» Romance » The Bet With The Players, C. Joyce [highly illogical behavior .txt] 📗

Book online «The Bet With The Players, C. Joyce [highly illogical behavior .txt] 📗». Author C. Joyce

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it's almost 11."

"Nah..." I ignored Tyler's suggestion and had a better thing to watch. "How about, porn...?" Everyone in the room threw pillows at me. "WHAT?"

Jackson shook his head at me, "Dude, remember Carter's in the room..."


"Ok," Xerxes spoke above us, "UFC it is then."


Sea's POV.

My eyes were screening the menu, holy cow, the prices! I can't believe this prices! 140 dollars just for one lobster and crab buffet?! Even, 70 dollars for wine or beer. A waiter came to take our orders,"Bonjour, monsieur. What would you like to have for this lovely dinner?"

Dylan's mom softly put the menu back onto the table. In a rich lady like tone she said, "Steamed lobster, hold the butter, caramelized pear salad, and a glass of wine. That will be all for me." The waiter wrote each food down as she was talking.

"I'll have a medium-rare steak, snow crab legs, and plain water." Dylan said as he was still looking at the menu, but looked up at the waiter, "Thank you."

The waiter took a look at me. Jeez, I've never eaten at a place this before. What's the cheapest thing here...? "I'll just have a salad and plain water-"

Dylan scoffed at me and shaking his head. "Please Sea, I know you hate salad. Just order anything you like."

I nodded at him, I really love crab and lobsters. The pictures in the menu looked mouthwatering. "Huh-I'll have snow crab legs, lobster, and a mango smoothie. Thank you." I smiled at the waiter, nicely.

"Will that be all?"

Mrs. Mason said coldly at the waiter, "That's all." The waiter nodded and he left instantly to get our food. He came back a few minutes later with our food. services. "Thank you." He nodded once again and left us alone to eat. "So, Sea..."

I stopped eating my lobster for a minute and drew my attention to Dylan's mom. "How old are you?"

"17." I answered her politely.

"How long had you known Dylan?"

"Well," I started, how long was it? "I knew him at school and got to know him better in Summer."

Mrs. Mason took a drink from her glass and her dark eyes were on me again. "What's your family's surname?"


She had a 'Are you kidding me?' type of look. "So, your name is Sea...Shore?"


"Who on Earth would name their kid that?" That made me so pissed off.

I had to fight my inner rude and bitchy part of me, "My wonderful and loving parents, Mrs. Mason."

"Of course." She rolled her eyes at me in annoyance."What do you think about education?"

"Education is the most valuable thing to ever learn in this entire lifetime. Without education, there will be no way to learn something new. Everyone will be stubborn and filled with ignorance."

As if she took a bit of respect for me, Mrs. Mason said, "You're very right." Then she boomed me with more questions. "What are your grades in school?"

Believe it or not..."All A's, passing with high honors."

"Not bad..." That answer made her stop with the questions. "You may continue eating."

I lightly smiled and nod at Dylan's mom. Well, Mrs. Mason, I proved you wrong.


Dylan's POV.

"Well, I think my mom might like you..." I said as we walked down the park. The dinner with my mom finally ended, she left speechless. Sea annoyed me to take her to the park. I told her it was too late and too dark but well...she's stubborn. Sea was holding on my arm, so she wouldn't get lost. The sky was midnight black only the stars and the moon could only be seen.

"Everyone loves me." She said sarcastically.

"Who said everyone?" I teased her, and she smacked my arm. There was cold blasting wind that caused Sea to shiver. I took off the top of my tuxedo and put it over Sea's arms.

"Huh-?" She had huge confused puppy dog eyes. "No, it's fine, take it back."

I grinned at her, "Use it."

"I knew it!" Shit...that voice.

Sea knew that voice also, "Luke?"

"You ditched our date for that jackass?!"
She looked speechless, as if she couldn't breathe. "You know what! Forget it, Sea!" Luke stormed off to his car and speed off the road.


Sea and Luke...were suppose to go on a date?!

Chapter 25

"Wake up~ Sea Shore!" Someone or some people sung...let's me tell you. They needed more practice at singing. My eyes looked to see Jay, Eric, and Carter at my doors.

Jay muttered a loud,"Whoa." Eric grabbed both of his hands to cover Carter's eyes. Carter's tiny fingers were struggling to take a peek.

