» Romance » Arranged, Katy Wong [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Arranged, Katy Wong [best english novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Katy Wong

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know, you were really weak, you could have passed away, but this special doctor decided to help us. He . . . said that he would help us, if only you would marry his son – ”

“NOW, you got to be kidding me!” I said.

“I am sorry honey, but this is the truth.” Mom said quickly.

“How come you didn't tell me about the deal a long time ago?! Why are you telling me now?! Why didn't you explain this when I asked you about the medicine, when I was 8?!” I said, getting up. My anger was boiling in my blood and I feel like screaming any moment.

“I’m sorry, honey. I should have, but I thought that you were too young to understand - ” Mom explained, getting up to settle me down. She put a hand on my shoulder.
I stepped away from her hand, to let her hand fall.


“Honey, I am so sorry, it was my fault. I should have told you, but it was only for your goods. I - ” mom said and stepped closer to me, but I was too angry to listen. I didn't care and it was too much.


I shoved everyone away and ran for the door.

It was too much, I have to get away! my mind screamed to me.

I threw the door open and ran outside. I could feel my eyes burned, not only from the sun's blazing rays. I continued running and running and running, not know where I was going, but I know I have to get away from that house.

She lied to me all along! She kept it all a secret. She did everything for me . . . every bad thing for me! She doesn't care about my feeling! She never cares! I thought and my tears fell one by one.

I blinked through tears and looked around - the park.

I heard running footsteps behind me. I turned around and regretted.

I wished I continued running, but I see him instead - Jason.

Stupid Jason! I wanted to shout at him.

He ran up to me and I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Where are you going?" he panted out.

I walked away, going to the swing and sit down.

He caught up to me and said again, "Where are you going to go?"

"Why do you care, asshole?" I said to him.

He froze, but snapped back to reality.

"Because I . . . we are going to get married soon." he smirked and gently brushed his index finger under my chin.
I slapped his finger away.

"Please don't touch me, asshole." I said and sent him dagger looks, but only his smirk got bigger.

I am going to hate him so much! I thought.

"Move, I am going to swing." I commended.

"I don't obey commends." he said, trying to be a wise guy.

"Than, learn how to!" I said and started swinging. I kicked him several time and he moved every time. He eventually gave up and sat on the swing next to me.

It was silence for a moment and I feel peace.

Finally, I am away from the problem I thought and inhaled a deep breath.

When I was starting to feel really bored, I got up and walked home. I want to walk home, so I looked behind my shoulders and saw that he was following me.

I looked ahead and stopped. He walked up besides me.

"May I help you?" I asked him.

"I don't need any help." he said.

"Maybe you stop following me than, stalker!" I said to him.

"I have to make sure you are ok," he said.

"At least don't follow right behind my tail. And I want to walk home ALONE!" I shouted at him, "Do you need the definition of alone? Or do you want me to spell the word alone for you. And you could at least walk on that street and still watch me."

I didn't wait for him to answer and I continue to walk. I walked along the tree. I extend my hand to touch the bark of the tree. I walked all of the way home. I walked up to the house, but I stayed on the outside. I could hear their conversation.

"Yeah - " I heard my father said.

"It would be better off if they lived together, don't you agree?" a woman's voice said. I figure it was Jason's mom.

"Yeah, whatever's the better for them." my mom agreed sadly.

"We have to focus them to get as close to each other as possible - "

I couldn't take it anymore, so I threw the door open and their conversation stopped. They stared at me.

"I sorry honey, now -" mom said.

"I know, I hear you guys. You want me to go. I am going to go now. You want to focus me to do something that I never wanted. I understand mom and dad." I said bitterly, looking at Jason, behind me.

"Sweetheart, I -" mom started.

"I don't want to hear it! Mom, you know I wanted to be a single for the rest of my life. I told you that . . . that I don't want to marry anyone when I grow older. I have told you, why are you forcing me now?" I asked her.

She responded, but I didn't have the heart to listen. I stomped up the stairs and into the room. I locked the door and cried in silence by the door.

Someone knocked at the door and I screamed, "Go away! I don't want to see you!" and throw my brush at the door. I don't care if it was my mom or dad, or is it the guest. I certainly don't care if it was Jason the bastard.

