» Romance » The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Mahlatse Mokone

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into my room I found Mom and Janie there, “Need a hand?” Mom asked with an amused smile, she knows I know nothing about getting dolled up. I smiled back “Please.” I said sitting down on my dressing table.

Mom parted my hair then side-swept it after creating retro waves, my hair actually looked like a movie star’s. So did my make up when she was done with it. I grinned looking at myself in the mirror, “Mom…wow.” I said lost for words.

She only smiled “Up, lets get you into that dress.” She said and I stood up fetching it from my closet and she helped me into it.

Janie fetched the box with my shoes and I pulled them out, Mom raised an eyebrow, she knows I hate high heels.

“Inspired.” She said and I gave her a sly smile “Yeah, by you.” I said and she chuckled. I stood up from my bed and twirled in front of them.

Janie clapped her hands and Mom just stared at me then she looked like she was going to cry, “Aw my little girl is growing into a young woman, next thing you’re out of high school, then college, then you’ll start a career, get married…” She said and I smiled “Whoa slow down there Mom, I’m only going to turn 17. You’re still stuck with me, for now.” I said and she hugged me “I love you, you look beautiful.” She said and my own throat tightened with emotion “I love you too.” I said hugging her again and we both chuckled when Janie joined in our group hug.

We got downstairs and Mom made me pose for a picture, or two.

“I have to send this to your father, he’ll be disappointed if he didn’t get to see you like this.” She said and I frowned “When is he coming back again?” I asked, he left for a business trip to Washington two days ago, I missed him terribly, I couldn’t imagine how Mom was feeling.

“Tomorrow evening.” She said then she called Tim who appeared in the great room minutes later “Yes, Mrs. Gilbert?”

“Can you drive Katelyn to her school?” she said, and he nodded “Of course.” He said and she looked at him “And for the last time Tim, its Lucky.” She said and he smiled apologetically. “That’s completely unnecessary.” I said and Mom shook her head at me “You shouldn’t be driving yourself to the dance sweetie.” She scolded, “Tell me why Brandon’s not taking you again?”

I rolled my eyes “Because I told him not to.” I said and she shot me a ‘do I want to know’ look and I shook my head smiling.

Tim ended up driving me anyway, soon enough we parked in the school’s lot, which was graced with rented limousines.

Tim opened my door and helped me out of my Dad’s sleek Maybach “I’ll be right here if you need me.” he said, I wanted to suggest that he go back home but knowing him, it’ll be in vain. “Thank you.” I said and I slightly lifted my dress as I walked away. I spotted Brandon a yard away, talking to a friend; he looked breathtaking in a black tux. I guess he sensed someone was watching him because his head snapped to my direction and I stopped. He barely said goodbye to his friend as he began walking towards me almost as if he cannot believe its me.

He stopped in front of me “Someone pinch me.” he breathed and I smiled goofily, he took my hand kissed it, reverently bowing his head “Princess.” He said, my heart skipped a few beats, how on earth can he make me feel this way? Make me feel like royalty, make me feel beautiful and precious?

“I would bow at your feet but then I’d ruin my tuxedo.” He said, I decided to play at this game too “And I will not have any of that, given how handsome you look in it.” I said taking his extended arm “I hear your kingdom is well renowned in this area my prince, I was hoping you would show me a good time.” I said and he grinned, “It would my pleasure, your highness.” He said and we both chuckled heading into the auditorium.

The huge place was already crowded with students in formal attire, dancing and mingling. We walked through the crowd, saying hello to some friendly faces. I saw Tess standing with Liam close to the DJ stand, they both looked to be enjoying themselves. But when she started scanning the place, I wonder if she was looking for the date she wishes she had.

I looked around for JT as well and I couldn’t see him, although I saw his girlfriend from hell. That was unusual; whenever Adrianna is close I know JT is never far away.

Tess saw me and she walked towards us with Liam, I hugged her with a smile while Brandon shook hands with Liam. “You look fantastic.” I said; her dress was simply amazing. She smiled “Well your aunts made it, of course it looks fantastic.” She said and we both chuckled. We all talked for a while then we separated “You want a drink?” he asked as we made our way to the refreshment table. I smiled cheekily “Yeah, vodka shots.” I teased and he chuckled,

“Nice try.” He said and I laughed too.

A popular pop song ended and a slower song started, Brandon put his plastic cup down “May I have this dance princess?” he asked and I placed mine down too, taking his hand after a coyly curtseying.

He led me through the crowd onto the dance floor and he pulled me into his arms, I put my hand on his shoulder and the other in his own. He moved us both with effortless grace and I meekly smiled. For a second I wished for time to stop, for us to remain in that beautiful moment a while longer. But inevitably it ends, no matter how perfect a moment it is or how badly you never want it to end, it just does. All you can do is hope to have another one tomorrow.

