» Romance » The One That Got Away, Danielle Martin [libby ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The One That Got Away, Danielle Martin [libby ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Danielle Martin

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not she really wanted to spend almost $300 dollars on a black dress. She looked at the sales woman who stood outside the dressing room, tilting her glasses on the edge of her nose to get a better look. The woman tied her bright blonde hair in a ponytail while propping her hands  up on her hips, preparing to give her opinion. Ofcourse she was going to try to sell the dress. That was her job. And ofcourse the girl would suggest every single expensive dress in the store. Makayla shrugged it off, knowing that the time was near and soon she would be coming face to face with Nathan. She wanted to take his breath away the next time she seen him. "I think the dress looks beautiful on you. You have the figure. Go ahead and treat yourself girl!" The woman cheered her on in her country accent.
 Makayla turned around and did another 360.  Back in the days, she would have purchased the dress without thinking twice about it. But now she was in the process of getting her life together, and paying close attention to her spending habits was something she was determined to stay on top of. Making the right decision, she decided against buying the dress and decided she could defenitely find something suitable and sexy to wear in her own closet. She had plenty of designer clothes that she hadnt even worn yet, the last thing she needed was another garmet to keep in the plastic for 6 months. Thanking the sales woman, Makayla scurried  back into the dressing room, being careful removing the dress so she didnt get any deoderant stains on the side. This department store was very picky and would defenitely make you pay for merchandise that was not returned back on the rack the way it was found. Slipping the dress back on the hanger, Makayla exited the dressing room, feeling a sigh of relief that she no longer fell into temptation as much as she used to. Once upon a time, Makayla felt as if she did not know how to tell herself no, and the feeling of self control was a good one. One that she hadnt experienced in a long time, and something as simple as saying no to the dress made her feel like she was taking a step in the right direction in life.
Walking into the main area of the store, she trotted across the room back to the rack where she first picked up the dress. Taking one last look, she admired the texture and decided she would defenitely return as soon as it went on sale. Placing the dress back on the rack, she turneed on her heels preparing to exit the store. Waving goodbye to the store attendants, she approached the exit feeling as if today was going to be a good day. She had been anxious and couldnt wait to see Nathan. They had been texting on and off for about two days now, and she made it up her mind that she was fully prepared to give her all to him. Makayla had been holding back way too long in fear of getting hurt or even worse hurting him, but she was ready to take that chance with him. Stepping out the store into the busy area of the shopping mall, she walked down the isle heading towards the exit for her car. The mall was crowded and full of people, but she still felt as if she were floating on cloud 9 as she floated towards the exit. Nathan was the one doing this to her. He felt like a breath of fresh air, and every second she spent talking to him, the more and more attatched she had became. Makayla had her mind made up. She was ready to let go and move forward with her life. She felt Nathan was the perfect man to start over with.
   Approaching the exit, Makayla was preparing herself to push open the door. As if right on que, she turned her head to the left to make sure she wasnt missing out on any good sales at the fragrance booth which was near the door. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped as her focus immediatly fell upon two figures standing in the middle of the mall near the jewlrey booth next to the fragrances. The man had his hand lightly placed on the center of her back as the woman leaned over the glass case, examining the jewlrey that was displayed behind the counter. Makayla was stuck in time. She felt as if she couldnt move or pick up her feet to walk.
  "Excuse me." A young woman snapped her out of her trance as she walked around Makayla who was blocking the exit.
  "Oh im sorry." Makayla came back to reality while stepping out of the way allowing the young woman to exit. Her eyes were still glued on the couple. Even from a distant, she knew it was Rodney. And from the looks of it, he was with Bailey. Makaylas heart was beating out of her chest. She had only seen the two together on social media, this was her first time seeing them together in person. Her knees weakend as she suddenly began to feel as if she were being tested. Just a few moments ago, Makayla felt she had everything figured out. She couldnt get Nathan off her mind and gradually she was beginning to think about Rodney less and less. His decision to move on left her with no other choice and also forced her to move on with her life as well, but now her fist were clenched tightly by her side as she came to the realization that this was reality and the man she loved had really mocved on. She continued to stare at them, Rodney obviously unaware that she was right across the room watching them. A sense of anger rose inside her body as she began to tap her foot in anxiety. She was all for moving on with a life, but this constant remindee that he already was seeing another woman was too much for her to bare.
  Stomping across the mall, she headed straight towards their direction. Makayla knew deep down inside, confronting them both was a horrible idea, but she couldnt walk away without seeing these two face to face.  She walked right behind them as they continued to talk the salesman, unaware that she was standing directly behind them.
   "I love this one babe," Bailey spoke in a chipper voice as she slipped on a white gold bracelet, extending her arm in front of her so she could get a better view.
  "Well if you like it, its yours." Rodney continued to rub his hand on the nape of her back, watching Bailey like a hulk completley oblivious to his ex girlfiend standing behind him.

