» Romance » LITTLE GIRL LOST, SARAH BETH LEE [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

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mingled with his and she found that she really liked the sound. She waved as she walked out the door and began to walk quickly down the street she was late and for her appointment and that was something that never happened well at least not until today.

Nick was walking down the sidewalk on his way to an appointment with a shrink. He felt this was a complete waste of time, he did not need therapy. He was oblivious to the people rushing past him on their way to and from God knew where. He felt a nudge as a woman passed him as if she was late for an important date and he wondered if she was Hannah. He knew he was obsessing but it seemed that every woman he saw over the age of 20 reminded him in some way of how he imagined Hannah to be. As he continued down the street he focused on the sidewalk under his feet to keep from wondering if every face he saw was her. He rounded the corner and saw two women through a coffee shop window and once again he wondered.

He knew where she worked, where she lived and he knew that Zach had talked to her. He could have gone to her and told her his story, their story but he was waiting. He had set a plan in motion and for it to work he had to wait just a few more weeks.

He was hoping that by the time Christmas arrived that she would be ready to meet him. He wondered how she liked the gifts that he had picked out for her and had had delivered at random times over the years. He had tried to pick just the right thing to let her know that she was on his mind and always in his heart. Ok so maybe he did need therapy because this whole little plan of his was completely insane. What if he had screwed her up worse than she had been in the first place and why was he playing devil’s advocate with himself?

He stopped on the sidewalk and looked at the name on the door, Dr. Madeline Jacobs. He wondered what kind of miracle worker Dr. Jacobs must be if she had any chance of cracking his shell. He pushed the door open and walked up to the receptionist, a voluptuous, young blonde. He could see the way she was appraising him as he crossed the room. He removed his sunglasses and gave her his best smile.

“Hello,” he paused as he lifted the name plate on the desk, “Barbie I have an appointment at 11:15 with Dr. Jacobs.”

“Yes sir, Mr. O’Brien please take this and fill out the front and back.”

She handed Nick a clipboard with a paper for past medical history. He could feel Barbie’s eyes following him across the room as he sat on the overpriced chair in the corner. He filled in the appropriate information and left the rest blank. He had no previous illnesses or medical issues; he was as healthy as a horse unless of course you could die of a broken heart. He laughed of all his accomplishments he had yet to come up with a cure for the biggest sickness of all heartache.

He took the clipboard and ink pen back to Barbie, seriously who named their kid Barbie? Well at least she had the looks to go with the name. He could see her leaning on the desk toward him in a much too provocative manner. He watched as she ran a finger tip across her bottom lip and he wondered if he was secretly being filmed in an adult entertainment movie.

“The doctor will be with you soon Mr. O’Brien. If there’s anything I can do for you just let me know.”

She overemphasized the last sentence while she undressed him with her eyes. He chose to ignore her and returned to his seat in the corner. He picked up a magazine and began to flip through not really looking at the pictures or articles but more for something to keep his mind off of what he was really doing here. Lucas thought he had changed the date on purpose when he wasn’t looking. The team knew about his family it was all in the report so logically they thought he was going back to change what happened. The funny thing was that the thought had never entered his mind until Lucas asked him about it; now the idea was just stuck there along with the why’s and what if’s.

As the sunlight filtered through the curtains Nick found himself wondering about Hannah again. What was she doing, where was she at? Was she at the book store reading to some lucky little kid, stuck in some tedious board meeting or asleep in her bed dreaming of a simpler time and place. Nick could still see her as that scared little girl and he ached to see the amazing woman she had grown up to be.

He shuffled his feet as he glanced at the clock that seemed to be frozen in place. His appointment was scheduled for 11:15 so where the hell was the good doctor? He had a dozen things to do today, all of which were more important than this little visit with a shrink. He refused to believe that he was crazy, delusional or losing his grip on reality so what was the point again? Oh yeah his eccentric colleagues thought he was nuts. He laughed as he wondered if they had looked in the mirror lately.

