it. I hadn’t been kissed since…Him. And suddenly, I craved it, the feel of his sure, full lips against mine. Craved to be proven not everything in life was dark and hopeless.


I wanted him to make me forget it all.


“Kiss me,” I sighed. “Please.” His hand curved along my cheek, skin blazing and rough as he leant forward a fraction. His lips loomed, breath warm on my parted lips…Yet he didn’t pursue, giving me the chance to change my mind. In that moment, lost to the sensation, it was not even an option.


“Tell me. Tell me you want it too,” his voice was a hoarse command. Isn’t it obvious…?


“Sebastien,” I heard myself say, willpower in shreds. “I need you to kiss me.”


There was a fierce growl and I prepared for a hard kiss…Sort of wanted it, but his lips brushed mine gently. Oh God. The world faded out in that second, but then he was pulling away. No!


I whined, thrusting my breasts and firmly attaching his mouth to mine. In response, his teeth nipped at my lower lip until I sighed low in my throat, surrendering to him. The hand at my wrists feel to my hip and yanked me up against the hard muscles of his body. With a gasp, I pressed impossibly closer. Moremoremore. His mouth tasted of peppermints, so sweet my head began to swim with it, my hands clung to his shirt as I kissed him eagerly.


The hand at my hip began to trace my spine and I moaned–a ridiculously needy sound–about to –


“Get your paws off my sister!” I ignored the interruption, stroking his tongue with mine. begging. No, my body screamed in protest. Touch me more.


Sebastien paused, pulling away so that I opened my eyes and nearly went into cardiac arrest. In the doorway stood my sister, blanched with anger, and Isaac, wide-eyed, looking as if he’d tasted something

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