I sat by the door for maybe an hour, or maybe it felt like an hour.

I grabbed my suitcase, I knew that they were still down there, I could hear they voice. I knew if I go down there again, we would have an argument again.

There was no point, talking to them I thought. They have planned everything out already and I bet there would not change their mind no matter what happens

I opened the suitcase and throw everything in; I didn't care how messy it was.

When everything was packed, I make sure the door was locked. I threw myself on the bed and fall sleep.

Separations and TOTALLY Confused



The next time I woke up, I was on an airplane.

I looked around.

Why am I on the plane? I asked.

I looked next to me and saw Jason, I sighed. I looked on my other side and nobody was there. Just me and Jason.

"Good, you are wake." Jason said suddenly, causing me to jump.

I turned to him.

"Why am I on the plane?" I asked.

"Because you are moving to my house." he explained.

"Wasn't I in my room?" I asked him.

"Your mother has the key so she unlocked the door and I carried you to the plane." he said that last part louder and smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't need you to carry me, you know," I said.

"Yes, I do need to carry you." he said and brushed his index finger under my chin.

I slapped it away and murmured, "Whatever. You are so annoying." I got up and sat on the seat next to me, away from Jason.

I ordered water and drank it down with one gulp. I was thirsty.

I looked at my side and Jason was on the seat next to me.

"Why do you always follow, stalker?" I asked him, narrowly my eyes.

He turned towards me and smirked. He slowly leaned in, enough for me to smell him. He smelled like cologne and shampoo mixed together and said "Because I like you."

His hot breath brushed against my ear was he spoke. I shivered a little.

He leaned back and I stared at him blankly. I blinked several time to snap back to reality. His smirked grew bigger when he notices. I scowled at him.

Yep, he is TOTALLY the type of guy who thinks he can take anybody's heart. . . But not mine I thought.


When the ride end, we got off and headed for the exist, along with Mr. and Mrs. Cohen. A guard led us to a limo.

And I notice that we were the only ones on the plane and walking out in the airport lane. I raised my eyebrow.

"Are we famous? Or are we royalty? Or are we rich or your family is just like that?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "We are all of them."

"All?" I asked and rolled my eyes.

He wish! I thought.

We got into the limo and the driver started driving right away.

In the car, Mrs. and Mr. Cohen talked about the wedding all of the way. I didn't listen most of the time. All I know is that the wedding is an early autumn wedding and it will be hold 2 week after the full moon.

It was a full 6 hour car ride before we arrived to the "house".

The maids quickly came out and grab the luggage, ok, let's say about 9 maids.
Ok, they might be rich, but they are not royalty I thought.

I got out of the car and looked at the house more carefully.

It was a strange area where the mansion is located.

The mansion was big and beautiful, but the strange thing about the mansion was that it is next to the forest. The mansion was totally different from the forest setting. I stared at the mansion and the forest for a moment.

I wonder why they choose this location? I thought.

Mrs. Cohen put on her brilliant smile and clapped her hands, "VANESSA, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!! Now you are consider one of the Cohen's!"

I gave her a weak smile and thanked her.

"Ok, now hurry along." Mrs. Cohen said and everyone got out.

We went inside the house and I think I heard myself gasped a little.

Jason smirked.

I didn't know why he smirked, it's not like he built the mansion himself.

"Jason, please show Vanessa your room." Mrs. Cohen said and Jason took my hand and pulled me.

When our hands met for the first time, I slapped it away, sending him death glare. His hand was warm, soft and welcoming, but every part of him was forbidden to me.

"Like I said, please don't touch me." I told him.

He led me to his room and I looked around. I notice that my suitcase was on the floor already.

This room is about 10 time the size of my room!! Man, how rich can they be? I thought.

He closed the door and leaned towards me and whispered, "We are sharing this room."

"STOP INVADING MY PERSONAL SPACE, ASSHOLE!!!" I shouted and shoved him away from me. I shoved him weaker than I thought, because he only took one step back.

He laughed and brushed his index finger under my chin. Again I slapped it away.

Jeez, what part of 'don't touch me' do you not understand?

I want to shout at his face.

"Geez, can't even touch you a little?" He said.

"Yeah you can't." I said, "And stay away from me."

He chuckled.


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