Nick rose to his feet to leave the stuffy pretentious office when Barbie called his name, “Mr. O’Brien, Dr. Jacobs will see you now.”

Nick could see Barbie leaning against the door that led to Dr. Jacobs’ office. He wished he could walk around her without touching her but there was no way to avoid grazing her skin as he passed. He heard the door close behind him as he took the seat across from the doctor.

As she raised her head and smiled he almost gasped. It wasn’t the fact that she was around his age or that she was rather pretty that caught his attention. It was however that she was one of the ladies he had seen in the café window just minutes earlier. He supposed that was why he had had to wait. He studied her heart shaped face and her hazel eyes and he thought for a moment that she might be Hannah but that was ridiculous she was Dr. Madeline Jacobs. There was something about her that reminded him of the girl that he couldn’t forget. He could see that she was studying his chart with curiosity and that she too was looking at him as if she knew him.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting Mr. O’Brien.”

‘No problem Ms. Jacobs. So where do we begin?”

Nick might not need therapy but he was intrigued with Madeline Jacobs and he wanted to get to know her. He felt she might bring him closer to Hannah, the similarities had to be more that a coincident.

“Just relax and tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“Fine my name is Nicolas Jordan O’Brien. I am 26 years old and the sole heir to O’Brien Pharmaceuticals’. My great, great grandfather started the company in 1893. I come from a long line of genetic physicists. My family has created life altering medicines and allowed people to live longer and healthier lives. I however have chosen a different route for my genius.”

Maddie watched the guarded look in Nick’s eyes as he referred to his family in a detached almost cold manner. He spoke of them as if he had no connection to them at all, as if he had only read about them in reports and medical journals. She found that odd and a little scary. As she tried to listen to his words all she could see in his blue orbs were cold empty spaces. It was as if he were reading a script that had no meaning or relevance to his life. She flipped through the folder in her hand and tried to trace a root to the underlying problem. A date caught her eye and she stopped listening to Nick all together as she read.

The article she held in her hand only one of dozens published about the renowned Dr. Nathaniel Jordan O’Brien’s death. He along with his pregnant wife, six year old twin daughters Molly Joy and Elizabeth Ann had been killed in a traffic accident on Sunday June 19, 1993. The sole survivor had been his nine year old son Nicolas Jordan O’Brien and the 40 year old drunk driver who had caused the five car collision. Also involved in the catastrophic event had been Davis William Roberts CEO of Roberts Publishing and owner of Hannah’s Corner Shelf the children’s bookstore on Fillmore St, Barry Lynn, and Sydney Grace the 28 year old talk show host of Love and Laughs. Maddie laid the paper down and stared at the man sitting across from her. She had found him after all these years she had found him. Hannah’s Nick was real and he was not a forty year old man. She smiled and tried to compose herself but her heart was beating like a drum and she was sure that Nick could hear it echoing in the small confines of her office, it had never seemed so small before. She had no idea how to proceed from here. She placed the article back in the folder and smiled in Nick’s general direction.

“Mr. O’Brien what do you mean a different direction for your genius?”

Nick could see the wheels turning in the good doctor’s head. He gave her his best smile, “Please just call me Nick.”

“Ok Nick, what direction have you chosen for your genius?”

“I wanted to try to prevent diseases from the point of conception. I discovered a way to alter the fabric of time as we know it. I feel that if we can travel back in time and study how illnesses and diseases began we may be able to find a cure that will stop the spread of aids, diabetes, cancer and such disasters as the Spanish Influence of 1918 and the black plague.”

Maddie heard the explanation and she was overwhelmed by what this could mean. Had he actually traveled back to the day of his families wake? Had he actually met Hannah without knowing that her father had been involved in the accident that had taken his families lives? Was this even possible?

“Ok so let me get this straight you have discovered a way to go back to specific dates in the past and alter medicine so that the diseases that are running rapid and killing hundreds of thousands of people today can be prevented from ever happening?”

“In theory of course, you see I need to go back to the beginning and isolate the cells and genes that were first infected. If I can watch the growth and find
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