» Romance » Vicious In Love, D.D. Dass [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

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hers, relentless until with a gasp, she opened for him. “Yes,” she whispered against his mouth, fingers curled in his hair. “Be angry, hate me. Just don’t leave…me.”

 He jerked a fraction away from her, bared his fangs and let out a hiss, eyes gleaming dangerously. Possession –the emotion surged through the male, affecting her completely. Spellbound, a shudder ran down her spine and her skin began to ache, instinctively aware of where those sharps points belonged.

 At an inhumane velocity, he sat up, yanking her with him so that she was firmly seated in his lap. One of his hands clamped onto the base of her neck, the other pulling her hips tight against him where his erection strained, a thick rope on her belly. Her head fell back and she let out a pitifully needy moan.

 “I love that sound,” he said, nuzzled her neck so that she felt a soft scratch. His fangs, she thought before rubbing herself against his thighs and thrusting her breasts up to his chest. “Make it for me again, Elizabeth.”

 No way!  

She shook her head wildly, but then his mouth, Goddess almighty what he did with his mouth. He sucked harshly, teasing her with his clever tongue and – a helpless whine fell passed her parted lips.

 He chuckled darkly. “You’ll always obey, won’t you?”

 For him, maybe – another deliberate, open-mouthed kiss –most definitely. “Never…’gain…”

 “Mmm. Right.” She had every intention of smart-mouthing him, but then his hands began to travel up her sides, sure fingers so very close to her aching breasts.

 “Touch me.”

 “Needy, are we?” he hummed, mouth attaching hungrily to her jaw. Goddess yes! But instead of touching her neglected breasts, he started southward, over her ribcage.

 “For you, always,” she retorted sweetly, retracting one hand from his hair. She placed it over his larger one, to drag it in the right direction. He allowed it, only drawing apart to watch her, eyes glowing with pure, feral need.

 At the look, fierce mind-blowing sparks ignited over her deprived body, something melted between her legs and her fangs retracted. At last, fingers brushed the sides of her breasts, before two clamped onto the jutting tips and – a phone rang.

 For a hazy millisecond Beth ground herself down on his hard thighs, crazed by the – another, horrible shrill stilled her completely.

 Ian’s entire body shuddered beneath her. “Beth.” It was raw, desperate even.

 She clutched him impossibly closer, mirroring his desperation. “Ignore it,” she pleaded, wriggling in his lap –tempting them both though she already knew it was hopeless, this was Ian, her ever-so-obligated male.

 “Can’t,” he bit out. “Could be critical.” And as a warrior, he could not risk that chance.

 Exhaling unsteadily, she rolled away, onto her side, the heels of her palms over her eyes in attempt to calm herself. After a few seconds, the room became still, even Ian remained still beside her.

 Slightly annoyed, but more curious, she lifted her hands to find him watching her, all coiled muscle and intensity.The delicious heat of him continued to spiral through her.

 The –stupid, evil piece of junk –phone gave another, impatient shriek. Before she could even blink, he was across the room. The distance roiled inside her, the fear creeping closer to the surface.

 He might leave me…

 Beth’s teeth locked at the thought.

 No. He wouldn’t. Not like this.

 “Derik,” he answered. But any diminutive hope of Ian staying vanished at his contained tone.





Ian stalked around the bedroom, prisoner to more than the four-walls as he tried to work off the building edge. The burn had spread over his every muscle, his skin pricked in that stretched-to-fit- way that itched so badly he was tempted to scrub it away with his bare nails and his hand shook uncontrollably as he ran it through his wayward hair.

 He had to get away from the scent of her arousal, such an agonizing little tease. The knowledge that he could take her right now, because she’d let him, festered in each section of his brain, like parasites to a human. And weak as he suddenly was for this little girl, he refused to abandon her to the pain that could ruin her soul, much like it had his own so many bitter ages ago. A soul he was still working to reconstruct.

 Damn it all, she was his to protect, because the terror –caused by yours truly –lingered in the pale of her eyes, because she was curled into a tight ball in the middle of the bed, glaringly small, because, above it all, he was more than just witness to the same horrific depth of the trauma.

 This was entirely his fault. He’d done this to her with his sick, demented past.

