» Romance » Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Less than Perfect, S. J. Evans [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author S. J. Evans

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hospital? It wasn’t for a—well—for a little one was it?”

Skye felt like her head was going to explode, she knew it had been coming but she couldn’t believe it all the same. How could Bryan do and say something so stupid? Do I really not mean anything to him other than just being his own fragile play toy?

“No, of course not! Rachel I fell down the stairs in my house and fractured a few ribs. How could anyone be saying that I’m pregnant? Why would they even think that?” She cried.

“What? You fell down the stairs? Skye, we didn’t know, we—we thought—Bryan told us that you and him had been together.”

Skye wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out run to Bryan and give him all he deserved.
But all the same, she couldn’t actually go through with it. She still wanted things to work; she wanted to help him, to change him. Even after his blatant and forced abuse. “No, we haven’t—I mean he tried to—but we haven’t, Rachel. We’re hardly even getting along right now.” Skye uttered between her own choking tears.

Water streamed down her cheek as she thought of his hands, the hands that had once so gently caressed her cheek and held her hand with security, had become so much more; the same hands that now have slapped, beaten, and invaded her wickedly.

Rachel couldn’t speak, her mouth was wide open but she couldn’t speak. She was utterly shocked and confused, torn between what she had just heard. Finally she caught herself and closed her mouth, ready to speak. “Skye, you’re saying he tried to force you into it? I thought everything was great between you two? Do you want me to tell somebody, to get him out of your life?”

“Yes, he did. But you can’t talk to anyone about it. I don’t need anyone’s help with Bryan, I can handle it. Trust me, we’re going to figure things out, you don’t have to talk to anyone, let me handle it.”

“Are you sure? If he did that to you then he should definitely be talked to, no one should get away with that.”

“No, he didn’t know I didn’t want it. Besides, nothing happened, so you can stop acting like it did. Okay?”

“Okay, but I’m only trying to look out for you Skye, you don’t deserve to have someone invading your life like that, you’re my friend and I’m here for you.”

Skye sniffled away her tears and smiled at her kind friend. “Thank you, Rachel. You’re the best.”

Rachel grinned and parked the car on the side of the road near Oliver’s house. “I know, let’s go.” Rachel checked the mirror really quickly and hopped out of the truck. She went around to the other side, helping Skye out of the truck. “Oh, hon, you could use a sheer touch up on the eyes. People don’t exactly look up upon raccoons.”

Skye laughed at her friend and checked the mirror. “You’re right, thanks for letting me know; I wouldn’t want people to mistake me for a raccoon now would I?” She added sarcastically.

“No problem, here,” Rachel fingered out a makeup wipe and wiped off the smeared mascara. She threw the smudged black wipe in her bag and wiped her hands together. “Perfect.”

“Thanks, but I could have done that myself.”

“I know, but I felt like doing it. Come one, I want you to meet someone.” Rachel said linking her arm with Skye’s.


“You’ll see.”

They both headed down the sidewalk, Skye enjoying the company of someone who wasn’t going to blow up and hit her. She knew she was safe with Rachel, and it felt good to be sure of that for the time in her life now. Oliver’s house was easy to spot; there were kids everywhere, drinking, talking, laughing, and a few acting like idiots. The air smelled like barbeque and a distant scent of alcohol.

Both girls pushed their way through the crowd of kids near the front door and laughed as one of the drunken boys hit on Skye. They walked away from him, leaving him to laugh at himself, and entered the foggy living room. Rachel gave glances all around the room, clearly looking for that someone. Around the room a few people stared at Skye with almost horrified looks. The room suddenly was filled with whispers, although they couldn’t be heard; but Skye knew exactly what they were whispering about: her little visit to the hospital.

“Hey, don’t let them bother you, it’s just stupid gossip.” Rachel reassured Skye.

Even though Rachel was right Skye couldn’t help but suddenly feel uncomfortable.

Across the room, a tall boy wearing mostly black stepped out from the kitchen and tucked his hands into his pockets. Rachel chirped and ran to him. “Victor!” She called out as she jumped into his arms. The darkly dressed and strong man lifted her high and spun her around as if she was a child. He set her down and she grinned at him. “Skye, come here!” She motioned for Skye to come.

Quite timidly, Skye walked over to Rachel and the stranger with the name of Victor. In one part of her mind he looked familiar, but she knew that there couldn’t be an explanation for it. “Skye, this is Victor. Victor, this is Skye Taylor.”

Skye smiled and casually slapped Rachel on the arm. She hated it when Rachel tacked in Skye’s last name, especially when she was just meeting someone; nevertheless someone who looked eerily familiar.

Victor reached out his hand and grinned at Skye. “Nice to meet you, miss.”


“It’s nice to meet you to, Victor.” Do I know you?

She wanted to ask. She knew she had seen him somewhere, she just couldn’t place it.

“Victor and I met at Buxton’s the night you were there. We have been getting along really well ever since, haven’t we Vic?” Buxton’s? Could that have something to do with it?

