» Romance » Dear Edward, Heather Parsons [best way to read ebooks txt] 📗

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she placed her hands in front of her and trembled.


“Move out!” Banks called out, to hell with the airstrike, they were going in. He was not going to fail again, he thought, not again. “This is for you Aaron!”
Their surroundings exploded within a few feet from where Adam stood. Throwing him back a good foot before he slammed into the ground. His breath released on impact and his eyes lost focus for awhile.
When he regained them what he saw laying around was his soldiers, blown to bits by their own bombs. They died by friendly fire, not enemy.
Adam tried to push himself up then realized why he couldn't. His arms that he took for granted his whole life were now missing, his lover half had shrapnel sticking out in odd ways and seeing this he couldn't stop himself from laughing.
“Adam, oh God no. Adam can you hear me? We are going to take you home, just hang in there.” SGT Thomas said, running up to his side. He would have never in a million years expected to see his friend's face again and now seeing it this way, was killing him.
“Uh Brianna will be happy to see you. She's had it rough lately and your dad he's been....” Adam faded into darkness before he could say anymore. The pain he was sure was there, he couldn't feel. There was no shock just a sense of peace, a release.


Word spread that the military finally came to their senses and went in to bring back their lost soldiers, to bring them home to their families. Flags were displayed in store fronts all through town, children held them high in the air, waving them and cheering. Tears and soft cries rocked through the residence that gathered in the center of town, waiting on their loved ones to walk back into their embraces.
“Thank the heavens above, that someone finally did something!” The crowd shouted, all cheering and standing tall.
“Heaven had nothing to do with it, it was Adam. He gave his own life to bring back the ones we love, he died and I did nothing to stop him.” Brianna wanted to shout but it only came out in a whisper. Just loud enough for her to hear the words spoken out loud, for her heart to break more.
She'd found a bench that was far enough away from the celebration, a place where she could cry, heartbreaking tears and no one would hear her. Hunched over on the bench, hands on both sides, gripping with all her might and let the anguish wash over her.
If she would have known the night she took off that what happened happened, she would have never left. Would have focused Adam to see that what he was doing was wrong, would have cried, begged and pleaded him not to go. But she was never given that chance, never given the chance to see his face one last time. “Why him?” Brianna cried out. Shaking not only herself but the bench as well, slumping forward only to cry harder.
The rage she felt earlier when she'd found out about Adam was gone, leaving behind emptiness. Brianna couldn't even force herself to smile, to join the rest in this time of celebration because in her eyes there was nothing to celebrate.
Lindsey was encircled in Chase's arms, standing along side the rest of their friends in the center island in town. Surrounded by trees, grass and wildflowers, hearing the cheers for everyone around them and trying to smile as well but without their friend with them, Lindsey found it near impossible to do that.
She'd been there the day they heard the news, the day they were told Adam didn't make it and she watched Brianna fall apart. It happened so quickly, Lindsey didn't know what to do at the moment. But now not seeing Brianna around terrified her. Tearing herself away from Chase, Lindsey stepped off the curb only to stop in her tracks as she took in a figure sitting by themselves, far enough away but still close to hear their cries.
Chase was watching the same figure and knew who it was, Brianna. He'd seen her walk over to the bench, sit down, grab a hold and scream at herself for what happened. And just like Lindsey he couldn't walk over to her and say it would be alright because right now nothing was alright. The only thing he could do was hold on to Lindsey and cry himself. They'd all lost loved ones here, he thought, but no one had lost as much as Brianna and no one could begin to know how that feels. That's the reason he stayed away, guilt for not knowing.
A parade of cars drove right into the center of town, flags were flown on both sides and everyone knew who it was. Cheering escaped their mouths before the first car stopped. Anticipation erupted and the crowd gathered closer together, holding onto one another for support.
SPC Lake climbed out of the first car before it came to a complete stop. Smiling through his tears of finally being home, he first spotted his mother and father and run into their embrace. Receiving pats on the back from the ones he walked past and cheers from everyone else.
“Jordan is it really you!” Mrs. Lake proclaimed, teary eyed.
“Yes, mom. I've missed you.” Jordan said in a whisper, grabbing hold of them and not wanting to let go. He'd been hoping for this day for so long and now that it's finally here, it's heaven, he thought, God really gave him a blessing.
Through everything he's been through and everything he's seen, this right here, right now, he felt he'd died and went to heaven. And even though he knew they were there, holding him, Jordan had to stop himself from closing his eyes just so he'd remember this moment. Many times over the last few months he's dreamed of this day and now that it's here, he doesn't want to miss out on a single thing.
CPT Dumas stepped out of the second car, holding his head up high and blinking back his tears. His eyes scanned the crowd for those special people in his life, the ones he'd prayed to God every night to return home too. When their eyes met, he couldn't breathe. His heart skipped a beat looking into his wife's eyes and this time he let his emotions loose. Walking swiftly he embraced her in a tight hug and never wanted to let her go again.
“Oh, baby. I'm so...” His wife started saying before he cut her off with a kiss.
He cried for the soldiers who's families would never be able to do this, for the ones who had no one to do this with and for everyone left behind. Always the strong one, he thought, but not anymore, not now. It wasn't the time for it now.
The last car to stop held two soldiers in it, SGT Thomas and SPC Carter. They both climbed out together, both looked around and then walked together into the crowd. Jason was searching for his dad first, after hearing Adam say something about him, he needed to see that he was alright.
“Jason.” John choked out. Not believing what his eyes were seeing and blinking several times just to be sure.
Jason spotted his dad, saw his pale features and ran to his side. “Dad! Oh my God, I've missed you.” He said wrapping his arms around him. They both cried, together, holding on for all their worth.
Brianna heard the commotion, knew what was happening but didn't move. And as much as she needed to see Jason's face, to see that he was indeed alive, at the same time she didn't think she deserved it. Conflict ran through her, on one hand she should be running to him, celebrating his life and everyone else and on the other hand the only reason he was here was because of Adam. Why can't she have both? Both Adam and Jason, alive and healthy? Why does one have to die for the other?
Every time she did look up and saw his face, all she could think of was Adam, of him dead and Jason standing here in town, smiling. Brianna's stomach twisted, churning in ways that made her face pale. She was comparing two men, two friends and it wasn't fair to either of them.
Edward looked around for awhile before settling down on a bench and resting. Taking in the blue skies and deep breaths of fresh air that he'd never thought he'd do again. Almost everyone there had patted his back and called him a hero, causing him to believe this was truly his hometown and not just someplace he'd been brought.


