» Romance » Brooke and Chase, Amicia Bianchi [free romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Brooke and Chase, Amicia Bianchi [free romance novels TXT] 📗». Author Amicia Bianchi

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they're asking for more and they want you to come back but you shouldn't because you're trying to leave them with a good impression," he explained, seemingly not quite catching my drift.


"So if I really, really want more do I have to beg?" I held onto him staring at his chest because I didn't have the courage to look into his eyes. "Please?" I finally mustered up the courage but all I could manage was to look up at him through my eyelashes.


"Well if you're that desperate then maybe I'll try you with this," then he kisses me.


Afterward we continued exploring the amusement park together until we were ready to leave. Chase drove us back to his house just as he had the last time so that I could get my car. On the way back I thought of the progression of how I'd gotten so comfortable around Chase.


Even after we were back and it seemed we had nothing left to do I stood there for a moment in case he tried to kiss me goodbye like the last time but when he didn't seem like he was moving to do so I was a bit crestfallen. However, just at the last minute when I was leaving he got up the nerve to do it and leaned down to kiss me. Once again his kiss landed on my cheek just short of my lips. I froze when I felt his lips and, in frustration, I turned back after he pulled away.


"Why do you do this to me?" I confronted.


"Maybe it's for the best?" he tried to laugh it off. I gave him a look showing him what I thought of that.


"Chase-" I started.


"Alright," he chuckled before pecking me on the lips.


"That's it? What was that?" I'd been waiting for more but I demanded once I realized it was over.


"It's a goodbye kiss," he grinned.


"That's wasn't anything," I grumbled, crossing my arms. "But I guess if that's all I get I'll just go home," I said in an over dramatic manner. I didn't get far when he caught my lips and gave me a kiss that made my legs weak. Even after we'd broken away and we opened our eyes we stayed close caught at an impasse of wanting more but knowing I had to leave.


"See you on Monday," he said after we'd been staring at each other for a while. The kiss made us both not want to part and had done more to fan the flames then satisfy them.


"Ok, maybe the peck was better then?" I tried to laugh but it came out more like a huff because the heated look still lingering in his eyes insured any humor would be short lived.


"You just want my lips back on yours," he breathed, looking at my lips before meeting my gaze again and a devious smirk began to form.


"Says the wolf who wants another taste himself," I taunted.


"Cheeky, so you want to go back to your sarcastic ways and be a smart alec, huh?"


"You should know by now that you shouldn't expect any different. The same way that, at this point, I already know you're all talk, the way you try to push me away and put up a front but you keep coming back because you know you love it. And my sarcasm hasn't gone anywhere, I think you've just gotten used to it, although I will admit that lately I have been rather low key. Maybe you've gotten the wrong idea since I gave you a little break for a while so I think I'll continue doing as I please," I declared, confidently.


I was on a high because of how well things had been going up to now and I knew Chase wasn't running away anytime soon.


"Oh, I see now. Since you always want to have something to say about everything, you and that smart mouth of yours really are going to get only a peck and you're going home," he teased then gave me a 'peck'. Although this was probably too long to really be considered a 'peck' it still felt like it'd ended too soon but it would suffice for now.

Chapter 14

[Chase's POV]


Brooke walked into my arms and hugged me but somehow I knew that something was off. As she spoke, her words flowed over me as I listened to her voice but I wasn't paying enough attention to catch their meaning. My effort was put toward relishing the feel of her against me and how right it felt as the silence suddenly fell around us. I found myself like a cat rolling around in catnip as I lost myself in the warmth from her body as it radiated out. However, even in my state of bliss I still felt a niggling suspicion and held onto her just a bit tighter.


"Goodbye Chase," I heard Brooke's voice in my ear, I was momentarily stunned by her words, as she slipped out of my embrace. I was frozen as I watched her get further away from me. Suddenly it was as if I had been set free from a spell the moment she reached my front door and her gentle fingers touched the doorknob, starting to leave. I ran to her, hoping to stop her.


"Brooke!" I exclaimed, as soon as I took her in my arms she was gone, not trace left of her.


