» Romance » A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «A Beautiful, Terrible Love, Lucky 97 [classic romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Lucky 97

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"Wait up!" I yelled, running after Dex. We were both at gym, on the track, and Dex was running way too fast for my liking.
He didn't oblige, instead speeding up, spiking my annoyance. Oh, so he wants to play this game?
I reached him in a couple of seconds, having only enough time to whisper, "Bye, loser," before my legs carried me farther. I used to run track from eighth to tenth grade, so I was a seasoned runner.
I looked back to see Dex with his mouth hanging wide open.
"Come on!" I shouted, "Let's race!"
Dex's eyes squinted a little, forehead creased with determination, running to my side where I was patiently waiting.
"I'll have you know that I exercise every day, and these muscles," he flexed his muscles, "are here for a reason."
I scoffed. "Those muscles aren't much to speak of," In truth, they were very MUCH to speak of, but I wasn't about to tell him that.
I suddenly noticed his tanned, muscled legs, a little on the skinny side, but nevertheless strong and handsome. He was wearing a rather tight t-shirt and gym shorts, a combination only he could perfect. Beautiful, I thought. A beautiful guy was standing next to me. A beautiful guy wanted to be my friend.
I felt really lucky all of the sudden.
We lined up next to each other, adrenaline running through us, like liquid fire coursing through my-and surely his too-veins. We could feel each other's energy, power in each of our countenances, ready to fight.
We started to run.
I was clearly in the lead, my legs seemingly speeding a mile a minute, my breath in short gasps, wincing with the effort. However, I saw a flurry of movement, and Dex was then by my side, matching my pace, both of us overexerting ourselves. He passed me, barely, us only a few feet apart.
I had to win!
Our "finish line" was ahead, a white line that loomed ever closer. I took a few extra breaths, then closed the distance between us.
I don't know what it was.
A skid.
A trip.
A collision.
But somehow, my feet suddenly gave way, and I found myself flying through the air, time slowing. I closed my eyes, braced myself for the coming fall.
Instead of a crash, however, I heard a THUMP.
I had fallen on Dex.
I knocked into him, his eyes widening with surprise, his arms immediately reaching for me, protecting me. My force blew him to the ground, our arms interwined, hearts thumping. We rolled into the grass speedily, both of us nearly stunned by our rough contact with the rock hard ground. Finally, we stopped, in the middle of the field, capturing the whole world's attention.
I realized Dex's hands were on my back, grasping at my shirt. His eyes were closed, still shocked.
But he was smiling...?
I realized that I was laying on him, and quickly jumped up, embarrassment showing on my face. Obviously, THAT was what he was smiling about... that creep.
"That was one awesome hug," Dex commented, standing up slowly, no embarrassment in his face, laughter in his voice. There was a small bruise on his leg, but nothing serious, I concluded. "But," he added, "you could've just asked for one instead of jumping on me."
"I didn't jump on you!" I protested feebly, although I knew that this argument I wouldn't win. Maybe I HAD kind of jumped on him. I was so desperate to win...
"I never knew you had such an animal-like side to you, Eve," Dex laughed.
I didn't join in his chortles of amusement.

We walked around the school together, happily surveying the courtyard during free period. I was having so much fun, Dex being amusing and attentive to me. He was so gentlemanly, with the way he paid so much attention to me, holding my arm gently, engrossed in my words. He was so clever, quick witted, and caring. I learned that he gave over five million dollars to charity-on a whim.
"That's amazing!" I was wowed by his escapades, his interesting tales.
"Yep," he put his hands in his pockets, looking to the sky. "But being famous is not so great either."
"How?" I didn't know how he could be troubled by stardom.
"Well, think about this," he lowered his gaze to meet mine. "I can't go in a mall, a grocery store, or even Disney World without being disguised. And even then there is a chance of recognition. How would you feel if you couldn't even step outside the door without reporters swarming over you like mosquitoes?"
"Lonely life," I realized. He nodded.
"It's like you're selling your privacy," I observed.
"A little bit," he looked away. "Although I would buy it back in a second if I could."
"Then why aren't they swarming you now?"
"They are," he shrugged. "You just can't see them. I sued them a couple weeks ago for harassment, so they won't be getting within five feet of me for a while."
I looked in the trees interestedly, looking for a camera, a microphone, or even a person, but I spotted nothing.
"You know," he interrupted my search. "You have it lucky."
"Huh?" that was the last thing I expected to hear.
"You have a beautiful home, a mother and sister that loves you, a pretty face, and an amazing voice," he looked at the ground, a little disconcerted, red gracing his cheeks.
He said I had a pretty face! My heart seemed to pop out of my chest, joy rising within me. It was amazing how words could affect me so much.
I didn't say anything, flustered by his compliments.
"Count your blessings," he sang softly, out of the blue, "name them one by one..."
"That's my favorite hymn!" I lit up.
"Mine too," he smiled. "It always makes me feel good inside."
The sun, emitting golden rays, winked at me from behind a couple white marshmallow fluffs, contrasting with the rich green blades of grass. A single bird, dark and spooky, darted like a bullet through the air, the moon faintly seen in the light blue sky. The trees, swaying in the gentle breeze, stood tall and firm over our slender forms, flowers blooming aplenty in the garden. Then there was Dex, a beautiful sight himself, humming the hymn, looking off into the distance. His red hair ruffled in the wind, clear complexion without a pimple to be found. His profile was absolutely stunning... how could one guy be so perfect?
"Beautiful," I whispered.
"I agree," Dex's voice dwindled on the wind, flowing to my ears, "you certainly are."
"What?" I asked, confused, "I was talking about the sky and trees." And you, I mentally added.
"Okay," he shrugged. "Well, I was talking about you."
"That's not true," I whispered into the cold air, hoping that my words wouldn't reach his ears. That he wouldn't discover this dreadful insecurity half forced upon me by Akemi and Ayako, half inflicted on me by myself.
Dex walked for a few paces, turning away from me.
"Dex?" I asked anxiously. The whole mood had changed suddenly. I pulled on his arm, and he turned to me, pain and anguish showing on his face.
He grabbed my shoulders, shock flooding through me, "Never say ANYTHING like that again. It distresses me." He pulled his arms away quickly.
"Whoever told you that is a liar," he snapped. Anger was showing on his face. "And if you are the one that told yourself that, than you are lying to yourself."
He walked out of the courtyard, leaving me staring in shock.