 He could not leave her, but he could not remain in the townhouse. To accommodate the lack of defenses, his shift was doubled, which meant in thirty to sunset, he had to hit the streets. Which left only two options, neither particularly –

 “Ian…?” Without his noticing, she’d drifted over to the edge of the bed, dark hair a waterfall below her breasts. Ah hell...

 He rubbed his eyes roughly. “What.”

 “Are you okay…?”

 Fuck if I know. “I’m fine,” he lied absently. 

 “Then why are you stalking around like an angry bull…?” The question was soft, colored with alarm. The question–hell just her tone–seized direct control over his legs –traitors, they forever were –which halted. Then gradually–once again without permission–he turned to face her.

   Ethereal, stunning, awe-worthy –shatteringly terrified. The sight hit him like a wrecking ball, a battering ram to his ribs, which retaliated cruelly, contracting so forcefully around his lungs that he struggled to breathe, a cold sweat breaking over his skin.

 No, not Elizabeth, never mine. Unable to even consider a rational, conscious decision, he blurted, “Get dressed.” Emotion, those he did not believe he had the capacity to even feel, flickered to life in her eyes. She didn’t give him the opportunity to even question it –his mindless decision, if it could even be called that–, stumbling towards the dresser where she retrieved her bag to disappear into the bathroom, door shut firmly behind her.

 Cursing himself, Ian went for his duffels, slinging both over one shoulder and tracing to the room over, where he began to gear up. Minutes later, he was dressed to hunt, weapons heavy beneath the clothing, but even so, emptiness chilled him.

 Frantic to get rid of it, he returned to the –her room on foot, where he found her seated cross-legged on the leather sofa. The initial, most troubling change, her lovely hair was clipped back into some contraption he thought could not possibly be comfortable. Covered in all black, she seemed incredibly frailer which only had him questioning the reliability of such thin material. But Goddess, it couldn’t even protect her against the weather!

 Annoyed at himself, he barked, “Get on a thicker sweater.” And uncharacteristically quiet, she did so.

 Not enough. And he had the damndest hunch no article of clothing ever would be. Still, he was not about to risk her life on a hunch, but unexpectedly the steel shutters over the windows began to rise. Time was up.

 “Come ‘ere.”

 Slowly, she shuffled closer, until they were toe to toe. Nervously, she chewed her bottom lip, wringing her hands together. The differences between this timid female and the one from only hours ago stunned him in a manner only Beth had the potential too.

 How she could be so remarkably capable but achingly vulnerable all the same was beyond him.  

 “Where’re we going?” Her voice, a small whisper, salidated that vulnerability.

 More. The one, simple word erupted in his mind, slamming into his skull. And suddenly, he was starving for the proximity, starving for her all over.

 Crazed by it, he closed the small space between them, shivered as the empty cold began to thaw. He tilted her face in two fingers, probing her eyes, reassured by the sparks of warm –who’d of thought?– tenacity beyond all the other emotions swimming there.

 She has blue eyes, he thought idiotically. Bluer than the ocean, bluer like the sky, bluer than – So damned blue.

 “You will be safe with me,” he vowed, determined to think past the very clear color of her eyes. Unconsciously, his fingers trailed her cheekbone, where they traced her swollen lips instead.  

 “I know…” And those same blue eyes glowed with passion so vivid he almost wanted to drown in the deep pools. Shocking him, she flung her slim arms around his shoulders, hiding her face in his chest, breathing in short pants. Already accustomed to the soft, complaint feel of her body against his, his arms came around her with affection that dazed him further.

 It was…right. Utterly and irrevocably. The borne Vampire in him knew this, declined to let him believe otherwise.

 He grasped it abruptly. The female, the link to her borne Vampire, was reacting to him on profound levels. An embedded fragment, one he had no reason to believe existed, shattered, imploding deep within his very core. His muscles shook with it, his insides flamed. 

 A distinct scent came off his skin. As a ramai raised male, he was aware of its meaning.

 “Ian?” Alarmed, she tried to pull back, but he shook his head, unable to let her go yet.

 “Don’t,” he croaked, strained. “Don’t.” And she didn’t.

 What. Have. I. Done? 


Text: All rights are reserved to the author: Danielle Dass.
Images: All rights reserved to the maker: Danielle Dass
Publication Date: 08-27-2012

All Rights Reserved

In dedication to all you paranormal fans! "Hello walls, Hello pillow, no one answers when I scream."

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