» Romance » My Angel, Emily [i can read books .txt] 📗

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from her.

'' why. did. you. fallow me?" I asked again. I turned to her, and she was leaning against her old bed, grinning.

" because i wanted to. why would you care? my stuck up husbands around, I wont try anything." she said wit ha strange look in her eye. I had a sudden thought that struck me so hard I didn't know where it came from.

what would she do if he wasn't here?

'' I wouldn't do much, trust me.'' she said smugly. I smiled dispite my suprise.

'' still got that mind reading thing going for you?'' she shrugged, pushing off the bed and coming towards me. I couldn't help it, i started hypervenlating. she smirked at me as she took tyler away from me.

" i told you I wouldn't try anything." she said softly, then turned and lieterally flew down the stairs, my son in tow. it took me a second to grasp the situation.

" hey!" I called, bounding after her.

Chapter Five

i was bouncing Tyler on my knee when Diablo came flying down the stairs. he lurched to a stop. Max was outside, on the Phone. he opened his mouth, but I cut him off.

" suppers burning." I said mildly. he scowled, but walked swiftly to the kitchen.

" HEy there Tyler." I cooed, and he laughed.

" HEy mommy!" I felt myself freeze for an instant.

" No, bud, Im not mommy. Im a friend of mommys." He frowned, and his face started crumpling.

"HEy, Don't cry, bud. mom will be here soon, Promise." I said softly, rocking him. we sat like that until Rashka and Max came in. he was frowning.

" Who was that?" I asked, shifting the now Sleeping Tyler so that Max could sit next to me with Rashka.

" That was Tim. he wants me to come in tomorrow." I frowned.

" but you Can't! mom and dad are coming tomorrow." he sighed, leaning his head back.

" I know. but he siad I'd loose my Job if I didn't." I groaned, resting my head against his shoulder.

" couldn't you-"

" I've already tried talking him out of it." he snapped. I Felt my eyes widen, suprised. he never talked to me like that. he sighed, pulling me into a one armed hug.

" sorry, Babe. Just... frustrated. anyway, he scheduled me a plane back at midnight tonight. he said to 'have fun' with you until then. wonder what he meant." he said, his tone going husky at the end. I siged slightly.

" I'm coming home with you." he shook his head vigourisly.

" no, you stay here and see your parents. they've wanted to meet Rashka for a while now. just let them meet her, and then come home." I was quiet for a second.

" they wanted to meet you, too." he laughed nervously.

" technically, they wanted to meet diablo." I growled, springing up and away from him. he sighed as I stormed to the kitchen, where Diablo was eaves dropping. he blushed slightly and turned back to the table.

" it's good to know the house is still as sound proof as I left it." I snapped, putting an groggy eyed tyler in his highchair. Max silently did the same, and I went to the stove and got the spaghetti pan. as I passed him, Diablo whispered

" so your husbands not going to be around." I shivered slightly, setting the pan down, ignoring the fact that my mind seemed to echo his words.


ok, I get that max has to go in a few hours. got that real good.

what I don't get is why they decide to dump my kids on me and- whoa, that backfired. dump my kids on me. I should learn to voice my oppinions better- and go off by themselves. the bastards probably going to some chicks apartment back home to get laid anyway.

" Diawblo, wheres moma?" Rashka asked softly from the highchair.
"shes with Ma- er, Daddy, Devil." she giggled.

" Moma cawls me dat too." she sounded so cute. she always messed her words p just right. I grinned at her. Tyler was a sleep again, as usual.

" really? what els does moma do?" she scrunched her eyes up, and for a moment she looked like a really young Heaven.

" moma calls daddy, uh, wired alot." I frowned.

" weired?" she nodded excitedly.

" yeah. an moma likes loud noises. she has dem in da cawr all da time." I frowned deeper.

" music?" Rashka nodded again, then yawned.

" ready to go to sleep, girl?" she nodded, sighing as i picked her up. she was asleep before i got to the top of the stairs.

i was in the living room when i heard the front door open. I stood up, and stretched.

" Rashka is asleep. you can go ahead and check, but...." I trailed off when she came in, a blank exspression on her face. she blinked a few times, then hergaze suddenly focused on me.

" right. no. I trust you. Good night." she went to go around me, but i caught her arm.

" ok. whats wrong." she sighed, meeting my eyes a moment.

" he's not coming back." I felt my eyes widen.

" what?" her eyes sparkled slightly, and then she closed them so I couldn't tel if she was crying or not.

