» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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guess.” He said, shrugging and scratching the back of his head.
“That’s fucking impossible and you know it.” Brandon growled at him, taking a step forward and clenching his fists.
“What do you know? You’re not even mated.” Thomas snarled, taking a step toward the wolf challenging him.
“I know enough about it to know that you love each other, no matter what, unconditionally. Even if you started out hating each other, you will come to love each other.” Brandon snarled back, struggling to keep his eyes black.
“Why the fuck do you even care!? She’s not your fucking mate!” He growled at his beta, struggling to rein in his wolf.
“I care because she’s your mate dipshit! She’s my Luna, and in the past two weeks she’s become my friend. You’ve broken an already broken mirror, I won’t let you keep doing it until all the pieces fall crumbling to the floor! That girl has been through enough and she doesn’t need you being another burden on her life!” Brandon growled, his eyes going amber and his nail lengthening.
“You best remember who the Alpha is here-“
“Just because you’re a fucking Alpha doesn’t automatically make you a man! You’re not a man, you are a boy that’s trying to be brave! Men don’t hurt women, they help women. But because you and your damn wolf don’t want to be hurt you’re lashing out on your mate! Someone who was designed for you, designed to help you, designed to wipe away your tears!” Brandon growled, his teeth coming out in sharp points, he was so close to shifting.
“I’m an Alpha, I don’t cry!” Thomas yelled, feeling his own wolf come out.
“Every Alpha cries! Your father cries almost every day, mourning for the mate he lost! And that was almost 18 years ago! You are not above feelings, you are allowed to feel something, you can’t just shut yourself down whenever you feel emotional! It doesn’t fucking work that way!” Brandon yelled as he felt his back bend. He let out an angry howl and clenched his fists into balls, stabbing his palm with the sharpened points that had become his nails.
“You’ve pushed her too far, she’s never coming back to you. She doesn’t deserve someone who can’t even love.” Were the last words Brandon said before his body shrunk down to a wolf. His wolf was beautiful, a sandy coat and amber eyes with blue rims just on the edge of his eyes. He gave an angry growl and his ears flattened on his head. He stepped one paw forward and snapped his teeth. ‘Don’t fuck with me’ was what that stance meant but Thomas had a feeling it meant ‘Don’t mess with her, if you’re not serious’ which was a pretty accurate guess. He gave one last growl then ran off in the direction that Molly had ran. He tried to run after him, to kill his beta for even taking one step in that direction, but his wolf fought against him and won. He had no idea what was wrong with his wolf, he just hoped that soon his wolf would snap out of his funk. Then he would be able to be with Molly again.

She was surprised when she felt something run alongside her, sparing a look down she saw a beautiful wolf. His sand cote seemed to shimmer in the twilight glow and his eyes snapped up to hers. Shock made her skid to a stop, leaning against a tree she took a couple of breaths and looked at him.
“Brandon?” She didn’t know how she knew, she just knew it was Brandon. He yipped happily and she smiled.
“What are you doing here? I didn’t harm your Alpha.” She told him and flashed a quick smile. He shook his head and her brow furrowed.
“You’re not here for that? Well then, what exactly are you here for?” She asked, pushing herself off the tree and folding her arms. She shook her head at herself internally, here she was talking to a wolf, in the middle of the woods. Well, technically he wasn’t a wolf. In all technicality the wolf was Brandon, so that kinda justified it. Kinda. The wolf lifted its chin at her and she bit her lip.
“Me? You’re here for me?” He yipped again, his tongue lolling out in a wolfish grin.
“Ohh, I get it. Yeah, no, I’m fine. No need to worry about me, my mind has just been all over the place.” The wolf dipped it’s head in and sneezed. He understood.
“I don’t want you to tell him. If I am his mate, then I’m guessing that I’m an Alpha too?” The wolf dipped its head in again and his wolfy eyes watched her warily now.
“Well then, I guess I have some Alpha power, don’t I?” She asked again, taking a step forward. The wolfs whined and dipped its head again.
“Then, as your Alpha, I command you to never, ever tell Thomas about my pregnancy. If he ever comes to you to talk about me, avoid the conversation completely. Do you understand?” She asked and she felt the power leak from her voice. The wolf dipped his head and she got on her knees.
“I’m sorry, he doesn’t want me. You heard what he said to me, I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.” She was interrupted by his growling and she pat his nose. His eyes dilated and she smiled and kissed his nose lightly before rubbing the wet muzzle. “I’m not leaving Tiburon, I’m staying, I just won’t stay with him. I’m staying with my parents’, if they’ll let me but I’m sure they will. I won’t have my child be around someone that didn’t even want their mother.” She told him softly and he licked my face.
“Yuck, but thanks.” She laughed softly and wiped the spit off her face.
“I would appreciate if you walked me home.” She whispered to him softly, and he yipped happily. She laughed a little more and stood. She walked back to her parents’ house and they were delighted when she came back, but tensed a little when they saw Brandon next to her.