Nighttime fell and the celebration was still in full swing. Music was being played by a band that was hired, there were people dancing or swaying to it and everyone was in a good mood. Drinks were being passed around along with food that neighbors had brought and all looked to be enjoying life. The town had their spirits back, their happiness and laughter.
After making small talk with half the residence there, Edward wondered off in search of someplace to sit, alone. He'd been through so much in the last couple of years he needed to sit and cry. Just let loose of everything and release it.
And when he thought he'd found the perfect spot, he sat. Stretching his legs in front of him, leaning back he gazed up at the stars and sighed. It was quieter were he sat, no loud music, cheers or any of that just silence and he was enjoying it. But just as he closed his eyes he heard soft cries. At first he thought it was in his head, some many times he'd heard others cry and now was no different, he thought.
Moving away from everything was a good idea, Brianna didn't want to bring down the celebration with someone hearing her cry. So she took to the woods and found a spot far enough away where no one would hear her, sitting down, she curled up and cried more. Harder this time since there was no one around to hear. “Adam,” she sobbed, crying out his name. “Why?”
His eyes opened when he heard it again. It was a girl, that much he knew but where she was, he didn't. And with everything happening, he thought, why would she be crying? But instead of asking himself he decided to find her, see if there was something he could do to help. Anything to make her stop crying because he didn't know how much longer he would be able to

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