I quickly regained my composure, his words striking me like a switch. I had no idea he would react so strongly to my words, let alone hear them. But I had no time to ponder over his words. In fact, I was sick of mulling over any of Dex's words. That could wait until later.
Right now, I had to find Dex.
I raced into the school, bumping into many students, trying to make my way through the throng of people. Where would Dex go during free period? He didn't know where the study hall was, or the library...
I caught sight of the bathroom and grinned. Of course he would go in there. I'll just wait for him. I walked slowly to the wall, leaning against it slowly. Many people peered at me in amusement, wondering why I would ever wait by the guys’ bathroom.
And then I heard voices.
"Hey Dex," a slightly familiar baritone voice could be heard. "Tell me something."
"What?" Dex's voice chimed.
"What was it like to be so close to Eve?" I recognized the impudent guy as Sydney, a cute but rather perverse jock. "You know, on the track where she practically jumped on you."
"It felt nice," Dex admitted, a little shamefully, "but..."
"Will you make a move on her?" Sydney pressed. I pressed my ear closer to the wall in interest.
"Nah," I could sense the carelessness in his voice.
"Why not? She got the perfect-"
"I'm not interested in making any moves on her."
"Are you a GUY?" incredulity filled Sydney's voice.
"Um, yeah," Dex was clearly bored. "You know what? I gotta go."
"Whatever, dude. I wish I was in your shoes."
Dex really was a gentleman. I felt an extreme happiness fill me.
"Count Your Blessings" echoing in my head. But what... if he really WASN'T interested? In me?
I heard the shuffling of feet, and Dex emerged from the bathroom, I quickly pulling away from the wall.
"Hey," he said sharply.
"I won't say that stuff again," I agreed to his previous request. He nodded slowly.
We walked together, each thinking about the other, wondering how we were going to say what we wanted to so badly. But strangely, I felt content, walking with him, being his alternative to loneliness. Dex also seemed to feel it too, his countenance comfortable with me, a little different from when he was around others. I had my perfect friendship back, almost like when Peter was my best friend.
The only difference was that I wanted something more with Dex, and with Peter I was the one holding back.

Chapter 11
"Come on, Eve! We have to go!" I called, my musical voice awakening many from their dazes. They all raised their slender necks to hear my words, alertness shocking them.
"What?" Eve raised her head from her mangled and mutilated desk in annoyance. "I was having a perfectly good nap." Her eyes, blurry and unfocused, were baby blue as the sky above me, yet dark as the deepest of the ocean's depths. Her hair, mussed and wild, was a multitude of gold, wheat, and hazelnut hairs, a natural color only the professional hairstylists could hope to mimic on their subjects. Her face, heart shaped, was pale and smooth, like a baby's, with no freckles or birthmarks to mar it. All these features all came together to produce a beautiful sight, a mirage of divineness, a spectacular display of what God could create. In other words, Eve.
At least, that's how I felt.
Every time I glanced at her, I was struck by amazement. How could she be possible? She was absolutely perfect, with her perfectly proportioned face and body, a sweet, innocent personality, and a faith that matched mine. She seemed like the perfect girl for me also, fame-wise, because of her stunning voice. Whenever we sang together, it seemed like a serenade, a waltz that only we knew, an incredible amount of chemistry I couldn't create with anyone else.
Did I love her for her face? Her slender, attractive form? Her personality? Her voice?
I had no clue.
But one thing I knew for
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