» Romance » Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗

Book online «Undisclosed Desires, Bridget Kathleen [best e reader for epub txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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said, "We'se think dat, Smalls is in more trouble den we thought she was."Spot got a perplex look upon his face. "What you'se mean, jacky-boy?" he shuved the last of his taffy in his mouth, licked his thumb and finger and then stuck his hands in pocket.

"Smalls Uncle came to the manhattan lodging house dis moirnin'." explained Race.

Spot's eyes narrowed and he looked to his feet for a moment and then looked back up at the boys. "What dat bag of wasted bones have ta say?"

Jack leaned back a forth on his heals and toes a few times before finally standing still, "He still thinks that Tom Tom is still alive and that Smalls is with 'em."Spot pulled out one of his hands and rubbed his chin. "Don' know whether to say if that's good or bad. I jus' don' want 'em findin', Smalls." he sighed. "I'se don' care what it takes. I'd build a whole other Brooklyn bridge for her!"

The other newise boys were taken aback by Spot's sudden claim of affection for Sophia and couldn't help but grin at this. Spot didn't seem to notice though. He was too busy ranting on about how "evil" Sophia's uncle was. Which in most cases, it was true.

Jack then cleared his throat. "Look." he started, "We'se jus' wanted ta tell ya that her uncle came by. He's been hangin' out wit' ."Spot raised a brow. ", eh? Hmm."

"Yeah. We'se also found out that, Smalls uncles' name is, . So watch out." Race finished. Spot nodded at this. Come to think of it; Sophia never did tell Spot what her uncles name was. That girl definetly had her secrets piled to the brim. Spot then rubbed his eyes. "Yeah. Thanks for tellin' me, boys. 'Preciate it." The newsie boys then nodded a good-bye to each other and parted ways.

On Spots way back to the lodging house he stopped in the middle of a pig market and noticed a familiar figure, exaiming some fish. "Sophia?" he said aloud to himself. He continued to walk up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. When she turned around, her big green eyes looked up into his blue, shinny orbs.

"Spot?" she blushed at his sudden apperance. "W-what are you doing here in the market?""I'se was on me way back to the lodging house to check up on ya. What you'se doin' out here? Ya know ya uncle Hart is lookin' for you'se, smalls."

sophia looked a little surprised by his knowledge of her uncle's name. "How do you know my uncles' last name, Spot?"

Spot made that smirk he always did and said, looking right down at her,"Jack-boy and Racetrack ran into him. He ended up showin' up at the Manhattan lodging house. He was lookin' for you'se and Tom Tom."

Sophia looked down at her feet and then turned around at the sound of her brother's name and continued to examine the fish by looking into their eyes to see if they were fresh or not.

"Smalls, don' turn 'round when I'se is talkin' to ya." He placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around, only to face him with a fish right in his face.

"Does this look fresh to you?" she asked him innocently.

Spor grew irritated by her ignoring him. "Sophia!"

"Spot!" she argued back, making a very poutful face.

Spot rolled his eye's. "Yeah. The damn fish looks fine."

Sophia turned back around and handed the sales man twenty cents and placed the fish neatly into her shopping basket. She then turned back around, tugging Spot by his light jacket. He walked beside her in silence for a few moments before asking her about her uncle. "Why didn't you tell me you're uncles' name?"

Sophia sighed. "I don't want you goin off and getting yourself hurt because you want to hurt him."

Spot scoffed. "You'se kidden' me, goil? Dat guy can't touch me!" he said with saticfaction in his voice.

Sophia stopped right then and there. Spot stopped after a few feet in front of her and looked back at her. The look on Sophia's face was somewhat distraught. "You obviously DO NOT know what kind of man he is, Spot. He's dangerous and very powerful with lots of money. Don't get involved with him. As long as he doesn't find me, I should be fin. Ok?"

Spot slowly walked up to her and placed both his hands on her shoulders, leaned in and kissed her on her left cheek. He took the basket of food from her, grabbed her hand and started to lead her back to the lodging house.

Sophia was confused by his actions. "What? Your not going to say anything back?" Spot shook his head. Sophia looked up at him suspiciously. "What do you have planned, mister trouble maker?"

Spot shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing." he told her. The two walked into the lodging house, silently, but what they did not know what that they were both being watched very closely.
Chapter Fourteen: Double trouble.

