Brown Skin, Timaira Smith [epub ebook reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Timaira Smith
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"But in my court, I say who will stay, who will go, who moves, and who is still. She will remain in your service until there is another reason to put her out." Lillian took a deep breathe and squeezed Macy's hand who smiled at her with satisfaction.
"My Lord, She is-"
"She stays, Mary and I do not want to hear any opposition!" The king suddenly yelled. The hall went quiet again. the work with the belongings was almost completed but it was yet again interrupted with eavesdropping. The duchess growled at Lillian, who cowered a little backwards into Macy.
"What is it with her, your majesty? Is she your little slave girl too? Hmm? Have you been opening your legs too, Edwina? Got a little bastard baby on the way as well? With our lord, King Troy Stawery's seed? Wow! Congratulations!" The duchess cornered Lillian into a side wall, spitting in her face. Lillian began to whimper but suddenly found the courage to stare at the duchess in her eyes.
"No, my lady, I have done nothing of the sort with the king, but I know that I am my king's servant first, then yours. I will obey both wishes, with his being first. I will go to your room and make sure a bath and food is prepared, my lady." Lillian bowed with pride and boldly walked away. The king smirked and Macy grabbed Lillian's hand and walked proudly with her. Rebecca stood shocked with her mouth wide open.
"This is a madhouse! I will not tolerate it!" The Duchess screamed.
"Then leave, but I am aware that you cannot for your manor is in repair, so I will allow you leave from my sight." The king declared, putting his strong hands on his hips and narrowing his eyes at his older sister. She scoffed then forcefully bowed in front of the king and stormed down the hall towards her chamber. He rubbed his brows in frustration, being in love with Lillian was harder than he thought, he needed to find a way to be with her, for his soul yearned for her, and make sure the kingdom did not know. He stood and looked out the window, the snow slowly began to pick up speed. He walked over to the window, making a mental note to order the newest stained glass windows he heard about for the winter season. He looked over into the distance and saw a small view of the city. He squinted his eyes and saw a particular building.
Lillian flopped down in her chair, allowing her skirts to fly up. She took a deep exasperating breath. She kicked her shoes off, not caring where they landed. Sweat fell down her brown face, she did not wipe it away in hope for some cooling air. She slowly closed her eyes and begin to slip off into a calm phase, her breathing slowed down and her head slowly fell. She was almost prepared to dream, but then a slight tapping by her head began to commence. She tried to ignore it, for she was tired to the core, but it was soon followed by a loud Ca-Caw! Ca-Caw! She opened her eyes and smiled. "Majestic..." She got up and walked over to the window to see Majestic looking up with her eyes a bright gold. She placed her hands on the new glass window, it was stain glass, with an even pattern of multicolored glass diamond shapes. She moved her hands all over the window, then she felt a slight rattle, she placed her hand on a bright blue diamond and it moved in its place. She gripped it and pulled it out into her room. The king detached a glass while it was being put in place so Majestic can be let in and out, how caring.
Immediately Majestic flew in the room with a happy chattering noise. She flew over by the fire and sat down right in front of it. Lillian laughed but then shivered at the cold air blasting through the small opening. "I see what your dilemma is with the outdoors" she said to the bird. She carefully replaced the glass and held out her hand, making a kissing noise with her lips. Majestic left her warm spot and swooped over to Lillian's hand. "Why not go south like all other birds, huh?" Majestic cocked her head then rubbed her feathery crown on Lillian's chest. "Yeah, I agree, I would miss you as well, my lady bird." Lillian put her down on the copper tub. She sadly unlaced her own dress and let it fall to the ground, wearing only a chemise and stockings she flopped backwards on her bed and took a harsh deep breath. Majestic flew over to her side, resting on her pillow looking right into Lillian's eyes. She made a low throaty call and hopped onto Lillian's chest. Lillian was cheered up that she had such a friend to share a space with. She smirked as she rubbed the creature's soft head. "Oh Maje, things are so complicated....well more like difficult these days. The duchess has not given me a break ever since that day I supposedly talked back to her. I did nothing of the sort I tell you. She has assigned all us ladies in waiting jobs that even had nothing to do with her, I suppose it is to spite the king, she is such a spoiled and haughty woman! But the king did come to my rescue, I could have been out of court, or worse, assigned to the chambers of a man! He saved me...again..." She began to daze off and smiled slightly. Majestic cawed again. "It has been a few weeks that I have even spoked to him, Majestic. At first I figured it was because of my workload, doing my bid and helping Macy out. But then those times where the duchess was asleep or with someone else, I searched for him at night, and waited in this very room. He did not come. I wonder if I displeased him in some kind of way...what if he is losing his heart for me? No he would never..." Majestic tucked her talons into her black chest and laid down, Lillian was shocked to see her almost sad looking. "Oh Maje, I believe it will be alright. I am sure he has a reason for not seeing me so...I pray, It is amazing how slow a day without the one you love goes, maybe someday you will meet a blackbird and feel what I am talking about for yourself." Lillian leaned in and kissed the top of Majestic's head. She laid back down and started to stare at the ceiling, slowly petting Majestic's back.