"Hey guys, did you wake up-" Jaxon came along also...Great. "Wow..." He was muttering only for the guys to hear. "Great view."

Great wha'?

One more person had to come in to my room also. Guess who it was. Come'on guess!
James. "Ah-Sea..." He paused for a second and pointed down my crest. "look down."

I did as told and looked. Crap. I remember last night I didn't feel like changing into my PJ's. So, I continued to wear the dress to bed. I guess...the top of the dress decided to go down. Very down.

"In a other positive side-" James was talking again to me. "-At least it's a great view." That's when I decided to throw my pillow at the pervy jerks. "Hey! I meant a positive side for us, not you."

"Get out!" I shouted at them and pointed the door for them to leave.

"Jeez..." I could hear Jay whisper something to the guys. "Someone woke up in a grumpy mood."

"Amen." Eric was shutting my door shut but I could hear his last words. "I never knew her boobs were tan also."


I jumped out of bed and, well, wanted to know what the weather is today like. Wrong move, very wrong mood. I had forgotten to pull the top of the dress up. Mr. Peeky-the-view wanted to see the goods, my goods. Mr. Peeky was one of the Populars at my school and Heather's ex. Wait...he's neighbors with Dylan and the others? I gave Mr. Peeky, his real name is Ash, the finger. I couldn't hear him but I saw him wolf whistle at me. Yup, he's on my invisible 'I have to murder' list. I closed the windows and it's blinders. Well, time to change into my lame ol' school uniform.

Other than that, I hate this job. But one thing for sure, I'm going to win this bet.

Once done changing, I went down to the kitchen. All of the players were already seating at the kitchen table. They looked like hungry dogs, waiting for their owners to feed them. "What do you guys want?"

"BACON!" Jeez, calm down, I'm the one that's suppose to react to bacon like that.

"I would be hungry-" Alvin was trying to keep his voice down and low. "-but it seems our slutty maid has already made me fed up."

Everyone's jaw drop, including Valentine's, who was busy helping Nanna. Nanna looked like she was about to wrestle someone. My mouth was wide open, I was about to snap. No, not snap, murder. I was about to murder Alvin right now. That asshole just smirked at me that made my blood boil. Do I have anger issues? No, but I have a asshole limits when it comes to people. I bit down my lip, forcing my bitchy side not to come out. I gave the cup full of milk and simply drunk it on Alvin's hair.

"You son of a bitch!" He shouted.

I retorted to him back, "Ah-sweetie, that would be you." That's when I knew my bitchy side had already came out.

"Sea, dear." My attention drew onto Nanna who was talking. "You have my permission to kick Alvin in the nuts, 4 times." Oh boy...this is going to be fun.

Tyler was looking at Carter with a stern face. "Carter, close your eyes."

"Why?" Carter whined with small puppy dog eyes. "I want to see Sea kicking Alvin in the nuts!"


-At School; English Class-

"Lukey...?" I poked Luke in the arm so he would talk to me. He just ignored me and grumpy took a peek out of the window. "Are you mad at me?"

Luke finally turned around but death glared me. "Oh no, Little Queen. I wouldn't be mad if a girl cancelled our date at the last minute. TO go on a date with another guy, and that guy is a asshole!"

"Mr. Karam." Mrs. Sabers spoke to Luke in a stern but proper voice. "Is there a problem?"

"No, ma'am."

"Good." Mrs. Sabers said but her attention was still on Luke. "You wouldn't want to to wash your mouth with soap, for swearing. Now, do yeah?"

Luke repeated the same, "No, ma'am." Mrs. Sabers nodded slowly and calmly before turning back to the blackboard.

"What do you want me to do? So you can forgive me...?" I pleaded to Luke with a puppy pout. Yeah, I know, this is my only chance. I'm not going to lose another friend of mine.

He lean back on his seat and his eyes not meeting mine. "You want another chance? Fine. Go on a date with me on Christmas Eve."


Luke's POV.

This girl is so naive, but hey, I choose her. Very slowly, Sea's falling for my plan. In just a matter of time, she will be mine. No one and I mean no one is going to be in between of us. Not even Dylan nor any of the other players. Sea's mine and only mine. Little Queen, you were born to be mine and will die as mine also. You'll see soon enough. 

You're mine.


A/N: Hey! Whatz up?! My name's Clujel Joyce (First Name) but my author pen-name

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