Jack Kelly stood on the side walk, calling out the news he's papers had to tell. He shouted out, "Dog bitten by man!" which wasn't true. It was: MAn bitten by dog. But Jack was so fast that no one would be able to chase him down after realizing the lie and he would be off and down the street a few blocks.

He thought a lot about Brooklyn and his two close friends that lived there: Spot and Smalls. He wished he could do more than just keep an eye for his newise friends, but Spot was never one to ask for protection or anything else like that. As for smalls, she was quiet and never asked for much and normally did not complain (unless Spot drove her to her last nerve) but that was a whole new story.

Cowboy held his last pape under his arm, still calling out the news of the world when I man walked up to him and placed a nickel in the palm of his left hand. When he looked up to get a good look at the man he was shocked at first. It was Mr. Hart.

"Thank ya sir." He told him.

Mr. Hart simply nodded. "No boy, thank you for caring the news."

Jack swallowed hard. It wasn't like him to find it hard to talk to people, but at this moment he was.

Mr. Hart started to walk away but he stopped and turned back towards Jack. "Jack Kelly, right?"
Jack situated his bandana around his neck and then stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Depends, whose lookin' for 'em?"

Mr. Hart smirked. "I am. And I have proposition."

"Proposition?" jack repeated.

"As you may already know, I am looking for a niece and nephew: Anna Sophia and Tommy. Have you heard word of them?"
Jack, pretending to think for a while, said, "Uh, no sorry. Even if I has, people around dis place change their names pretty quick."

Mr. Hart nodded, understanding. "I see. Well, if you find out anything, let me know." He pulled out a cad from the inside of his fancy black coat pocket and handed it to Jack. "Let's keep in touch."

After Mr. Hart was well out of sight, jack dropped the card to the ground and let it fly away. He had no intention of narking on his friends.

Later that day as Spot returned early from selling his papes he walked into the lodging house, getting the smell of noddle soup wafted into his nostrils. There he saw his newsie's at the table, playing cards others were on the floor, counting their money and some were just hanging out and talking and telling jokes. Spot walked to the kitchen, finding Sophia working hard at the soup, making sure it tasted good and had enough seasoning in it. She brought a wooden spoon up to her mouth and blew on the hot soup before taking a sip.

"How is it?" asked Spot, startling Sophia a little.

Sophia placed the wooden spoon down next on a cloth on the counter. "It's ok. Same as usual. Don't know why I try to make this taste so good." She finished by placing her hands on her hips and sighing. Spot smoothly walked over and placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her neck.

Sophia tried to wiggle him away from behind but could not. "Spot, Stop! I'm trying to cook here!" she felt Spot curve his lips into a smile and then finally let her go.

"Chicken noddle soup again, eh? Mmm. My favorite!" he said jokingly. Before Sophia could hit him with her wooden spoon he was already out the door.

Ever since the night Spot and Sophia slept together, Spot was more jumpy than usual when it came to Sophia being alone with the Brooklyn Newsie boys. In a weird way it was kind of sweet. She enjoyed being cared for like this. She had never felt this kind of love before and she wanted more of it every day. A certain kind of feeling twisted and turned in her stomach though. Was sleeping with him the right thing to do? She didn't know.

When the soup was done, she carried it out to the boys, telling them to get in line. When it came time for her to eat, the feeling her stomach had gotten worse and when she took in that first mouthful of soup it seemed to get rid of the pain for but a moment but it soon came back. When she finished her soup she still wanted more but there was none left. With all those hungry Brooklyn boys it was amazing that that one pan of soup fed everyone one serving of food for every newsie boy there.

When it came for everyone to head off to bed, Sophia picked up the pan of soup and started to carry it back to the kitchen, but wondering hands came to her side and took the pan from her. When her tired eyes looked to see who it was she was surprised.


He only took a few steps away before finally looking back at her and saying, "What?"

"Your helping me out?" she said to him.

Spot shrugged his shoulders. "Well why not. You'se go on upstairs and sleep, babe."

Sophia smiled tiredly as Spot kissed her cheek and walked into the kitchen.

Sophia slugged her way upstairs and into her and Spot's room. Right away she undressed herself and put on one of Spot's shirt as a night gown, even though it could hardly be called one. She slipped it on anyway and got into bed, falling asleep before Spot even made his way up to the room.

Sophia woke early that morning with a terrible pain in her stomach. She looked to

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