Makayla cleared her throat loudly, ready to let her presence be known. She tried not to glare or seem spiteful, but she was highly irate right now and tried her best not to let it show. Rodney turned around first, his eyes widening in shock as soon as he laid eyes on her. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he realized what was going on. Shortly after, Bailey turned around as well. Her eyes immediatly fell upon the glare of Makaylas gaze, her smile quickly turning into a deep frown. Bailey didnt look very happy to see her and Makayla was not too excited about seeing her either. They all stared at each other for a few moments without saying anything. Makayla decided to break the silence, "Well hello Rodney, Its nice to see you." She spoke in a very sarcastic, cold tone as she stared him up and down becoming disgusted. She felt so much rage towards him. He was moving on as if he were never in love with her at one point and she felt deep in her heart he was doing it for all the wrong reasons. He looked surprised by her sudden interruption. "What you guys shopping for??" Makayla leaned over, peeking over his shoulder. "That's a beautiful bracelet Rodney. But you can do better. The white gold bracelet you bought me for my birthday last year was way bigger. Dont chump change her."
Bailey sighed, obviously uncomfortable by Makaylas presence. "This doesnt have anything to do with me." Bailey attempted to walk away, but Rodney quickly grabbed her by the wrist keeping her in place, which angered Makayla even more.
"Whats up Makayla?" Rodney questioned her, "I know you didnt come over here to start no trouble because you're not that type of person. I know you"
She glared, trying to keep her distance because he didnt know her as well as he thought he did. "Rodney please, stop talking to me like im some type of mad woman. I just had to come over here and see for myself if this little fake relationship you have been carrying on is real or not. If you ask me, you look like your trying to be happy. Doesnt look very natural at all."
Bailey stepped forward as if she were coming to his defense but in reality she seemed to be very intimidated . "And what exactly makes you think this is not real???" Bailey questioned her, while cluthing her bag to her chest. Makayla cut her eyes at Bailey, trying to keep her cool. Taking a deep breath, she held it in through her nose and let it out throught her chest, She promised herself she was not going to let this situation turn physical or allow Bailey to get the best of her. She had never faught a women over a man and today was not going to be the day to start. But for some reason, Makayla wanted nothing more then to reach and snatch this bitch out of her draws for coming along and taking Rodneys love away. She had never felt so much anger and hate towards a woman in her life. "Listen, im not speaking to you. I am speaking with Rodney. You only need to speak when spoken to. Do you understand that???" Makayla challenged her while stepping forward. They were not in front of her job any more and she no longer protrayed the lady like demeanor that she once had carried before,

 Rodney shot her a bewildered look as if he didnt know this moment was going to happen sooner or later. He inched forward. "You really dont have to be so aggressive Makayla Theres no need for all that."

Her heart weakened as she stopped before responding. It hurt bad to see the man that she loved standing here in front of her with another woman. She was trying so hard to pick up the peices of her life and move on but she couldnt get away from her past no matter how hard she tried. "Do you really not care about my feelings Rodney?" She asked, trying not to sound weak but she was desperate for answers. "Less than a month your living with this woman! You know how much ive suffered because of what I did to you. But have you ever stopped to think about how I feel about all the shit that you've done to me in return???" She pointed her finger in his direction. Makayla attempted to keep her voice at a normal tone. It was not working well because on lookers stared at them sensing the tension as they walked past. "I was never perfect but fuck that I was damn good to you! Then you go get some wanna be Jennifer Lopez, you think you upgrading now???" Makayla waved her hand dramatically towards Baileys way inches away from her face. She refused to touch her but that didnt mean she wouldnt throw jabs or get close.

Rodney intervened

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