Sir Thomas fidgeted at the sapphire ring the king gave him. He leaned against the stone wall of the grand hall. He has been thinking of what he wanted to say for enough time. He had to be careful, for if he said too much, the duchess was smart enough to figure out his plan, but if he said too little, it could be ignored and even ridiculed, leaving all his thinking time wasted. He saw the scene in the hall and decided to use that as evidence that Duchess Mary also despised the black wench. But he could not stand the idea of risking the king finding out from his sister and getting suspicious. He had to talk to her in private so he figured during the night hours, while all was asleep. He figured it has been enough time and started towards the Duchess's chamber. There were two ladies in waiting outside of the doors, half asleep. When he stood before them, awoke immediately. "Leave" He whispered, they both stood up and bowed, leaving quietly. Women at court learned to never question a man's whereabouts at night. They whispered to each other while walking away, debating on the reasoning a member of the Privy Counsel is visiting their mistress. Thomas put his hands on the heavy door and dreaded opening the door. He had to though. He put his weight on the door and slowly walked in, he almost laughed at the sound of the masculine snoring that he heard ringing in the room. He took a deep breath and walked over to her bed. He put a hand on her bare shoulder and began to shake her. "My lady, Duchess Mary! My lady! Wake up!" He was suddenly thrown backwards at the slap of a hand, hitting glass vases and knocking over crates and cases of junk.
"Who is there! What in God's Name decides to try to awake me at this hour! Show yourself!" She shrieked. Thomas scrambled to his feet, saying shhhh shhhh with his mouth and finger. He heard footsteps running in the hall.
"God's foot woman! It is Thomas Seymour of the Privy Counsel, I came to talk to you about a private matter!
"Oh Thomas, It is you. Could you not wait until morning? You had to awake me from my slumber?" Thomas hesitated. He walked over to the Duchess slowly and sat himself down on her grand scale bed.
"I need to ask you for a favor..."
King Troy paced his room, subconsciously. He was in a tight situation. He sat down in his heavy chair and huffed. He looked at the fire again and again. He traced a finger on his lips staring into it. He looked at the ambers, the cobble stone design behind the gate, the stone design on the outside frame. He closed his eyes and lifted his head and sighed, taking in the warmth of the fire blazing on him. "This is still nothing compared to what Lillian offers me..." He sat in front of the fireplace, crossing his legs with his father's cloak over his lap. "Father....if you were still here you would know what to do..." He looked into the fire until his eyes started to burn. "Father I am in love....I am in love just like you said I would be one day. This girl...this young woman she is just everything I ever imagined...and more. But father...she's not a princess, or a duchess, nothing...Just the thought of her, it makes me want to give up the kingdom, every rich, all the wealth that I have. But I know you would probably not allow me to do that. I have been avoiding her just to keep her safe from my meddling sister...not being by her side is enough to drive me mad. Every cell in my body just wants to wrap her in my arms and protect her from court, the world....I care not about her skin color, her heart is even more rare!" He paused...for he forgot that he was the only one in his chamber. He was talking to the air and there was nothing the air could say to
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