" Max. he didn't get a call from his office. it was Rashkas babysitter. he's not coming back. he left to go with her." her voice broke at the end, and i instinctively pulled her to me and hugged her.

" I'm so sorry, Heaven. So Sorry..." I mummured. but to be honest, I was suprised, not sorry. I figured he would have let it go on awhile. I know when I see a player. i used to be one, before I met Heaven. but he just up and left.

Chapter Six

I woke up to the sound of Rashka laughing in a room on the otherside of the house. I yawned, then streached hugely before settling back into the covers of the soft, dawny bed. then I frowned.

Jeremiahs bed had never been this soft.

I bolted up right the same time that Diablo threw the door open and both of the kids came teetering into the room, light spilling in with them, and I realized I was in my old room. I gave Diablo a questioning look, but about the time he was going to answer, I heard

" is heaven up yet, Diablo?" and froze. it was my mom, and it sounded like she was coming up the stairs. I glanced down at my tanktop and Maxes bokers, then bolted for the bathroom. I slammed the door, blocking out Diablos laughter and my mom walking into the room.

" Heaven, are you up?" she called. I groaned.

" yes, mother, I'm up. I'll be down after I take a shower." I called, turning the water on.

" very good. me and your father wll take the kids out to the park, you come down after with diablo, ok?" I growled lowly, then tried to say brightly

" sure!" but as she left, I heard diablo laugh and knew he didn't buy it. I was pulling off my tanktop when the door flew open. I yelped, spinning around, but he just shook his head, walking past me to the shower and turning it off.

" why are you-" he cut me off by pressing his lips firmly against mine. I protested in the back of my throat, trying to push him away. he pulled back slowly, then started kissing my neck.

" Diablo, back off!" I hissed, pushing on his chest again.

" You dont want me to." he breathed, making me freeze for a long moment, and then I came to the horrifying conclusion that I didn't want him to back off.

" right?" he breathed, kissing my temple. I trembled slightly as his hands settled on my bare sides, and then he lifted me to sit on the sink. I gasped before his lips caught mine again, and I found my arms involuntarily looping around his neck. he Groaned, pulling back to burry his face in my hair.

" you taste so good, Heaven. God..." he brushed his lips over my jawline, making me tremble again.

"Diablo,really, we need to stop..." I knew he wasnt listening to me, because he lifted me again and pulled me into the bedroom again, pressing his lipson mine when I tried to protest.

" heaven, please, dont do this. I've missed you too much." he set me down, hen rested his forehead against mine.

" alright?" he asked after a moment. I thought, then groaned, pulling his mouth down to meet mine.

" Fine." I breathed.

Chapter seven

" so, diablo, wheres Grace?" Heavens mom asked. I pushed tyler on the swing another moment before sighing.

" she left." her mom nodded, like it was a normal accurance.

" she doesnt stay commeted very long." her dad turned to look at the mom funny, but she didnt see it. Heaven was sitting on the swing with rashka, there heads bent together, oblivious to the world. heaven was grinning, a spark in her eye i hadn't seen before. she glanced up at that momnet, and gave me a small smile before devoting her attention to Rashka again.

" and wheres max, heaven?" she sighed, glancing at her mom.

" he had to go to work. they called him last minute and he had to go. he really wanted to meet you though." she lied easily. i was suprised she didnt give it away.

" oh, im sorry, honey. but our grandkids are just darling, arent they, Roger?" she said, picking up tyler. I frowned, but stopped the swing. Heaven stood up wit rashka, and then sighed.

" mom, I have to get home if you want the dinner done in time today. would you mind watching Rashka?" her moms face split into a grin.

" absolutely. if you want to go and help her too, Diablo, we'll take the kids." i hesitated, then nodded when heaven started towards her car without waiting for my response. i jogged after her and climbed into the passenger seat.

" i thought you'd take a hint." she spat. i gave her a confused look.

" what bit you in the ass? what did i do?" she growled, and she shook her head, driving off.

" Heaven, whats wrong? tell me, please." I asked when she continued to glare out the window.

" MAX!!! he's a bigger fucking asshole than you are and he's pissing me off so bad and if he doesnt leave me alone soon im gonna blow his fucking head off and then burn the peices and he's a JACKASS!!!!!!" she finally said, her voice rising. i felt my eyes widen. she turned her head to the sighed, but i realized she was crying. i sighed.

" pull over, Heaven." she nodded, pulling onto the shoulder.

" now, what did he do?" she sighed, pulling her phone out and handing it to me. confused, I unlocked it to find she had 3 new messages. all of

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