“He walked me home, he’s on my side. Right Brandon? Team Molly all the way?” She teased and he yipped happily. Her mother and father laughed. Molly ruffled Brandon’s’ shiny coat and sighed.
“See you tonight, remember our agreement.” Molly told him and he dipped his head and ran off back to civilization.
“What was that about?” Her mom asked and Molly smiled.
“Nothing, but can we talk about something?”

3 hours later she was in her father’s car being driven to McFurly’s. Her parents’ had cried when she asked them if she could stay, they had cried when she said she was going to keep the baby, they had cried when she said she forgave them. Overall there were a lot of tears shed. They had been opposed to her going to work but she told them that she needed to go.
“I’m not going to let his rejection ruin the life I’ve made for myself here.” She’d said and at that her mother smiled and gave her one of her dresses.
“I’s not like anything you usually wear, but it should fit you.” Her mother told her and gave her a quick kiss before leaving the room. She’d found out that this was supposed to be her room. They were coming back to get her 3 months after she ran away, they had prepared this room for her. It had grey walls and a black ceiling with black carpet. The room had everything a girl could want. Nail polish, laptop, teddy bears. Everything was girly except for the color of the walls and for that she was grateful. She didn’t really like bright colors, she was more of a black, white, and grey type of girl. She’d put on the cress and smiled at how it fit like a second skin. It was a dark blue cocktail dress that came up to just above her thigh, it was a cap sleeve neck line and it had a little trill of silver running along the neck line. Her mother supplied her with plain dark blue flats and a blow driver, she couldn’t be more happy. She blew her hair out and walked downstairs only to be ambushed by Ryan.
“You’re gonna be staying here forever and ever! I get to see you every day!” He yelled and squeezed her, for a small little thing he had a lot of strength.
“I know! I get to bother you just like a big sister should!” She said excitedly and he stopped squeezing her and looked up at her.
“Wait, what do you mean?” He asked, his tiny little eyebrows pulling in.
“You did know that older sisters bother their little brothers right?” She asked incredulously blinking once. His eyes widened and he took a step back.
“No, I didn’t know that.”
“Well, if I were you I’d prepare myself for the worst. Because I wake up really early, and I love giving wet willies.” She said secretly and his eyes widened even more.
“Mooooom!!! She’s craaaazyyy!!!” He yelled running away from her as she laughed.
“It’s not nice to tease him.” Her father said with a small smile on his lips.
“But... It’s my job.” She said with a little pout and he chuckled.
“C’mon before you’re late.” He said and nodded toward the door.
“I’m already about 9 hours late, not like it makes a difference.” She mumbled passing him and she heard him chuckle even more. Which lead to her dad pulling up to the curb.
“Ok, now be safe, I’m coming back at 1 to pick you up.” She rolled her eyes and got out he care safely, trying not to flash anyone.
“Ok daddy, did you pack a lunch for me too?” She asked in a little girl voice and he pulled out a brown paper bag.
“As matter of fact, I did. Your mother wants you to stay fed.” He said with a slight smile and gave her the paper bag. She took it and smiled.
“See ya later dad.” She yelled walking to the bar.
“Be safe!”
“Always am!” She yelled back and opened the door. The bar was almost full to capacity, but she didn’t mind. She walked through the drinking people and to the bar.
“Oh thank the sweet lord you came, I thought you’d left...” Sarah’s sentence trailed off and Molly smiled sweetly. She put her paper bag underneath the bar and shook her head.
“And leave everybody drinking beer? I don’t think so!” She said, faking being appalled and Sarah laughed.
“Bartenders here!” She yelled and everybody cheered and howled. Everyone came at once and Molly happily serve them drinks, glad to have her mind on something else beside Tom, or babies, or wolves. She was going good until she heard the crowd cheer and a delectable scent hit her nose. Something inside of her howled for him, something inside her wanted to sing for him. She swallowed down that feeling and tucked a bit of her curly hair behind her ear.
“You doing Ok?” Brandon asked her and she smiled up at him, he’d stayed here all night with her and for that she was grateful.
“Fine, just feeling a little... Funny.” She said, her breath airy.
“Like puke funny? Or like crazy bitch pregnant lady pregnant?” He asked, his black eyes alive with humor. She laughed at that.
“I will never be crazy bitch lady pregnant, I don’t have it in me.” She said and Brandon snorted before taking a sip of his beer.
“That’s what your mom said, but then as soon as she hit 3 months she was bitchy as hell. Even your dad didn’t want to be around her.” He said and her eyes lit with wonder. She hadn’t been there when her mom was pregnant with Ryan, she’d been running away from Terrance... Not a happy memory.
“You Ok? Your face got this glazed over look for a minute.” Brandon said, putting his beer down and she smiled weakly at him.
“Can I get a whiskey on
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