“Of course, sweet stuff.” Victor added, dropping his head to kiss Rachel’s. Sweet stuff?

“Um, Skye, do you mind if Vic and I go hang out? I know I invited you but…”She let the words hang, knowing that Skye would give in if she smiled just right.

I’ll probably regret it, but she is my friend.

“No, of course not. You two have fun, I’m sure I can find my way around.”

“Thank you so much, Skye, I owe you big time.” Rachel chirped. You bet you do.

“See you later, just let me know when you need to leave.”

“Alright, later.”

Victor grinned at Skye and tipped his head, as if saying thank you

. Skye smiled back at him even through her own suspicion about him. She didn’t have the best feeling about this guy, whatever it was. Skye walked over to one of the unoccupied walls and leaned against it. The room was loud with rock music and everywhere Skye looked someone was kissing, laughing, drinking, or fighting. It was the typical party with teenagers from Vinely.

Skye sighed and dropped herself to the floor, she didn’t really know

anyone from the party except for Rachel; and she hoped that Bryan wasn’t there. Letting her gaze rest on the black TV screen she held her chest so that the pain wasn’t as bad. The music was ringing in her ears and she tried to tune it out.

“Is the party too dull for you?” Called a familiar voice.

No, no it can’t be. She thought hazily. She looked up into the vibrant eyes of Jules’. “Are you kidding, it’s just the opposite. I’m not really into this whole thing.” She said lamely.

“Stool girl doesn’t like parties? I’m shocked.” Jules said putting his hand on his heart. He grinned.

“What do you want Jules? I thought you could understand that I don’t want to be around you.” She snapped back at him.

Jules didn’t let it bother him. “Well now you know that I can’t,” he said sitting down next to her. “You left in quite a hurry, and I know that maybe I was pushing a little too hard, but I didn’t think you were the kind to dislike that. You seemed perfectly fine with me, so what changed your mind? And don’t tell me that you were ‘just playing’ with me right back. I can see through that.”

Skye couldn’t respond. She couldn’t tell him the truth and she didn’t want to lie again. Honesty was the one thing she wanted to give him, she wanted to be able to say anything to him and not have it come back to haunt her. Could she really tell him what he needed to hear?

His deep green eyes dug into her soul and she let out a quivering breath. “Skye?”

“Listen, I don’t know why you’re here, and I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to get me to talk to you. But hear me out on this. I want to talk to you—I really do—but I don’t think that it would be the best of ideas. You may be confused but I need you to try to leave me alone, I don’t need someone like you bombarding on my life.”

“What’s so bad about us talking to each other? I’m not trying to bombard your life Skye, I’m just trying to get to know you that’s all. You seem like someone worth getting to know, but if you don’t want me ‘bombarding’ your life, then I can leave.” Jules’s eyes traveled down to her wrist. “Wait,” he pulled her arm gently into his hand, “what happened?”

Skye snatched it away and grimaced. “It’s nothing, Jules.”

“That doesn’t look like nothing? What’s going on?”

“I fell down the stairs that’s all.”

“And that caused you to get this kind of cut?”

“Yes,” Skye swallowed the lump in her throat and scooted herself away from him, regretting it the next moment. She tried to hide her reaction to the sharp pain in her chest but she couldn’t, Jules had already seen it.

“Skye, what is it? Are you alright?” He asked, worry filling his tone. “I can help you up if you need it.”

“No, it’s just the fall fractured a few ribs, but I’m fine. I don’t need your

help.” She pulled herself up, bracing herself on a table right beside her, but she started to collapse when she was almost all the way up, letting out a quick scream.

Jules caught her and carefully lifted her with his hands. “Here,” he guided her over to a couch and helped her down. The moment his hand touched the sides of her stomach as they sat, Skye flinched away. She could picture Bryan’s hands traveling up her shirt, and she shoved Jules’ hands away abruptly. “Don’t Jules.”

He put his hands up and scooted slightly away in defense. “I’m sorry, what did I do?”

“Nothing, it’s just a sensitive spot.”

“I’m sorry, Skye, I didn’t mean to.”

“I know,” she breathed, feeling guilty for not letting him have more information. “Jules?”

He looked at her with a kind concern. “Yeah, stool girl?”

She almost smiled. “Why do you want to get to know me? Why do you even want to bother with someone who’s already pushed you away?”

“Because I know that there is always a second chance, and I hope that you will let me have that chance.” He smiled at her desperate and delicate face, the face that had taken such a beating so many times. The pale and precious face that had lost so much color after time, but still glows luminous despite the bruises.

Jules’ eyes sparkled, they were unlike anything she had ever seen before, and they took her breath away. She could get lost in them any day. Skye was shocked that someone actually cares for her; someone actually wants to get to know her, someone who doesn’t want to harm her. “I’m sorry Jules, you don’t deserve to be around me, you are far too nice.”

“Skye, hey,” Jules spoke quietly and smoothly, his voice soothing every pinched nerve in Skye’s body, and tucked her hair behind her ears. “You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and that includes your kindness. I’m

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