But tonight, I was planning on having multiple and Brandon helped do just that. We dance a bit more before I had to leave and go to the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and almost collided to a group of girls, laughing. When I came out of the stall I nearly groaned when I saw Brea fixing her lip-gloss on the mirrors. She shot me a fake smile as I went to the counter basins. I returned the favor, “Having fun?” she asked, surprisingly with no sarcasm in her voice. “Immensely.” I said and she chuckled.

“Aw look at you, you’re completely smitten with him, and who could blame you? He’s a catch.” She said and I eyed her impatiently “What are you getting at Brea?”

“I’ll admit you two do look cute together, it’s just a shame it’s not…real.” She said and my brows furrowed. “Brandon is the kind of guy who cant have a steady girlfriend even if he wanted to, it’s just not in his nature.” She said and I took a deep breath trying to calm my aggravated nerves.

“Say whatever you want to say Brea, because I’d like to get back to him.” I said and she shook her head. “Really? Oh he’s not bored at all, I saw him getting hot and heavy with Adrianna down the corridor.” She said and I stopped breathing for a moment, she’s lying the rational voice inside me chanted.

She made a sympathetic sound at my expression “You don’t know, do you?” she asked and I kept quiet “They’ve been secretly seeing each other for a while now.” She added. I snapped out of it, for a while? For a while Brandon has been with me, when does he have the time to see Adrianna if he’s spending all of his time with me?

“You’re pathetic Brea, this is a new low.” I hissed and her eyebrows rose “You don’t believe me? Go look for yourself.” She said with a confidence that sprung doubt deep inside me and then she grabbed her purse.

“You’re too naïve for a guy of Brandon’s caliber, what did you think? That it’ll be different with you?” she said “Guys like him don’t change honey.” She added and I hit panic mode as I recognized her words.

Those ones you can’t change. Instead you end up changing yourself just to be with them.

I tried to swallow past the lump that was forming in my throat. Brea must’ve seen that because she shook her head, pity evident in her blue eyes. I wasn’t even sure if it was fake or not, “But you already knew that, didn’t you?” she said quietly, and then started walking towards the door. She paused beside me

“And that’s when it all comes full circle little Katelyn, with Brandon, you have a harmless fling with him, not a full fledged relationship. Or else you just end up getting hurt.” She said almost apologetically then she walked out leaving me in the empty bathroom.
































I couldn’t feel my legs carry me out of the bathroom and down the corridor. I could’ve went the other way, back to the dance knowing very well that I’ll find him there waiting for me. Sadly I didn’t have that confidence and because deep down inside I knew some truth rang in Brea’s words.

I’m crazy about you, no one else.

I gave him a chance because I saw something in him I knew I just had to have. Why was that derailed just because some mean girl said otherwise? He’s done anything but plant a seed of doubt in my head, so why didn’t I turn around? He deserved my trust and I felt guilty that even now I didn’t give it to him.

I decided to make a deal with myself, I’ll look for him and if I don’t find him, this is the last time I will ever doubt him.

I turned a corner and no one was there, I turned again and froze, Brea wasn’t lying for once. There they were lip locking. Adrianna had both her hands on his face firmly holding him to her and suddenly Brandon pulled away.

“Next time I’ll let you kiss more than just my lips.” Adrianna purred and I felt a bile rise in my throat. I closed my eyes for a second hanging my head, this is what he wants, girls like Adrianna, not naïve expectant girls like me.

I just wish he’d had the decency to cut his losses with me first. Brandon was about to say something but he stopped and his eyes locked on me, slightly widening.

Adrianna turned around to face me; she had a satisfied look on her face. I snapped, how dare she have that smirk on her face, did she forget she’s seeing my brother? I decided to dwell on my rising anger than shuttering hurt and betrayal.

I walked up to her “I never thought it was possible for you to disgust me more than you do right now.” I hissed at her “The fact that my brother has anything to do with you makes me sick to my stomach.” I added.

She stared at me with a little surprise, I didn’t dare look at Brandon, if I did I’d crack, I knew I would. “Well I’m going to end this so called relationship if it’s the last thing that I do.” I spat, even though my heart was breaking with each second that ticked by, all I could think was that this bitch was breaking JT’s as well.

I couldn’t protect mine, but I’ll make damn sure Adrianna doesn’t hurt my brother.

“You’re going to break it off with him and you’re going to get your claws out of him and leave him alone, or so help me God Adrianna—” I said getting in her face as my voice rose higher.

“Katelyn…” Brandon said and my head snapped to

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