I jumped up from my bed growling, searching the room, whatever I was looking for I didn't find. I sighed, I'd been having the same dream since my birthday and yet it still made me just as unnerved. At least today was the last day of the agreement, I never thought dating your best friend could be so much torture and trouble. Every time we're talking, I think of Brooke, where she is or what she might be doing. When Amanda and I are together, I wish it was Brooke that I was with. Lately whenever I walk into a room my eyes immediately find her and I've been getting these cravings to just see her, touch her, get a whiff of her scent, or I feel like I just have to have her attention on me.


When I got to school and I saw Amanda in the hallway making a beeline straight for me I decided to take the scenic route to first period, foregoing the idea of heading to my locker, so that I could escape her. A short while later I rounded a corner and let out a sigh of relief, finally having lost her. I was on my way to class in earnest when I happened upon Brooke, who had somehow found a means of constantly ditching Eric lately, talking to a boy and a girl.


I recognized the boy as Chuck Turner with his signature black square stud earrings and mostly black wardrobe. He was a junior who I always talked to whenever I got a chance. Next to him was his girlfriend Merelyn, she was a preppy girl who'd transferred last year from the same private school as Eric. Chuck liked being a loner and typically didn't talk to many people but after being introduced at my birthday party the two seemed to have clicked. Despite the fact that she has many friends I'd been seeing them together pretty often since then and he eventually told me that she was now his girlfriend.


Recently, he told me that there's tension with Merelyn's family because they don't exactly approve of him. Merelyn has stated that she doesn't care what they say and has hinted that she doesn't mind moving in with him if she has to should they become too much of a problem. When he talked to his family about it they said they don't mind the two living together but only on the condition that he live by himself.


An idea entered my mind and without giving it much forethought I began quietly approaching the group. Chuck and Merelyn saw me but remained relatively nonchalant when I put a finger against my lips, silently beckoning them to act natural so as not to blow my cover and betray my position. I came up close behind Brooke and covered her eyes with my hands.


"Guess who," I dropped my voice an octave and whispered in her ear. I felt her she shiver and I know she felt the slow smile that spread across my lips.


"Who is that?" she giggled reaching for my wrists. Despite her words she seemed to know it was me and was smiling as her heart started racing. I took my hands away to as she turned her head to look. "Oh, it's just you," she said turning back, pretending as though she wasn't excited.


"What's with that?" I inquired. "Are you suddenly embarrassed now just because you're in front of other people?" I joked with a knowing grin.


Although she simply ignored me she had a particular look on her face for a brief moment before she turned away from me that let me know how she really felt. Chuck and his girlfriend laughed at our exchange.


Chuck seemed to be especially enjoying it as he had a peculiar smile but that was probably because most of the pack hadn't seen me like this. They knew me as a serious person but wherever Brooke is concerned I tended to not care so much about being that person.


"Hey," they greeted me and surprisingly Chuck didn't make any jibes about my new lax mannerisms although his face said it all. "Amanda told us that…"


With a bitter aftertaste still lingering after having that same dream again I couldn't do more than offer a forced smile as I inched closer to Brooke. I didn't want to hear or talk about Amanda but I didn't want to do anything to rock the boat. If I responded how I wanted to it would probably seem like an overreaction so I held myself back, responding much the same way as I do whenever Brooke brings up Eric.


In all honesty I don't understand the relationship between Eric and Brooke and I don't that I ever will. Before all of this I simply found him annoying at times but I have come to enviously despise him simply for being around my mate so often. I hate it when she brings him up because then I feel as if I have to sound supportive of what she's doing and encouraging because what else can I really do when I'm the one got her into this, she's just trying find a silver lining in all of this. It's not like I can tell her that I can't stand the fact that they interact with each with each other or that everytime I see them together I want to pull her away from him and separate them.


It took a surprising amount of effort and restraint not to react the way I wanted to when I've seen them because I didn't want to put her off on account of being overbearing and "too aggressive" or "randomly" possessive. Despite myself, I still almost gave over to such notions when I thought Eric had kissed Brooke but luckily that ordeal ended well, however that didn't mean something like that should be a regular occurrence. Until now I had been reluctant

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